Wash your hands.



Jacked up on moonshine and testosterone
Sep 10, 2009
OK. This is a short rant.

Yesterday, I am in a men's room in a hotel and had just finished at the urinal and was washing my hands when a young man who had just finished taking a dump came out of the stall. I opened the door to leave and he walked right out with me. He.took.a.dump. and didn't wash his ****ing hands. Who in the hell does that? I envision now that young man going to the coffee machine, or door handle or touching anything that I would have to touch after having his hand on his own arsehole. So I finally got up my nerve and asked him if he was going to wash his hands after taking a ****. He laughed and walked out.

People, please. This is just nasty.

OK. This is a short rant.

Yesterday, I am in a men's room in a hotel and had just finished at the urinal and was washing my hands when a young man who had just finished taking a dump came out of the stall. I opened the door to leave and he walked right out with me. He.took.a.dump. and didn't wash his ****ing hands. Who in the hell does that? I envision now that young man going to the coffee machine, or door handle or touching anything that I would have to touch after having his hand on his own arsehole. So I finally got up my nerve and asked him if he was going to wash his hands after taking a ****. He laughed and walked out.

People, please. This is just nasty.

I was in a hurry. What can I say? Excuse the f*** out of me!
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OK. This is a short rant.

Yesterday, I am in a men's room in a hotel and had just finished at the urinal and was washing my hands when a young man who had just finished taking a dump came out of the stall. I opened the door to leave and he walked right out with me. He.took.a.dump. and didn't wash his ****ing hands. Who in the hell does that? I envision now that young man going to the coffee machine, or door handle or touching anything that I would have to touch after having his hand on his own arsehole. So I finally got up my nerve and asked him if he was going to wash his hands after taking a ****. He laughed and walked out.

People, please. This is just nasty.


In his defense, I have encountered the same problem. Allow me to explain...

In a lot of restrooms, there is a sign posted near the sink that says "Employees Must Wash Hands Before Leaving". We've all seen them. Well, on numerous occasions I have waited upwards of 10 minutes after using the restroom, and an employee did not come in to wash my hands. Eventually, I just gave up and left.

Perhaps he has had the same negative experiences as I have, and just decided to forego the long, often fruitless wait.

Sad that some businesses do not realize what a negative impression this makes on their customer base.

In his defense, I have encountered the same problem. Allow me to explain...

In a lot of restrooms, there is a sign posted near the sink that says "Employees Must Wash Hands Before Leaving". We've all seen them. Well, on numerous occasions I have waited upwards of 10 minutes after using the restroom, and an employee did not come in to wash my hands. Eventually, I just gave up and left.

Perhaps he has had the same negative experiences as I have, and just decided to forego the long, often fruitless wait.

Sad that some businesses do not realize what a negative impression this makes on their customer base.

It is an especially long wait during the lunch rush.
OK. This is a short rant.

Yesterday, I am in a men's room in a hotel and had just finished at the urinal and was washing my hands when a young man who had just finished taking a dump came out of the stall. I opened the door to leave and he walked right out with me. He.took.a.dump. and didn't wash his ****ing hands. Who in the hell does that? I envision now that young man going to the coffee machine, or door handle or touching anything that I would have to touch after having his hand on his own arsehole. So I finally got up my nerve and asked him if he was going to wash his hands after taking a ****. He laughed and walked out.

People, please. This is just nasty.

Most of the stuff you touch on a daily basis - a keyboard, mouse, door handles, a table top, your own cell phone, etc., has fecal matter on it. In extremely tiny quantities, but it's there. Thank God we have immune systems.

On planes, I've seen many people walk into the bathroom barefoot. I mean, really?
I see guys at work do that, and even leave without flushing the toilet. Gross.
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OK. This is a short rant.

Yesterday, I am in a men's room in a hotel and had just finished at the urinal and was washing my hands when a young man who had just finished taking a dump came out of the stall. I opened the door to leave and he walked right out with me. He.took.a.dump. and didn't wash his ****ing hands. Who in the hell does that? I envision now that young man going to the coffee machine, or door handle or touching anything that I would have to touch after having his hand on his own arsehole. So I finally got up my nerve and asked him if he was going to wash his hands after taking a ****. He laughed and walked out.

People, please. This is just nasty.

I work with a guy that does this. He still doesn't know why nobody will eat donuts when he brings them in.

Other things I've witnessed at work. Sticking a bare hand into the popcorn machine. And she wasn't even trying to hide it. Went back for seconds in front of a couple of us. Another guy gives a big old sniff and nose wipe with his hand before going in for the coffee stirring straws. He fingered a bunch of them with his freshly snotted hand.

Pretty much I'm becoming a slight germaphobe at work.
I work with a guy that does this. He still doesn't know why nobody will eat donuts when he brings them in.

Other things I've witnessed at work. Sticking a bare hand into the popcorn machine. And she wasn't even trying to hide it. Went back for seconds in front of a couple of us. Another guy gives a big old sniff and nose wipe with his hand before going in for the coffee stirring straws. He fingered a bunch of them with his freshly snotted hand.

Pretty much I'm becoming a slight germaphobe at work.

And I'll reiterate that buffets are nasty for this reason.

Forget the sneezing/coughing people. Just watch the slob eating with his hands and licking his fingers and whatnot (who the hell knows what did or did not happen when he went to the restroom) and then he goes back for a second helping of mac'n'cheese. And then you come along behind him and pick up that serving spoon he just set down, and go handle your own food. Ugh.
Okay, so as long as I'm at it....

Another thing that's gross is that stack of magazines or newspaper that folks have left in the restroom at the office. I will not touch those things. Pretty sure they've been handled after wiping and before washing. Used books and library books are similar.

I won't even get started with the... um... facilitating pictorial materials stocked in the little room you go into to provide a sample for a sperm count.
Saw a guy go armpit deep in the ice cream tub at a Chinese restaurant. During extraction he raked his crusty elbow up the side of the tub. Last buffet I visited.
lol Something else I just remembered. In football practice when I was a kid back in the 70s/80s, our water breaks consisted of the equipment managers coming around with big steel buckets and ladles. The ladle would usually last only through a few players until some meathead just stuck his head down into the bucket, mostly submerged, and just gulped away. When he pulled his head out there'd be an iridescent sweat film on the surface of the water, which meant the rest of us had to stick our heads in too, because the ladles only drew out filmy water so you had to stick your face down in the bucket to drink from beneath the filmy surface. Gross as hell, especially when you were about 14th in line, but it was the only water available so you had no choice.
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lol Something else I just remembered. In football practice when I was a kid back in the 70s/80s, our water breaks consisted of the equipment managers coming around with big steel buckets and ladles. The ladle would usually last only through a few players until some meathead just stuck his head down into the bucket, mostly submerged, and just gulped away. When he pulled his head out there'd be an iridescent sweat film on the surface of the water, which meant the rest of us had to stick our heads in too, because the ladles only drew out filmy water so you had to stick your face down in the bucket to drink from beneath the filmy surface. Gross as hell, especially when you were about 14th in line, but it was the only water available so you had no choice.

"That's what I call high quality H2O."
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People like that are the reason I use a paper towel to touch the handle in the restroom door.

And if you're fortunate enough, you can slip out the door without touching anything if someone comes in as you're leaving. I always appreciate those times.
I use to work with a dude that did the same thing. He had pneumonia a couple of times, always sick. hmmmm
More of the "it's all about me attitude"
Most of the stuff you touch on a daily basis - a keyboard, mouse, door handles, a table top, your own cell phone, etc., has fecal matter on it. In extremely tiny quantities, but it's there. Thank God we have immune systems.

On planes, I've seen many people walk into the bathroom barefoot. I mean, really?
Touch screen at the self check, ATM buttons, gas pump. We live in a filthy world.

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