What's with Hopson's lack of play time in the second half?

May 21, 2008
In the 3 games so far, Hopson has played almost the entire 1st half and almost none of the second half despite playing well in the 1st. Anyone have any clue about why this is?
In the 3 games so far, Hopson has played almost the entire 1st half and almost none of the second half despite playing well in the 1st. Anyone have any clue about why this is?
Hopson can't guard the ground he stands on. That explains it.
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Pearl said in his post game show hes gotta do a better job of callin plays for scotty, but hat is right. Kid can't guard very well right now
As Hat said, his defense is suspect.

But most of all, get over it. Hopson is going to have a lot of games in which he may disappear from the rotation. He's a talent, no doubt, but he won't garner any more minutes until he can show an agressiveness and willingness to play defense as hard as he plays offense.
Hopson can't guard the ground he stands on. That explains it.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

Hat - do you mind posting a thread with your observations from last night's game for those of us who weren't able to watch it and who'd rather not rely on the musings of Mike Griffith?

Hat - do you mind posting a thread with your observations from last night's game for those of us who weren't able to watch it and who'd rather not rely on the musings of Mike Griffith?


I will say, however, that I do enjoy hearing what Mike Strange has to say about UT hoops.
lots of potential but neither him nor wool can play much d right now...
this team is going to be good if it can gel at all.
wow they have potential.
I'm going to say defense.

It's all about DEFENSE!!!! He hasn't had to play any yet, nor chose to. BP will bring him along as need be. If anyone's wondering, Tatum is the man who willl be the 3rd guy along with Tyler and Wheezie! not Hopson. Hops is bringin' the freshman name, but Tatum is actually the one who will make the biggest difference in our lineup this year! I felt the same last year before he got injured and redshirted. What out for Cam!!!!!
Hopson just needs time. Hopson does struggle on d, so does wooldridge, but their frosh. and in hs u just rely on your athleticism to play d, which is good enough. U can't do that at the d-1 level, so they need to be taught. He will get better.
Hopson just needs time. Hopson does struggle on d, so does wooldridge, but their frosh. and in hs u just rely on your athleticism to play d, which is good enough. U can't do that at the d-1 level, so they need to be taught. He will get better.

Woolridge isn't really that bad on defense from what i remember. I saw Hopson get crossed over by a player that is far,far, far less talented than him.
his PT and his productivity will increase starting the next game. Theres a good article on govlsxtra today were pearl is talking about calling more plays forhim. He credits Hopson dissapearing in the second half due to his play calling, and saying that he should havecalled more plays for him. He talks about how unselfish Hopson is, buthow explosive and what a weapon he is and the they need to start utilizing and going to him more. So i think we will defenitely see more from Hopson in the next game against Sienna and look for his contributions to grow.
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Woolridge isn't really that bad on defense from what i remember. I saw Hopson get crossed over by a player that is far,far, far less talented than him.

I saw Wooldrige get burn a couple times against Chatt. Like I said though, they're both so talented on offense, that they'll see the floor. They just have to "WORK" on D and Bruce will make them work on D
Woolridge isn't really that bad on defense from what i remember. I saw Hopson get crossed over by a player that is far,far, far less talented than him.

That guy was more athletic than Chris Lofton and ive seen Lofton cross some pretty talented players such as the leading scorer for the Oklahoma City Thunder, the starting point guard for the Chicago Bulls, and the starting SF for the Minnesota Timberwolves to name a few...

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