Watch,, it!!

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My watch told me I should work in a nap yesterday. Didn’t happen, but I think I got good enough sleep. Although it somehow thinks I woke up for an hour while I was asleep last night
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I like when mine tells me that I slept for 7 hr 23 min, but that I got my stand times in every hour through the night.
Mrs Wireless gets furious when she finally sets down and her watch tells her to stand up....... I think it's because her wrists are so small...... or because Apple is from satan
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Mrs Wireless gets furious when she finally sets down and her watch tells her to stand up....... I think it's because her wrists are so small...... or because Apple is from satan
Neither Fitbit nor Apple ever credited me for kitchen time, even though I continually move back and forth from the range to the main sink and fridge, then back again. I don’t think that they start the countdown until you’ve moved 10 or something steps without pausing.

I don’t remember if it was Thanksgiving or Christmas this past year, but on of of them, I didn’t get any stand hours (one minute per hour) for three hours straight, while cooking non-stop for 3 1/2 hours.

It is possible that the grandkids learned some new words from me that day
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Oh, and (this still bugs the fire out of me), there isn’t a setting for Serious Housework or for gardening.

It is possible that I could never legitimately use a Serious Housework activity/exercise setting, but my version of gardening consistently gets my pulse up to 115 bpm, which for me is really high. (I have a naturally slow heartbeat of around the mid-50’s + I’m 69 and I can’t even hit 120 anymore.) Plus there’s a lot of lifting 40# bags and digging and all. So gardening is logged as yoga.

And singing (3 different choirs + voice lessons with surprising heart rates and muscle use) is Core Training, lol. (Try classical singing before you laugh - it’s a workout)
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