War in Ukraine

They do, though I find it highly unlikely that 4 rando terrorists can sneak into the city with military-grade rifles, murder a bunch of people, burn down a concert hall, and all escape before Spetsnaz counter terrorism units can even roll out or bed, in a city where holding up a blank piece of paper will get you arrested almost instantaneously.
This part does raise eyebrows, it they actually got away. It's one thing to do a suicide attack, it's another to shoot a place up, then drive away.

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Russian cruise missile strikes largest dam plus energy facilities in Ukraine.

Over a MILLION people cut off from power in Ukraine.

The dam holds back almost 1 trillion gallons of water.

Ukraine's largest dam hit but no danger of breach yet.

March 22, 2024


Sepang'aa Serubuka ↗️

Russian cruise missile strikes largest dam that supplies electricity to over a million in Ukraine

The dam holds back almost 1 trillion gallons of water & would've been a disaster

Russia surgically took out only the generators
Ukraine continues to target Russian oil refineries with drones that apparently have a range approaching 1,000 kms. They've clearly consulted with engineers to hit the most vulnerable spots in them - parts of the refinery that are critical to production, difficult to replace due to sanctions and time consumptive - causing the refinery to go offline for repairs for significant periods of time.

Based on Ukrainian reports, they're targeting the atmospheric distillation columns and the vacuum distillation columns which they're probably able to discern from satellite pics and/or publicly-available plans/photos/etc.

This strategy appears to be working. The US reportedly asked the Ukrainians to stop doing this, as it has already caused a 10% or so decline in Russian production and resulted in higher gas prices globally. Also of note, Russia has already been forced to halt exports of certain gas products due to shortages.

Hopefully Ukraine can continue to ramp up production of its drones, as this strategy is definitely working. I got no problem paying extra now for gas in the short run due to this.

Forthcoming F16s for Ukraine... where will they be stationed? In Ukraine? In a neighboring ally country like Romania? Would Russia bomb these F16s if they're stationed in Romania, but fly anti-aircraft sorties in Ukraine? They're gonna be HVTs.

Seems like the latter may make sense, as Russia would risk WW3 w/NATO if they retaliate on aircraft outside of Ukraine.
Forthcoming F16s for Ukraine... where will they be stationed? In Ukraine? In a neighboring ally country like Romania? Would Russia bomb these F16s if they're stationed in Romania, but fly anti-aircraft sorties in Ukraine?

Seems like the latter may make sense, as Russia would risk WW3 w/NATO if they retaliate on aircraft outside of Ukraine.
Smart money for Ukraine would be to keep them in Eastern Poland if they are allowed to. The last thing Russia would want to do is do a strike on Polish soil. This would be the furthest extent of the F16's range though I would think.
Smart money for Ukraine would be to keep them in Eastern Poland if they are allowed to. The last thing Russia would want to do is do a strike on Polish soil. This would be the furthest extent of the F16's range though I would think.

If they fly sorties out of Poland or any other country then the bases are fair game for a Russian attack.
If they fly sorties out of Poland or any other country then the bases are fair game for a Russian attack.

"Fair game"? The rule is, hit a NATO country, we all retaliate.

For that reason, I doubt Poland or any NATO country has weaponry launching from its soil.
"Fair game"? The rule is, hit a NATO country, we all retaliate.

For that reason, I doubt Poland or any NATO country has weaponry launching from its soil.

I don’t see how allowing Ukraine to fly combat sorties from their territory and Russia retaliating would trigger article 5. I get that you people want an expanded war (which boggles the mind) but Russia would be well within their rights to strike bases supporting these aircraft.
"Fair game"? The rule is, hit a NATO country, we all retaliate.

For that reason, I doubt Poland or any NATO country has weaponry launching from its soil.
Poland has hinted at preemptive strikes against Russia. They know what happens if Ukraine falls. There’s not many ways this ends well for the world outside of Putin getting removed from power by Russians.
If they fly sorties out of Poland or any other country then the bases are fair game for a Russian attack.
Then Belarus is fair game for a Ukrainian attack, huh?

Then again, IIRC you also advocated that even supplying weapons to Ukraine merited military response.

FWIW, I think Romania is the more likely station point as it's significantly closer to the front lines.
I don’t see how allowing Ukraine to fly combat sorties from their territory and Russia retaliating would trigger article 5. I get that you people want an expanded war (which boggles the mind) but Russia would be well within their rights to strike bases supporting these aircraft.

You seemed to be responding to speculation earlier that planes would be housed in Poland, flown by Ukrainian pilots, and that this would nonetheless justify Russian attacks on the bases.

I am saying I do not think that planes will be based in Poland.
I don’t see how allowing Ukraine to fly combat sorties from their territory and Russia retaliating would trigger article 5. I get that you people want an expanded war (which boggles the mind) but Russia would be well within their rights to strike bases supporting these aircraft.

LMAO. Once again, you literally contradict yourself within the span of 2 sentences. It's a gift!
The masses must be prepped.

Yep, I worry that Putin will use the incident as an excuse to escalate in a very dangerous way.

And notice that the linkage has changed. First, it was that they had some sort of connection or contact with the Ukrainian government. Now, it is that the Ukrainian situation somehow made it easier for them to cross the border into Russia (which is interesting since that is squarely Russia's fault).
This part does raise eyebrows, it they actually got away. It's one thing to do a suicide attack, it's another to shoot a place up, then drive away.

Considering that and the fact that the US warned them about the potential for terrorist activities weeks ago, I tend to lean towards the idea that the Russian government knew about it, but let it happen to blame Ukraine for it and provide further "justification" for escalating the war.
So here we go with ISIS-K again???

And you all are buying this?
With the long-standing and deep resentment of Putin held by a large contingent of ethnic Muslims in Russia...... This is a surprise?

Russia is as divided as this country is, possibly more. The different ethnic people of Russia have long resented each other. Isis recruits on the US, the fact they recruit in countries with large numbers of Muslims is surprising to you ......... Then that's a you problem.
Considering that and the fact that the US warned them about the potential for terrorist activities weeks ago, I tend to lean towards the idea that the Russian government knew about it, but let it happen to blame Ukraine for it and provide further "justification" for escalating the war.

Not buying any conspiracy or false flag theory.

Russia is a huge country with numerous bordering countries that hate them. Preventing 4 dudes with machine guns from entering is a practical impossibility. That they could then terrorize a huge crowd seems plausible.

And now they've apparently been caught/killed. And ISIS is taking credit and seemingly proving they're ISIS terrorists as well.

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