Welcome to Carolina Stadium


West Columbia Gamecock

Gamecock Ambassador
Jul 30, 2004
South Carolina opened their new baseball facility this weekend, and it's really nice. I attended the "Open House" last weekend and was able to tour the stadium from the press box to the locker room, indoor batting cages and weight room. I heard that the place was awesome, but I was still blown away. It has the feel of a Triple-A ball park.

Here is a story and video that shows the new stadium. Unfortunately, judging the quality of the video, it appears that they hired the people who produced the Blair Witch Project to film it. With that said, I still think you'll get the gist of it.

The countdown 'til Carolina Stadium; Video Tour - Sports

What you'll really like is the fact that when I ordered my hot dog today, they had many varieties to choose from......including the "Tennessee Dog." It looked like UT colors with the shredded cheddar cheese and white onions on it. Since it was my first game at the new stadium, I ordered the "Carolina Dog." Don't ask me what was on it. All I know is that I've got a pretty good case of heartburn and I have come home to find out that my wife has made homemade bar-b-que. :eek:hmy:

Just thought I'd share this with all of my fellow college baseball fans. Hope you have a great season!
Here some high quality photos from the South Carolina Rivals.com web-site.

GamecockCentral.com - Photo Galleries: First Game at Carolina Stadium

It's about time that Carolina got a nice stadium. Baseball is the only sport that we've been consistently good at.

I've seen pictures of Tennessee's stadium and have always thought it looked great. I know it's not real big, but high quality. It seems like I heard that some upgrades are on the way for Lindsey Nelson Stadium.
I was always suprised at how nice of a baseball stadium we had for as little following it gets.
Jonathan Battaglia needs lessons on how to operate a Video Camera. He's got a serious case of the shakes.

Nice stadium though, nice song to put the piece to as well.
Nice Stadium :good!:. Its seems USC consistently has a good baseball team.

Come on guys, let's sing Kumbaya. I mean I am REALLY feeling the love here!

Ya'll make sure to come to the Tennessee vs. South Carolina game down here next year. Or, just come to another game this year and you can pull for the home team. "Tennessee Dogs" on me for all that decide to make the trip!

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