War in Ukraine

Russia will have a baby boom after the dust settles. Their economy is on fire, they have indigenous manufacturing and mineral assets, and they are in the process of beating NATO and a collective 30+ nations from around the globe. Russia's Casualties are greatly exaggerated and Ukraine's numbers are underestimated in Western media. This was never a close coventional war. The only thing that will save NATO/US is to go nuclear... and that is when all life on this planet ends.

Once again, an unadulterated stream of pure nonsensical shill vomit from our resident Russian nut hugger.

In the world of reality, on the subject of nukes, the US has warned Putin that if he crosses that line, we'll be forced to step in and - with our conventional weapons - wipe out the Russian troops in Ukraine.

Putin knows this is precisely what would happen, so his nuke threats are simply bluster. Much like @Rasputin_Vol's claims.
Based on their birth rates and the damage they have sustained, they won't be able to fight another war like this for many, many years when all is said and done. Same can be said for Ukraine.

I wouldn't hold my breath of them running out of meat for decades to come. The Ukraine, not so much. Women (with their children) should seriously think of leaving the Ukraine while they can.
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Russia will have a baby boom after the dust settles. Their economy is on fire, they have indigenous manufacturing and mineral assets, and they are in the process of beating NATO and a collective 30+ nations from around the globe. Russia's Casualties are greatly exaggerated and Ukraine's numbers are underestimated in Western media. This was never a close coventional war. The only thing that will save NATO/US is to go nuclear... and that is when all life on this planet ends.

Russia had declining birth rates after
WW2 Ras when almost 20% of the Russian( not Soviet) population was lost and the average life span didn't improve that fast either . This war will exasperate that problem,but Russia doesn't seem to care about throwing soldiers at a problem. It seems to be their MO.

I knew their population declined,but had to edit as I made a mistake. The main point is war isn't going to help their population if this is a never ending stalemate.
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They don't have decades, and yes, Ukraine has even less "meat".

Who knows, but they have meat for decades at current burn. The Ukraine is already probably stretched further than the lack of ammo from the West. Eventually, the Ukraine will have no more meat to put in the vans.

Just imagine when they get more washing machines. I'm sure they appreciate you checking up on their well being.
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Russia had declining birth rates after
WW2 Ras when almost 20% of the Russian( not Soviet) population was lost and the average life span didn't improve that fast either . This war will exasperate that problem,but Russia doesn't seem to care about throwing soldiers at a problem. It seems to be their MO.

I knew their population declined,but had to edit as I made a mistake. The main point is war isn't going to help their population if this is a never ending stalemate.
Maybe they need to import some uneducated criminal Mexicans. Seriously, you guys need to take a break.

Next up, Putin is weaponizing sperm.

I seriously doubt this is going to end any time soon. Come back in a year or two... best case situation is November but I would probably hedge on that. >>>>>The war machine is only getting started.<<<<< Sounds like they want Georgia on the menu.

I hate to tell you guys, even the blood loss in this conflict is nothing compared to WW1 and WW2. (this is just a small misunderstanding at current burn... lots more are going to have to go) Just imagine when the Russian soldiers get the new and improved Shovel 2.0.
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Russia will have a baby boom after the dust settles. Their economy is on fire, they have indigenous manufacturing and mineral assets, and they are in the process of beating NATO and a collective 30+ nations from around the globe. Russia's Casualties are greatly exaggerated and Ukraine's numbers are underestimated in Western media. This was never a close coventional war. The only thing that will save NATO/US is to go nuclear... and that is when all life on this planet ends.

I don’t know what drugs you are on but you need to share.
Russia will have a baby boom after the dust settles. Their economy is on fire, they have indigenous manufacturing and mineral assets, and they are in the process of beating NATO and a collective 30+ nations from around the globe. Russia's Casualties are greatly exaggerated and Ukraine's numbers are underestimated in Western media. This was never a close coventional war. The only thing that will save NATO/US is to go nuclear... and that is when all life on this planet ends.
Stop smoking crack.

No matter h9w you spin it, this war is embarrassing for Russia. Russia was a nation that focused on military and was supposedly a great military power while Ukraine wasn't on the radar. Russia is also a lot larger than Ukraine.

I have used the UL Monroe and Georgia analysis. Ukraine is UL Monroe and still has the lead. In CFB, you can have embarrassing wins and I think now that Russia is desperate to even get that embarrassing win which will cause them to drop in the polls.
No matter h9w you spin it, this war is embarrassing for Russia. Russia was a nation that focused on military and was supposedly a great military power while Ukraine wasn't on the radar. Russia is also a lot larger than Ukraine.

I have used the UL Monroe and Georgia analysis. Ukraine is UL Monroe and still has the lead. In CFB, you can have embarrassing wins and I think now that Russia is desperate to even get that embarrassing win which will cause them to drop in the polls.

What does that make the goat herders living in caves.... little league? (You do know life is a little more complex than that, right?) Wouldn't it even be more embarrassing for the whole west to lose to a country that only gives their army shovels for weapons. Although I post memes and gifs for humor, none of this is going to be solved because someone posts something on a forum thinking they are getting points out of it. Its millennial mentality.

The war machine is only getting started.


Russia is desperate to even get that embarrassing win which will cause them to drop in the polls

My two cents, is Russia must refrain from moving too swiftly either moving forward i.e. overextending lines or through settlement. I actually think Russia needs to destroy the whole place or its just going to keep being a problem in the future i.e. destroy the enemy. Destroying the enemy could take considerable time.... it looks like to me they are starting to get pretty efficient at it.


In the meantime, sit back, relax and enjoy the show.
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1. The Russians are calling this a "special military operation" partly because they are trying to minimize civilian casualties. These are people that they are trying to liberate in the east and south. Plus, if they had their way, they would not want to level these cities because it is more to rebuild and you disperse the populations.
Russia is using glide bombs released from its side of the UKR/RUS border to hit Karkiv.

Question: Why would the US *not* allow Ukraine to use Patriot missiles across the border to intercept both Russian fighter/bombers and, albeit less likely given the cost differential, glide bombs?

If anyone opposes us adopting such a policy, why?
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Russia is using glide bombs released from its side of the UKR/RUS border to hit Karkiv.

Question: Why would the US *not* allow Ukraine to use Patriot missiles across the border to intercept both Russian fighter/bombers and, albeit less likely given the cost differential, glide bombs?

If anyone opposes us adopting such a policy, why?
Response from Ras: "something something western death cult, something something NATO, something something so many gays in America. Therefore, I oppose this idea."
Response from Ras: "something something western death cult, something something NATO, something something so many gays in America. Therefore, I oppose this idea."
Or more like common sense.

The Patriot systems would have to be moved right up to the front to have the ability to have any impact, which they basically ran out of months ago which is why they are begging for more. The issue is, they can't get more of the Russian AA and they can't get anymore of Patriots. So, they had to remove their few existing systems to the higher value targets in the back. This is the reason why over the last month or so there are more Su-25s flying close air support, if they can't get those with Patriots, manpads, etc.... there is no way to get to the Su-34s which not even close to the front.

Of course, if they moved them up to the front lines, most likely they are still being dropped outside of its effective range. Russians are about to start to delivery glide kits that have a range of 70-80 miles.

Its a western death cult for sure. Hiroshima in slow motion.

Very low cost for the Russians, very low risk, and high reward as the accuracy for sure has improved greatly. Its hard to imagine how more Patriots even helps in any way. The Russians have 100s of thousands, and I have read they might have millions of these gravity bombs i.e. they will never run out.

One way of counter could be F-16 air to air missiles but I would say the impact of something like that would be limited meaning.... F-16 would than have to probably fly in the range of Russian AA and they will have limited supply.
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