War in Ukraine

Does America need to send troops.

Unless America is going to send 10k+ troops a month indefinitely, I doubt it makes much of a difference. All it does is change the timetable by injecting additional meat shields.

The better question and the first question is, what is the ultimate objective or outcome desired? The issue is, the broad objectives of the Comedian would most likely require millions of new pieces of meat to send to the grinder and trillions of dollars. And even if you gave them all that, I am still doubtful any of that can be achieved.

So, if there is no negotiations are possible that means that the Ukraine has to invade Russia and take it over. If $200-300 billion has gotten them in a backwards position, exactly what is the funds needed to take back over what has been lost since 2022, or 2014, or to be able to invade Russia and take it over without them using nuclear weapons?

Unless someone is earmarking trillions and trillions than all of this is a waste of time and limbs. I doubt trillions would even matter much.... printing artillery shells is much harder than printing digital currency.
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WTF are American troops going to do that they couldn't do in Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam or North Korea?

To spend much more money and produce many more dead Americans than those conflicts. (Realistically it would be for PR, hope the Ukraine can hold on till November)

Realistically 10s of thousands troops or even a few trillion won't really matter, meaning Russia really hasn't even started - mobilization in mass i.e. escalation. The west would have to commit to realistically quite a few trillion to just get started, with huge mobilization. It would have to be at the scale of WWII. Of course, if Americans are in the Ukraine and launch artillery/missiles on targets into Russia... not sure why the United States would not receive a direct response. Even if the West committed unlimited funding and meat, meaning full mobilization (WWII style) - all that would happen is escalation. It doesn't solve the problem, it just creates a bigger problem. The East will escalate in response.

This whole thing is really idiocracy. All of this ignores exactly what the objective is here or what the plan would be to realistically achieve them. If the purpose is for the US to send meat shields to help slow this all down till November that might be achievable. ??????

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Seems legit.
Setbacks? The vaunted Ukrainian offensive last summer/fall was a catastrophic failure. Now Russia is making sizeable gains along the entire line of contact. What alternate reality do the Ukrainiancs live in?
Yes....... At this pace they'll reach the Polish border in 2038!
Yes....... At this pace they'll reach the Polish border in 2038!
I said 1-2 years ago it could take a few decades but its now a war of attrition. Basically the west ran out of shells months ago, and appear to be run low on meat. If in the future they completely run out of meat, logically speaking the pace would quicken. I would say the danger for Russia is to go fast and overextend there lines and supplies.

Of course, it took the United States and allies two decades to finally lose to a bunch of goat herders that live in caves. Funny how all of sudden Americans are worried about Russia and their timelines.
I said 1-2 years ago it could take a few decades but its now a war of attrition. Basically the west ran out of shells months ago, and appear to be run low on meat. If in the future they completely run out of meat, logically speaking the pace would quicken. I would say the danger for Russia is to go fast and overextend there lines and supplies.

Of course, it took the United States and allies two decades to finally lose to a bunch of goat herders that live in caves. Funny how all of sudden Americans are worried about Russia and their timelines.
That's a terrible take, our military did not lose to a bunch of goat herders. No battles were lost. If we truly wanted to change afghanistan, we should have sent Christian missionaries and preach the gospel and the Bible.
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