What Other Message Boards Are Saying: Georgia Tech Edition

Thanks chatt. I like this one...

Originally Posted by :
Watching the UNC game is worthless. UT doesn't have a fraction of the offensive fire power of UNC. I hate UNC for a lot of reasons but they are a very good offense and offensively have owned us for the past few years

I think UT would beat UNC by 17+. Also, lets not forget where our new secondary coach come from that was in all those defensive and game planning meetings.
Regarding the early part of your post cataloging the "Attention Dipish Vol fans" thread ....what did we ever do to GaTech? We're not rivals, when's the last time we played them? 1980-what? Jeez.

And the crap about Butch running a dirty program and covering up a rape investigation....wtf? These people are clueless.

They're scared, because they know if we beat them they'll have to hear it from UGA fans how they and their conference are inferior to the SEC.
Regarding the early part of your post cataloging the "Attention Dipish Vol fans" thread ....what did we ever do to GaTech? We're not rivals, when's the last time we played them? 1980-what? Jeez.

And the crap about Butch running a dirty program and covering up a rape investigation....wtf? These people are clueless.

You seem surprised and like you just figured it out.

That's on you.
I think most fan basses are clueless about other fan bases. I've seen things on here that are way off about GT. As for some of the off field stuff, that's from a site I don't visit and most GT fans on gtswarm can't stand that site.
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Being in the engineering world, I am in the unfortunate situation of working with several Ga.Tech engineers. First of all most of them are arrogant as hell. Secondly most of them suck at engineering because they think God ordained them as managers, even when they aren't, meaning they suck at engineering and can't make management.
So here is to hoping my beloved Vols kick the ever loving sh!t out of the Georgia Institute of Technology next week and go shove your mouth up your a$$!
I sympathize. At least you don't work with Vandy grads....talk about some clueless, yet arrogant, engineers.
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They seem to think they are still playing in the 2016 season.
Or 27 years ago when they split the national title with Colorado. Basically a NC by default for not losing a game but actually they didn't win all their games because they tied basketball power UNC. The ACC before FSU, Miami, VT and Clemson was ok. Their so called final game was in Citrus Bowl beating #19 9-3 Nebraska... awesome lol.
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Georgia Tech simply doesn't realize we are keeping all options open and on the table. "Fire and fury the likes of which the world has never seen." And what not.
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It's gotta be tough on that fan base; they're stuck with a 1982-style glorified High School offense, yet they stand there wanting to be taken seriously. They throw four passes a game, and that's usually a one-man route by some stumpy Fullback that they hoped the defense wouldn't notice creeping into the game. The quarterback is a 5'10" running back who gets to play quarterback because he's the slowest running back. Their o-line is full of frat boy engineers who are big enough to bully the twerps in Biophysics lab, but not big enough to block opposing D-linemen without diving at their knees. They play in the city of Atlanta where they are #49 on the list of "things to do in Atlanta on a Fall Saturday night," coming in right behind riding the downtown Ferris Wheel and grabbing some greasy, day old chili dogs from the Varsity.
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It's gotta be tough on that fan base; they're stuck with a 1982-style glorified High School offense, yet they stand there wanting to be taken seriously. They throw four passes a game, and that's usually a one-man route by some stumpy Fullback that they hoped the defense wouldn't notice creeping into the game. The quarterback is a 5'10" running back who gets to play quarterback because he's the slowest running back. Their o-line is full of frat boy engineers who are big enough to bully the twerps in Biophysics lab, but not big enough to block opposing D-linemen without diving at their knees. They play in the city of Atlanta where they are #49 on the list of "things to do in Atlanta on a Fall Saturday night," coming in right behind riding the downtown Ferris Wheel and grabbing some greasy, day old chili dogs from the Varsity.

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Being in the engineering world, I am in the unfortunate situation of working with several Ga.Tech engineers. First of all most of them are arrogant as hell. Secondly most of them suck at engineering because they think God ordained them as managers, even when they aren't, meaning they suck at engineering and can't make management.
So here is to hoping my beloved Vols kick the ever loving sh!t out of the Georgia Institute of Technology next week and go shove your mouth up your a$$!

Same exact situation for me man. I'm an IE graduate from UTC. The company I work for is full of them!
It's gotta be tough on that fan base; they're stuck with a 1982-style glorified High School offense, yet they stand there wanting to be taken seriously. They throw four passes a game, and that's usually a one-man route by some stumpy Fullback that they hoped the defense wouldn't notice creeping into the game. The quarterback is a 5'10" running back who gets to play quarterback because he's the slowest running back. Their o-line is full of frat boy engineers who are big enough to bully the twerps in Biophysics lab, but not big enough to block opposing D-linemen without diving at their knees. They play in the city of Atlanta where they are #49 on the list of "things to do in Atlanta on a Fall Saturday night," coming in right behind riding the downtown Ferris Wheel and grabbing some greasy, day old chili dogs from the Varsity.
See...... we aren't the only fan base that has no clue what they are talking about 😉
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I sympathize. At least you don't work with Vandy grads....talk about some clueless, yet arrogant, engineers.

Oh, I've had a few of them as well. They've all washed out and I have a great story about how stupid they can make themselves be.
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It's gotta be tough on that fan base; they're stuck with a 1982-style glorified High School offense, yet they stand there wanting to be taken seriously. They throw four passes a game, and that's usually a one-man route by some stumpy Fullback that they hoped the defense wouldn't notice creeping into the game. The quarterback is a 5'10" running back who gets to play quarterback because he's the slowest running back. Their o-line is full of frat boy engineers who are big enough to bully the twerps in Biophysics lab, but not big enough to block opposing D-linemen without diving at their knees. They play in the city of Atlanta where they are #49 on the list of "things to do in Atlanta on a Fall Saturday night," coming in right behind riding the downtown Ferris Wheel and grabbing some greasy, day old chili dogs from the Varsity.

Dam*, this gator has got teeth,
Save some for the rest of us there chomps.lol
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We have a few GT engineers at work. After reading their guessed at baseless dribble I think I'll look one up and kick him in the giblets for spite and good measure.
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See...... we aren't the only fan base that has no clue what they are talking about ��

Just messin' with ya, I actually like and respect GT because of that whole hate the Georgia Bulldogs thing. Wouldn't mind seeing you guys in the SEC although it would be a helluva challenge preparing for that offense each year. Good luck, please beat FSU again.

By the way, I actually live south of Atlanta and that "win for the ages" last year over FSU was the most excited I've been for a non-UF game in a long time. We went crazy! Again, good luck this season.
My brethren!! (and sist....ren).

The offseason was as brutal as ever. I had some serious, good life changing events happen this offseason, and at no point did it ever buffer or curb my cravings for Tennessee football. But the offseason is over now, and the Big Orange is ready to take the field against a mid-tier ACC Team that thinks very highly of themselves.

They have certainly been chatty. Their handling of 3 SEC-E teams last year has them refusing in any way to see this game as a loss, though losing their starting RB changed some tunes about the relative ease of our matchup.

Without further ado.... here's what the Tech faithful are saying about Monday's match in Atlanta:


-To start off.... some trash talk'ish (admittedly funny) responses to the rumored suspensions of our players. For context: the original tweet said "Could possibly be bad news coming from Knoxville"

-They seem to really dislike us. This is from a thread titled "Attention dip**** Tennessee fans":

-On their starting RB being dismissed:

-General discussion on our program as a whole:

-On the game itself:

-In further discussing the suspensions, apparently Butch has a reputation for being dirty and running a dirty program.......

-I came across this comment, responding to comparisons between our game and the 48-20 pounding they received from UNC last year:

-In a thread titled "Who is the dumbest fan base we face this year (besides UGA)?" Tennessee got almost half of the votes.

-They have ZERO respect for Butch Jones. A quick surf across all of their boards will reveal ample amounts of Butch bashing. "Moral victories, 5-star hearts, Life Champs, blah blah etc etc". I suspect the repeating of these terms will be a weekly occurrence this season.

-I couldn't help but laugh. A poster started a thread saying "What RB do you start against UT?".... the first post was just a crying/tears gif.

-General score predictions have them winning an intermediate-scoring affair. GT 31-34 with UT 24-28. I struggled to find any GT fan predicting a GT loss.

-In regards to fan seating, they don't seem to know anything about the rumored "gold out" or "white out" for this game. They are doing a "gold out" the following week for Jacksonville State

-From surfing their boards I discovered vegas has their over/under win total for the season at 6. Naturally, they aren't happy about it

-They frequently refer to themselves as "SEC East Champs" after bringing down 2016 powerhouses Vandy, KY, and UGA


UT is back. VN is able to focus 100% on football. It's about to cool down and leaves are about to start falling again. The best time of the year is here. Let's show up to the GA Tech game and blow some ear drums!!


Hallelujah! Pass the biscuits!!! It is indeed here now!

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