What happened at the end of the half?



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
Pearl had Maze's arm and was really upset. Then the Zag players walked right through where Tennessee players were gathered. Tempers flaring.

What set that off, anyone see?
jusss stupid stuff

Maze thought he got fouled on that running jumper he had that was well short..
which he prolly was.. the refs were letting alot go
Wayne seemed particularly upset. There was a guy running at him down the court; I wonder if he didn't get a shove or something. Big early-season game, and I love that the emotion was high. Not to over-emphasize the point, but I think this experience will be very valuable for the young guys.
Wayne seemed particularly upset. There was a guy running at him down the court; I wonder if he didn't get a shove or something. Big early-season game, and I love that the emotion was high. Not to over-emphasize the point, but I think this experience will be very valuable for the young guys.

I agree. All this does is it gives us the Red Butt Factor (RBF) for when we face them in January. I CAN'T WAIT. I'll be on the floor, painted up.
The reason Gonzaga walked through our boys was they started going to the wrong locker room, and then they realized it and turned to the other one.....which meant going right through Bruce while he was "on the Loose" towards the ref. Nothing was meant when they walked by us. But that Hytvelt (however you spell it) was a whiney little B.....
Started from Chism yapping at demetri goodson after he stepped out on the baseline.. Goodson wouldn't back down and talked right back at him which made chism mad... thats from goodson
Started from Chism yapping at demetri goodson after he stepped out on the baseline.. Goodson wouldn't back down and talked right back at him which made chism mad... thats from goodson

Wow - I can't believe it! Goodson blamed it all on the Tenn player??? LOL... Of course Goodson did nothing wrong! haha Just playin! chism does like to Yap!

Speaking of yappin - Hytevelt (or however you spell that crazy name) is a baller, but damn that dude cries like a little B***h.
you think Heytvelt cries? i didn't really see that... i would say daye cries a helluva lot and downs more than Heytvelt
you think Heytvelt cries? i didn't really see that... i would say daye cries a helluva lot and downs more than Heytvelt

That's true. I really don't see emotion out of Heytvelt ever... maybe see a scream out of him after a flush or something. He does a good job of controlling his emotions.

Daye is a superb talent that needs to get his head on straight like Chism.
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Daye is a superb talent that needs to get his head on straight like Chism.


Even few says i forgot the exact quote but after the Maryland game he was like obviously austin has a ton of talent we just need to work on his certain on court antics.. something of that nature lol i mean sure he got some ticky-tack fouls but he was convinced the refs were out to get him
I saw 5 games and the refs stunk it up in all 5. Don't know where they came from but they need to be sent back.

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