What Buck Fitzgerald said

One game or 8 games? Which is worse?

When a loudmouthed Paula Deen impersonator puts herself in the public eye, people shouldn't get upset when they get made fun of.

Mirrored ceilings and floors by God :)

I didn't realize making fun of a 40 some odd year old momma's boy is "ragging on old women"

She had it coming. Classy dude.
My opinion of Dooley will change when coaches don't leave for lateral moves, when players don't run the locker room, when academics aren't a huge issue and when fans aren't praying for 8 wins.

I think Derek Dooley is a guy that's way in over his head. I don't blame him for taking a significant pay raise. I blame Hamilton and the BOT.

I still want the Vols to succeed. I don't care if Dooley is the HC or not, as long as the Vols win. I just doubt it happens with him at the helm.

To be fair, you're way past "doubt".
Right, Justin's not a fan. He's just someone who always hated Dooley with a deep personal vendetta. What other reasons could someone have for criticizing someone who has been so successful?

Just a change in him. He went from being a very positive fan to a fairly negative one.

You don't have to be a "fan" of Dooley to not make sarcastic or condemning comments about him. It is just negativism from someone who used to be a really solid source and didn't seem to be sold out to Kiffin.

I don't count myself as a Dooley fan. The jury is out and has never been in either way. I have acknowledged he came into a bad situation... and that he should get time to do something about it. Now he has and should produce results starting this fall.
So the loss is on Bray, not Dooley? If Dooley survives this season it will be behind Bray's ARM.

By game 12 in the season if the players quit, it's on them. If they quit the first game of the season, it's on the coach. Bray and Co should have won the KY Jelly game on pure pride. We shouldn't even have needed a coach on the sideline that day.
By game 12 in the season if the players quit, it's on them. If they quit the first game of the season, it's on the coach. Bray and Co should have won the KY Jelly game on pure pride. We shouldn't even have needed a coach on the sideline that day.

In before:

"Good, because they sure didn't have one."

Ba da boom...
That's what happens when you've vested yourself into a certain opinion instead of just being a fan of the team.

edited.....sorry,misread your intentions here...and you are right, if the opinion is everything sucks except CPF, then everything will always suck.
You think I'm a Fulmer fan?

From my very limited exposure, I quite honestly don't know what kind of fan you are. It is blatantly obvious that you despise anything to do with CDD. Generally, an "if we hadn't gotten rid of the all time winningest coach in the universe" statement follows.

However, if you are one of the peeps on here that seem to think that the head coach is actually out there playing and when a team basically starting two years ago one step above the death penalty should be winning 10 -11 games and they don't, you tell me what kind of fan I think you should be.

When I joined in February, I thought you were a voice of reason. You have changed into a voice of hatred.
From my very limited exposure, I quite honestly don't know what kind of fan you are. It is blatantly obvious that you despise anything to do with CDD. Generally, an "if we hadn't gotten rid of the all time winningest coach in the universe" statement follows.

However, if you are one of the peeps on here that seem to think that the head coach is actually out there playing and when a team basically starting two years ago one step above the death penalty should be winning 10 -11 games and they don't, you tell me what kind of fan I think you should be.

When I joined in February, I thought you were a voice of reason. You have changed into a voice of hatred.

You must have been perusing archived posts in Feb.
From my very limited exposure, I quite honestly don't know what kind of fan you are. It is blatantly obvious that you despise anything to do with CDD. Generally, an "if we hadn't gotten rid of the all time winningest coach in the universe" statement follows.

However, if you are one of the peeps on here that seem to think that the head coach is actually out there playing and when a team basically starting two years ago one step above the death penalty should be winning 10 -11 games and they don't, you tell me what kind of fan I think you should be.

When I joined in February, I thought you were a voice of reason. You have changed into a voice of hatred.

I do not despise Derek Dooley. I think, and his record will back me up, he's a terrible HC. I find it funny people will tell you how terrible a person and fan you are if you say Derek Dooley has been a failure so far as a HC.

I never expected Dooley to win 10 or 11 games in year two. I did expect a young OL to get better, a 1,000 yard rusher be utilized and some semblance of coaching in the defensive backfield instead of the Keystone Cop routine every week. I got sick of the constant reminders how the team was young and lacked depth. Everyone knows it did, why keep mentioning it? It's one thing to use it as a legit excuse, it's another to use it as a crutch.

I think Phil Fulmer got lazy and thought he was the program. He slipped and never got back up after the 2001 SECCG.
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By game 12 in the season if the players quit, it's on them. If they quit the first game of the season, it's on the coach. Bray and Co should have won the KY Jelly game on pure pride. We shouldn't even have needed a coach on the sideline that day.

I disagree. Anyone with an official or unofficial leadership capacity shares the blame and it starts at the top. Player leadership was also in very poor supply all year. I can't lay all the blame on Dooley or say he doesn't bear a large part of it.

That said, at least some of the staff turnover relates to this problem. Specifically IMO... Baggett, Russell, and Hiestand.

The good news is that leadership from Dooley, the staff, and the players can change for the better very quickly. The chemistry is different this year. We will see if it works.
By game 12 in the season if the players quit, it's on them. If they quit the first game of the season, it's on the coach. Bray and Co should have won the KY Jelly game on pure pride. We shouldn't even have needed a coach on the sideline that day.
I've seen every excuse now.
I disagree. Anyone with an official or unofficial leadership capacity shares the blame and it starts at the top. Player leadership was also in very poor supply all year. I can't lay all the blame on Dooley or say he doesn't bear a large part of it.

That said, at least some of the staff turnover relates to this problem. Specifically IMO... Baggett, Russell, and Hiestand.

The good news is that leadership from Dooley, the staff, and the players can change for the better very quickly. The chemistry is different this year. We will see if it works.

Leadership starts at the top.
I do not despise Derek Dooley. I think, and his record will back me up, he's a terrible HC.
That may be the disconnect. You are a smarter guy than to draw this conclusion based on taking over one of the most futile programs in college football (LT) and by most accounts improving it significantly or by taking over UT as he found it.

I hope Dooley is very good. I don't think you can prove "he's a terrible HC" specifically because of the circumstances he's operated in. OTOH, you also can't say he is or will be a great or even good coach.
I find it funny people will tell you how terrible a person and fan you are if you say Derek Dooley has been a failure so far as a HC.
I don't know what it says about you as a person or even as a fan... it does make you unreasonable to declare someone a failure based on his experience so far as a HC. You cannot separate an evaluation of someone's ability from the context of their situation.

I got sick of the constant reminders how the team was young and lacked depth. Everyone knows it did, why keep mentioning it? It's one thing to use it as a legit excuse, it's another to use it as a crutch.
Facts... are not excuses. Apparently there were many including you that needed to be reminded constantly. The '11 team was LESS experienced, developed, and deep than the '10 or '09 teams. The FACT of three consecutive busted recruiting classes made this an unavoidable reality. Yet you ignore it and attack Dooley as if he should have yanked a D Moore, D Williams, or J Jackson out of his backside.

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