What happens Sunday morning if...

I'm not usually one to ask for other teams to help us, but....

You want Kentucky to beat Florida. You want MS State to beat Georgia and bama to smash vandy.

I don't see Kentucky winning 5+ sec games. For us to have any shot at atlanta it starts with Georgia and Florida losing tomorrow

As usual, hoping other SEC teams lose so the Vols have a chance to advance......:realmad:
Yep. Sweated out my cold and was feeling good for two days. Got power, cranked the AC and boom! Sick again. Haha, but I'm cool and gots ice!

Oh damn, haha. That sucks. But I like you looking for the bright side! :dance2:
I would be torn because on the one hand I'd get to see the Bama homers at work cry, but on the other the few Vandy homers would be out of control.

I'd rather them both lose somehow.
It'll prove that some are ready to ride Butch's jock to the bitter end, program be damned.

For the record, I totally blame the last lost on the coaches. And there have been more than a couple of bad decisions in other games that cost us no doubt. At the end of the year, he may or may not need to be fired. But I am not basing his firing or staying on what Kentucky does against UF or what Vandy does to bama. We still have to play all 3 of them and they are the ones that matter along with Georgia and South Carolina. Playing the what if game of other opponents is childs play, I am worried about us and our upcoming opponents. Still lots of season left and there is not gong to be a hiring or firing till the end of the season no matter what. So everyone needs to hold on to their OWN DADGUM JOCK and let's pull for the Vols now and deal with the rest if need be later. GO BIG ORANGE!!!!!!
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If we lose to UMASS, Butch should be fired immediately.

Couldn't have said it better or clearer!!! Remember this, if we lose to UMASS, the jones fan-boys will find a way to hype their hero, I believe many of them are members of the flat earth society! Just saying....
Tennessee isnt a very good team and the only thing that will change that is better play.

Alabama losing is glorious, anytime it happens.

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