What impressed me about Kansas...



Junior Member
Apr 1, 2006
is that even though they've got some big-time players, can ball in transition, they make good decisions with the basketball. They run their offense, are patient, and don't throw up a lot of wild treys like a certain other team that's a little too careless at times.

This was a great game between two talented teams. I was surprised that Kansas, clearly the better team in the first half, lost it offensively in the second--they struggled to score, partly because of the tiger defense, and it looked like the jayhawks lost their legs. But they found them in the nick, make the big steal and three from the corner, the tigers gag their free throws, chalmers...and a wild victory for kansas. Poor Calipari will be dogged by this one--and yea, he should have fouled kansas before that final trey. He blew that one.

You see the kind of depth you need to play uptempo like kansas--they had collins (big-time ball handler and tough), robinson, chalmers (big-time defender) and rush (big-time winger) on the perimeter, not to mention some size and talent inside. They are good--play outstanding defense. I was amused at how all the pundits picked Memphis when clearly Kansas had the more impressive win in the semifinal games--beating a very good unc team. I thought after the first half tonight th that K would win by 10, but Rose, very tentantive in the first half, got more aggressive and the tigers showed their mettle...great game.
Rose was instructed to foul on Kansas' last posession of regulation but alas, he's a freshman. And Texas and UCLA ain't chopped liver.

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