What Other Message Boards Are Saying: 2016 South Carolina Edition

"From South Carolina boards you can really deduce 2 things: They don't like us (you'll see some pretty classless posts below), and they think they can win. Honestly, I was surprised at how much they want "revenge" on us and how much they have a passionate disdain for Tennessee, considering we pretty much only think about them once a year, for one week. "

When the chickens start clucking I just pat them on their little heads and gently scoot them on down the road but I think this Vol squad is going to jackboot their butts into the dirt.
In 5 SEC games they have not scored more than 14 points. Where are they getting that 28-31 points from?

Did you miss the Bama game? :) Seriously if we truly are as healthy as Butch claims we are I think 2 TD's is about their limit.
Thanks for doing this. I look forward to each game week.

They seem to be a very passionate fan base.
Have they ever been good?
Legitimately might be one of the stupidest fan bases around. I've met some real nice USCjr fans, but geez, a lot of them are just plain dumb when it comes to talking football.

Well, they only had "good football" under Sssssspurrier for a very few yearsss. Then the s$s$snake crawled away.

Poor things don't know how.
I work with a Gamecock fan and he thinks UT will come out strong after the bye week and after getting beat badly by Alabama. Thinks we will play a complete game for all 4 quarters. He just wishes it was someone else other than them this weekend. He is scared of what Barnett may do to their QB that they are all excited about. GO VOLS!!!
Regroup time. The season gets back on track this week with a win, Volnation gets back on track this week with weekly threads, and all is right in the world. We are still on the road to the East. From there, who knows.

From South Carolina boards you can really deduce 2 things: They don't like us (you'll see some pretty classless posts below), and they think they can win. Honestly, I was surprised at how much they want "revenge" on us and how much they have a passionate disdain for Tennessee, considering we pretty much only think about them once a year, for one week.

Without further ado, here's what the cock-loving faithful are saying about Saturday's matchup in Williams-Brice:


-To reiterate, they hate us. Not like that "I hate my rivals" type of hate, but more like a "I want their players to get injured" kind of hate.

-For any that haven't kept up with South Carolina football, they are now starting a true Freshman QB, 5* Jake Bentley, and the fan base is extremely excited about him.

-They seem to unanimously think they cover the spread.

-They are EXTREMELY unhappy with Roper and the offensive playcalling. They basically think he is only on staff because he is close with Muschamp.

-They firmly believe they will beat one of UF, UT, or Clemson.

-They're on to our game plan.......

-I'm only posting this one for the butthurt and the great signature line:

-To shift direction, a couple of classy posts on Kamara being ruled out:

-I couldn't help but laugh, I came across a thread simply titled "127", the thread was just a link to the NCAA team rankings for scoring offense, showing they are 127 out of 128.

-Here's the overconfidence:

-This is the official "We Aren't a Good Team" conversation:

-A few fan thoughts on the team:

-This is terrific:

And the responses:

-General score predictions have it as a 28-31 type game. The predictions of who comes out on top vary, roughly 60% or so saying UT, 40% South Carolina.


Butch seems to have South Carolina's number, no reason to stop now. If you're going to the game, get loud and let them know you're there.

Let's get win #1 of 5 this week.


Will be loud and proud! :good!:
I work with a Gamecock fan and he thinks UT will come out strong after the bye week and after getting beat badly by Alabama. Thinks we will play a complete game for all 4 quarters. He just wishes it was someone else other than them this weekend. He is scared of what Barnett may do to their QB that they are all excited about. GO VOLS!!!

Ironic because preseason their fans loved that they were playing us fresh out of the bye week while they had a tune up game the week before. Of course they were also sure that we would have 4 losses at this point.
I have never forgotten the way Muschump acted after beating us in Neyland and the things he said to the tune of he'd never been so happy to see so many unhappy fans in their own backyard... He has very little class, if any at all, and I am still shocked someone gave him another head coaching job.

Menstralchamp is a punk of the highest order. I hope he gets it so bad his head explodes off his neck and Smokey takes a wiz down his neck hole.
Referring to Team 120 as thugs is a bit of nonsense. We have had a couple of bad decisions and late hits, but nothing that would make it a consistent pattern of thug behavior. Sad that people need to say such stupid things.
I is great to see that the game cocks are up for the game and feel that they have a chance to win. We must understand that our defense is in the hurt locker and our offensive line just folded against Alabama we must face that fact that our offense is designed for short gains rarely throwing down field. These faults will lose games for us and must learn to move the ball further down field on each play rather than getting three yards. Keeping the ball away from the other teams offense will five our defense time to grow confident and strong for our next victory against Alabama.
Has the rooster crow over their PA system always been there? I mean cmon man.....your "getting pumped up" call is a damn rooster crowing. Of any fan base in the history of forever.....no school who's beloved mascot is a chicken should even be allowed on the internet. Have some dignity about yourself man! It's a chicken for Pete's sake.

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