What's in the Senate health care bill?

all the other countries with single payer systems are managing, are they not?

As for obesity--that's a problem mostly caused by the private sector making and selling really bad processed food. Everybody LOVED to drink Coke and Pepsi--and now we've had a two-generation or longer epidemic of diabetes. Check the sugar content in the food you buy--it is in practically everything, and often in LARGE quantities. I love my freedom to become obese and then a drain on our health-care system! Conservatives have fought against healthy lunches for kids in school--and against moves to ban soft drinking vending machines from schools. The South is especially bad when it comes to obesity. I fully expect Trump, at some point, to come out and say how much he loves the sugar in his food. That would be completely in line with every other move he has made.

I second TC. Let's hear you list all the thriving single payer countries and compare to their economic viability.
all the other countries with single payer systems are managing, are they not?

As for obesity--that's a problem mostly caused by the private sector making and selling really bad processed food. Everybody LOVED to drink Coke and Pepsi--and now we've had a two-generation or longer epidemic of diabetes. Check the sugar content in the food you buy--it is in practically everything, and often in LARGE quantities. I love my freedom to become obese and then a drain on our health-care system! Conservatives have fought against healthy lunches for kids in school--and against moves to ban soft drinking vending machines from schools. The South is especially bad when it comes to obesity. I fully expect Trump, at some point, to come out and say how much he loves the sugar in his food. That would be completely in line with every other move he has made.

They also have death panels and horridly long wait times to weed people out. We also pay for their defense, so once again, who dies first? The elderly, the disabled, or the obese? The medical costs for those three groups alone would make the country bankrupt.
They also have death panels and horridly long wait times to weed people out. We also pay for their defense, so once again, who dies first? The elderly, the disabled, or the obese? The medical costs for those three groups alone would make the country bankrupt.

Nothing wrong with death panels.
I second TC. Let's hear you list all the thriving single payer countries and compare to their economic viability.

While he's doing that, he should also include how much each country pays for its own defense vs what others pay to keep them safe.
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all the other countries with single payer systems are managing, are they not?

As for obesity--that's a problem mostly caused by the private sector making and selling really bad processed food. Everybody LOVED to drink Coke and Pepsi--and now we've had a two-generation or longer epidemic of diabetes. Check the sugar content in the food you buy--it is in practically everything, and often in LARGE quantities. I love my freedom to become obese and then a drain on our health-care system! Conservatives have fought against healthy lunches for kids in school--and against moves to ban soft drinking vending machines from schools. The South is especially bad when it comes to obesity. I fully expect Trump, at some point, to come out and say how much he loves the sugar in his food. That would be completely in line with every other move he has made.

Just a couple of thoughts. Look at pre 1970 pictures of crowds vs a crowd today. I'll guarantee you that you could fit a lot more pre 1970 bodies inside a defined area than you can current bodies. Sure a lot of things changed, but we went from real sugar to corn syrup for sweetening. Both political parties and lobbyists have had a lot to do with stuffing our bodies full of fructose, leftover growth hormones, etc.

We also eat a lot more processed foods because women libbers wanted to free women - from the home to the workplace. So somebody else prepares indigestible meals and cares for kids - neither of which seems to have been a good or healthy trade-off. That's progressivism in a nutshell - bad plans with bad outcomes because there was no adult supervision in the planning department - no forethought - just touchy-feely scatterbrained ideas.
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Just a couple of thoughts. Look at pre 1970 pictures of crowds vs a crowd today. I'll guarantee you that you could fit a lot more pre 1970 bodies inside a defined area than you can current bodies. Sure a lot of things changed, but we went from real sugar to corn syrup for sweetening. Both political parties and lobbyists have had a lot to do with stuffing our bodies full of fructose, leftover growth hormones, etc.

We also eat a lot more processed foods because women libbers wanted to free women - from the home to the workplace. So somebody else prepares indigestible meals and cares for kids - neither of which seems to have been a good or healthy trade-off. That's progressivism in a nutshell - bad plans with bad outcomes because there was no adult supervision in the planning department - no forethought - just touchy-feely scatterbrained ideas.

Women are free to stay at home if they wish. You act as if they are forced outside the home or forced to buy store food over cooking themselves. Life choices and personal responsibility.

You also conveniently forgot to mention that the most obese states happen to be red states. I guess that was due to evil liberal planning, too.
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We also eat a lot more processed foods because women libbers wanted to free women - from the home to the workplace. So somebody else prepares indigestible meals and cares for kids - neither of which seems to have been a good or healthy trade-off. That's progressivism in a nutshell - bad plans with bad outcomes because there was no adult supervision in the planning department - no forethought - just touchy-feely scatterbrained ideas.

Wow, just wow! Women being free is a touch-feely scatter brained idea! Nice dude. That is some serious a$$ backwards thinking. Holy crap.
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Women are free to stay at home if they wish. You act as if they are forced outside the home or forced to buy store food over cooking themselves. Life choices and personal responsibility.

You also conveniently forgot to mention that the most obese states happen to be red states. I guess that was due to evil liberal planning, too.

Not really. The outcome with larger participation in the workforce, initial increase in disposable income, and living habits have made two income families more a requirement than a choice. It's really a matter of getting what you wished for but weren't smart enough to determine if it's what you really wanted.

No, not liberal planning, but libs do find innovative ways to spin just about anything to make an argument.
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Wow, just wow! Women being free is a touch-feely scatter brained idea! Nice dude. That is some serious a$$ backwards thinking. Holy crap.

I guess that's why they call you guys progressives, but I hardly think having to work one place rather than another is freedom.
Not really. The outcome with larger participation in the workforce, initial increase in disposable income, and living habits have made two income families more a requirement than a choice. It's really a matter of getting what you wished for but weren't smart enough to determine if it's what you really wanted.

No, it's a choice. Just depends on what you value. Choices and consequences.

No, not liberal planning, but libs do find innovative ways to spin just about anything to make an argument.

You mean like coming up with liberals forcing women out of the home causing obesity, while ignoring that red states are the most obese? That would be you.
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Working women are responsible for all the bad food Americans eat? Who knew! Women work because they want to and because they have to. Most American workers are paid squat--we are an increasingly poor country; it is very evident. One only has to see how many discount stores there are in America nowadays versus stories selling quality merchandise. American is teeming with stories selling cheap stuff because half the population is working their tails off in crap jobs that pay nothing--and WiLL NEVER PAY ANYTHING for most of the employees, no matter how hard or well they work. Work at Lowe's for a year at $10 an hour or whatever cheap wage it pays, and you'll get a .30 cent pay raise. Don't spend it all in one place! Without two incomes, many families would be starving. Think about how much the cost of living has gone up in America over the last, say, 30 or 40 years. And incomes? Wages have not gone up at all over the period, and salaries very little or not at all. Meanwhile, benefits have disappeared. It's not a pretty picture--income inequality has been growing dramatically in this country---and Republicans are happy to make it worse.

But back to food: the problem is that it is very easy to eat badly because there is so much bad food around. And it tastes good, so you need discipline to avoid it. Fruit, veggies--and fiber!

Priority list

1. Insurance lobby
2. GOP Senators
3. Public

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Working women are responsible for all the bad food Americans eat? Who knew! Women work because they want to and because they have to. Most American workers are paid squat--we are an increasingly poor country; it is very evident. One only has to see how many discount stores there are in America nowadays versus stories selling quality merchandise. American is teeming with stories selling cheap stuff because half the population is working their tails off in crap jobs that pay nothing--and WiLL NEVER PAY ANYTHING for most of the employees, no matter how hard or well they work. Work at Lowe's for a year at $10 an hour or whatever cheap wage it pays, and you'll get a .30 cent pay raise. Don't spend it all in one place! Without two incomes, many families would be starving. Think about how much the cost of living has gone up in America over the last, say, 30 or 40 years. And incomes? Wages have not gone up at all over the period, and salaries very little or not at all. Meanwhile, benefits have disappeared. It's not a pretty picture--income inequality has been growing dramatically in this country---and Republicans are happy to make it worse.

But back to food: the problem is that it is very easy to eat badly because there is so much bad food around. And it tastes good, so you need discipline to avoid it. Fruit, veggies--and fiber!

Liberal policies of regulation and increasing minimum wage make it worse. So, do we institute a massive waist size law, or do we keep making stupid diatribes that have almost no point? I solved the wage stagnation issue a long time ago.

1) Start promoting the trades
2) Talk about your wage/salary
3) Make companies compete for you
4) Use education to get the logjam out of retail and such.
5) Make community colleges more oriented towards trades and transfers.
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Working women are responsible for all the bad food Americans eat? Who knew! Women work because they want to and because they have to.

They don't have to work (excluding single mothers, which is an issue unto itself), they choose to work. There are advantages and disadvantages to both avenues.

Most American workers are paid squat--we are an increasingly poor country; it is very evident.

America is exceedingly wealthy. Our poor are rich compared to the world. Perspective.

One only has to see how many discount stores there are in America nowadays versus stories selling quality merchandise. American is teeming with stories selling cheap stuff because half the population is working their tails off in crap jobs that pay nothing--and WiLL NEVER PAY ANYTHING for most of the employees, no matter how hard or well they work. Work at Lowe's for a year at $10 an hour or whatever cheap wage it pays, and you'll get a .30 cent pay raise. Don't spend it all in one place! Without two incomes, many families would be starving. Think about how much the cost of living has gone up in America over the last, say, 30 or 40 years. And incomes? Wages have not gone up at all over the period, and salaries very little or not at all. Meanwhile, benefits have disappeared. It's not a pretty picture--income inequality has been growing dramatically in this country---and Republicans are happy to make it worse.

Dumba** comsumerism is a separate matter. People end up working jobs and hours they don't like, for **** they don't need. That's a personal choice though.

As for kids, if you can't afford them, don't have them. Choices and consequences.

But back to food: the problem is that it is very easy to eat badly because there is so much bad food around. And it tastes good, so you need discipline to avoid it. Fruit, veggies--and fiber!

Discipline is what matters. You have it or you don't. The market will respond to demand. The demand simply isn't there.
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While he's doing that, he should also include how much each country pays for its own defense vs what others pay to keep them safe.

an economic analysis of every country that has a single payer system? Yes, let me get right on that. The point is that they have a single payer system, and they've all had one for many years--decades. If the system was judged to be detrimental to a county, I assume that country would change systems. I don't know of any countries that have done that--maybe there are, but I doubt it. Basically, every other nation believe in having a social compact with its citizens with it comes to health care. America has a social compact with its citizenry in some areas--Medicare (elderly), Medicaid (poor, disabled), food stamps--but it doesn't extend fully to health care, and we have one major party, Republicans, that quite obviously does not believe in the social compact--at all. Hence the dishonest effort to repeal the ACA. Any party or anybody that tries to fashion a major piece of legislation and then ram its passage through with almost no time for review or comment or change is dishonest and disgraceful to its core. Mitch McConnell, Mr. Jowly Face, ought to be ashamed of himself--but like most Republicans, he doesn't give a damn because he's got a great government policy for himself and his family.

Priority list

1. Insurance lobby
2. GOP Senators
3. Public


Since the majority of the ACA was written by the insurance lobby there wasn't a need to brief them.
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Set to be released here shortly. Initial reports are that it cuts hundreds of millions in benefits to the sick and the poor, and reduces taxes on the wealthiest. In particular, cuts benefits to the elderly in nursing homes.

Wonder how that will go over with the Trump working class base.
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Basically OCare lite with a huge tax cut for the rich.

Preexisting covered?

McCaskill was on this morning, says she is going to propose that a super low cost catastrophic-only plan be added to ACA, and if no exchanges available in an area, then those people can sign up for the same plan Congress gets. Says, let's see people vote against that.
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Set to be released here shortly. Initial reports are that it cuts hundreds of millions in benefits to the sick and the poor, and reduces taxes on the wealthiest. In particular, cuts benefits to the elderly in nursing homes.

Wonder how that will go over with the Trump working class base.

Don't forget the debtors prison and internment camps for illegals, as usual you don't know jack.
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Set to be released here shortly. Initial reports are that it cuts hundreds of millions in benefits to the sick and the poor, and reduces taxes on the wealthiest. In particular, cuts benefits to the elderly in nursing homes.

Wonder how that will go over with the Trump working class base.

Where are you getting the "initial reports"? Because It sounds a lot like socialist talking points.

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