What is the future of California?



Well-Known Member
May 8, 2017
Seems like all you hear about coming out of that state is high taxes, crazy cost of living, homelessness, etc.

What are the realistic expectations of a better future for California?
Seems like all you hear about coming out of that state is high taxes, crazy cost of living, homelessness, etc.

What are the realistic expectations of a better future for California?
It will still be the most state by income with the divide between the rich liberals who are big tech and actors and then the illegals and homeless with everyone else continuing to move out. The infrastructure will eventually collapse and the rich will move to north California
Seems like all you hear about coming out of that state is high taxes, crazy cost of living, homelessness, etc.

What are the realistic expectations of a better future for California?

Yeah, especially if you watch Fox News and hang out with red hats who don't like California.

California is an amazing place, which is unfortunately why the overlords can subject residents to high taxes. No matter how many people leave CA, I'm not sure the government can do enough to diminish demand long term. The population has just started to diminish in the last couple of years, and that might be entirely explained by retired boomers leaving the state.
Great state to visit and nice reminder of why I come back to Tennessee. The majority of CA people are great people they are just led by weak leadership in local and state government. A state ran by hypocrites and celebrities of influence. The 1% earners in CA don't identify with those living in tent cities, inner cities but claim to be part of the same movement. Until the voters change the vote in CA it'll be more of the same, which will cause it continue to fall into failure. Instead of taking advantage of the great weather and built in opportunities they decide to tax their people and businesses out of opportunities.

I lived there in 1999 for the summer and went back a few times over the years for visits.
Great state to visit and nice reminder of why I come back to Tennessee. The majority of CA people are great people the are just led by weak leadership in local and state government. A state ran by hypocrites and celebrities of influence. The 1% earners in CA don't identify with those living in tent cities, inner cities but claim to be part of the same movement. Until the voters change the vote in CA it'll be more of the same, which will cause it continue to fall into failure. Instead of taking advantage of the great weather and built in opportunities they decide to tax their people and businesses out of opportunities.

I lived there in 1999 for the summer and went back a few times over the years for visits.

I agree with this also
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Yeah, especially if you watch Fox News and hang out with red hats who don't like California.

California is an amazing place, which is unfortunately why the overlords can subject residents to high taxes. No matter how many people leave CA, I'm not sure the government can do enough to diminish demand long term. The population has just started to diminish in the last couple of years, and that might be entirely explained by retired boomers leaving the state.
It's not just red hats, it's their policies that's the problem. Yes, some places are beautiful there, while other places it's perfectly legal to poop in the streets, but you get threats of arrest for plastic straws. Most major cities threaten anyone trying to stop thieves more than the thieves, and you gotta watch for smash and grabs when you're shopping. They've passed a law banning any gas powered vehicles by 2030, I think, but just the other day were demanding people not to charge their cars because of overloading the electrical system. Let's not forget the politicians who threatened their voters with jail time during the shutdown, who were caught on camera doing exactly what they threatened against. There's tons more, and none of it, not one single bit has anything to do with Republicans. I say that to say this, California being disliked and made fun 9f isn't because of red hats, it's the Democrats running the place.
It's not just red hats, it's their policies that's the problem. Yes, some places are beautiful there, while other places it's perfectly legal to poop in the streets, but you get threats of arrest for plastic straws. Most major cities threaten anyone trying to stop thieves more than the thieves, and you gotta watch for smash and grabs when you're shopping. They've passed a law banning any gas powered vehicles by 2030, I think, but just the other day were demanding people not to charge their cars because of overloading the electrical system. Let's not forget the politicians who threatened their voters with jail time during the shutdown, who were caught on camera doing exactly what they threatened against. There's tons more, and none of it, not one single bit has anything to do with Republicans. I say that to say this, California being disliked and made fun 9f isn't because of red hats, it's the Democrats running the place.

IDK what you mean by this, but what I was saying is taxes, cost of living, and homeless are all that you would be hearing about CA if you watch Fox News and hang with red hats. Example:

Me: I'm going to Huntington Beach for the weekend.

Typical non-red hat response: Jealous! I love Huntington Beach. I wish I could afford to live there. That place is amazing.

Typical red-hat response: watch out for all the homeless people and also smash and grabbers while you're shopping.
don't think Cali is in any danger of mass emigration. California's politicians get a lot of things wrong. California people get a lot of things right (excluding their votes). If they politics, prices, and taxes were different, I would love to move there. My Mom was born in TN but grew up in Cali.
IDK what you mean by this, but what I was saying is taxes, cost of living, and homeless are all that you would be hearing about CA if you watch Fox News and hang with red hats. Example:

Me: I'm going to Huntington Beach for the weekend.

Typical non-red hat response: Jealous! I love Huntington Beach. I wish I could afford to live there. That place is amazing.

Typical red-hat response: watch out for all the homeless people and also smash and grabbers while you're shopping.
It's more than red hats who are tired 9f the homeless camps, smash grabbing, and policies, that's what I'm saying. I have several Mexican friends here, who moved from there, and that's why, they hate it. Several of them aren't red hat wearing people, though some are. I don't understand the logic that you think only Republicans dislike trying to shop, then the store getting trashed while they're there. That's what I'm saying.
It's more than red hats who are tired 9f the homeless camps, smash grabbing, and policies, that's what I'm saying. I have several Mexican friends here, who moved from there, and that's why, they hate it. Several of them aren't red hat wearing people, though some are. I don't understand the logic that you think only Republicans dislike trying to shop, then the store getting trashed while they're there. That's what I'm saying.

Of course, but again, the joke is that red hats are entirely consumed by those negatives and other people don't look at CA as just a homeless tax hell.
don't think Cali is in any danger of mass emigration. California's politicians get a lot of things wrong. California people get a lot of things right (excluding their votes). If they politics, prices, and taxes were different, I would love to move there. My Mom was born in TN but grew up in Cali.

Northern CA is one of the most beautiful places on earth and minus the politics and taxes I could absolutely see myself living there.
I didn't want to put this in the SCOTUS thread because it's really not a federal issue.

I hadn't heard about this CA law until today when my wife sent me this link. To me it's just plain out and out state sanctioned theft that in the long run will drive apartment communities into ruin and out of the state. How can anyone support forcing landlords to refund a months rent to legally evicted tenants and cap rental increases?

Court Upholds Law Requiring Landlords Pay Rent To Evicted Tenants

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