Lordy this idiocy again. Here in the whole interview not just the editor’s cut hot takes. When heard in context you’ll find the stand alone quote doesn’t stand up. You’re welcome in advance.
You literally posted an article, with cherry-picked quotes from this very interview, and are choosing to remain willfully ignorant of the truth, by not watching the actual interview?
I watched the video. And there was a deal proposed if Ukraine dropped the NATO aspirations. 3 days after Boris and Natasha show up and they can't talk. Again I don't expect you enlightened Neocons to understand this because this conflict at all times mentality is so deep inside you. And you have every right to believe that. But you are not entitled to your own facts. This forever war mentality has taken entirely to many lives. And for what? How are the people today of Lao and South Vietnam? Afghanistan? Iraq? Cuba?