War in Ukraine

Lordy this idiocy again. Here in the whole interview not just the editor’s cut hot takes. When heard in context you’ll find the stand alone quote doesn’t stand up. You’re welcome in advance.

You literally posted an article, with cherry-picked quotes from this very interview, and are choosing to remain willfully ignorant of the truth, by not watching the actual interview?


I watched the video. And there was a deal proposed if Ukraine dropped the NATO aspirations. 3 days after Boris and Natasha show up and they can't talk. Again I don't expect you enlightened Neocons to understand this because this conflict at all times mentality is so deep inside you. And you have every right to believe that. But you are not entitled to your own facts. This forever war mentality has taken entirely to many lives. And for what? How are the people today of Lao and South Vietnam? Afghanistan? Iraq? Cuba?
I watched the video. And there was a deal proposed if Ukraine dropped the NATO aspirations. 3 days after Boris and Natasha show up and they can't talk. Again I don't expect you enlightened Neocons to understand this because this conflict at all times mentality is so deep inside you. And you have every right to believe that. But you are not entitled to your own facts. This forever war mentality has taken entirely to many lives. And for what? How are the people today of Lao and South Vietnam? Afghanistan? Iraq? Cuba?
NO! He was echoing those claims and all the speculation. There was no “deal” which Ukraine ever considered. There was a list of demands which Ukraine clearly considered untenable and would not consent to. He even stated to agree to the demands would be in violation of the Ukrainian Constitution. I have no idea if that is true or not I’m just echoing what he said.
He clearly indicates in the interview he believes there was no deal. FFS watch the video but you’ll have to do it with an open mind.

And clearly the thought police are too be believed over what I actually read? No thanks. Maybe you also were off the opinion that someone besides JFK should decide whether or not to go to war over the Cuban missile crisis.
And clearly the thought police are too be believed over what I actually read? No thanks. Maybe you also were off the opinion that someone besides JFK should decide whether or not to go to war over the Cuban missile crisis.
Well what you read in the link you posted has been shown to be bull **** so… 🤷‍♂️
NO! He was echoing those claims and all the speculation. There was no “deal” which Ukraine ever considered. There was a list of demands which Ukraine clearly considered untenable and would not consent to. He even stated to agree to the demands would be in violation of the Ukrainian Constitution. I have no idea if that is true or not I’m just echoing what he said.
He said they would need to change the constitution. Not that they would not. You are advocating continually funding something with no winnable objective. That's INSANITY
He said they would need to change the constitution. Not that they would not. You are advocating continually funding something with no winnable objective. That's INSANITY
I’m not advocating for anything other than calling this completely out of context hot take to propagate the Putin lie of a blocked deal BS. Because that’s what it is. Your link is just another of the many forwards of the context butchered clips from the interview.
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It's so good to be right instead of just being loud.

lol. cherry pick much?

"According to Arahamiya, there were several reasons for Ukraine’s refusal, and one of them was direct Western influence on the peace talks.

Furthermore, Aramahiya noted, such an agreement would have needed to modify the constitution first (since it contains the desire to join NATO). The third point was that Kyiv didn’t trust Moscow to hold up its end of the bargain and not invade again—especially not without international security guarantees." those seem like two very big items.

and again, how did Boris Johnson force Ukraine to fight? The article makes complete supposition that it was the West that made the difference, and not the other two parts: Ukraine's OWN CONSTITUTION, and Ukraine not trusting Russia. neither of those two issues have anything to do with the West.

and the article even notes that it was Putin who declared the end of the peace talks THREE DAYS after the West allegedly closed the door on peace. "On April 12th, just three days after Johnson’s visit to the Ukrainian capital, Putin publicly declared the peace talks to be over, saying the negotiations “turned into a dead end.” If Ukraine was just following orders why didn't they shut down the peace talks?
lol. cherry pick much?

"According to Arahamiya, there were several reasons for Ukraine’s refusal, and one of them was direct Western influence on the peace talks.

Furthermore, Aramahiya noted, such an agreement would have needed to modify the constitution first (since it contains the desire to join NATO). The third point was that Kyiv didn’t trust Moscow to hold up its end of the bargain and not invade again—especially not without international security guarantees." those seem like two very big items.

and again, how did Boris Johnson force Ukraine to fight? The article makes complete supposition that it was the West that made the difference, and not the other two parts: Ukraine's OWN CONSTITUTION, and Ukraine not trusting Russia. neither of those two issues have anything to do with the West.

and the article even notes that it was Putin who declared the end of the peace talks THREE DAYS after the West allegedly closed the door on peace. "On April 12th, just three days after Johnson’s visit to the Ukrainian capital, Putin publicly declared the peace talks to be over, saying the negotiations “turned into a dead end.” If Ukraine was just following orders why didn't they shut down the peace talks?
Stop posting western propaganda !
I watched the video. And there was a deal proposed if Ukraine dropped the NATO aspirations. 3 days after Boris and Natasha show up and they can't talk. Again I don't expect you enlightened Neocons to understand this because this conflict at all times mentality is so deep inside you. And you have every right to believe that. But you are not entitled to your own facts. This forever war mentality has taken entirely to many lives. And for what? How are the people today of Lao and South Vietnam? Afghanistan? Iraq? Cuba?

You know how I know that you didn't watch the video?
lol. cherry pick much?

"According to Arahamiya, there were several reasons for Ukraine’s refusal, and one of them was direct Western influence on the peace talks.

Furthermore, Aramahiya noted, such an agreement would have needed to modify the constitution first (since it contains the desire to join NATO). The third point was that Kyiv didn’t trust Moscow to hold up its end of the bargain and not invade again—especially not without international security guarantees." those seem like two very big items.

and again, how did Boris Johnson force Ukraine to fight? The article makes complete supposition that it was the West that made the difference, and not the other two parts: Ukraine's OWN CONSTITUTION, and Ukraine not trusting Russia. neither of those two issues have anything to do with the West.

and the article even notes that it was Putin who declared the end of the peace talks THREE DAYS after the West allegedly closed the door on peace. "On April 12th, just three days after Johnson’s visit to the Ukrainian capital, Putin publicly declared the peace talks to be over, saying the negotiations “turned into a dead end.” If Ukraine was just following orders why didn't they shut down the peace talks?

Again read what you will. There was a deal. No where in there did he say they would not change the constitution. As for the last two is it possible that this Ukrainian official is still in $hakedown NATO mode? Two weeks ago Z was saying that we just need to fund them until 2025. LMFAO. It's clear that the US and Boris could not have that.
The video clearly shows there was no deal only a list of demands never agreed to.

You’re foolishly claiming something demonstrated to be false by the very video referenced in your link and strutting around on an unearned victory dance. Oh well
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The video clearly shows there was no deal only a list of demands never agreed to.

You’re foolishly claiming something demonstrated to be false by the very video referenced in your link and strutting around on an unearned victory dance. Oh well
Believe what you will. He said there was a deal based on criteria that would need to be overcome while also (during the timing of the interview praying for a miracle in more "aid") remaining skeptical. Lol this shocks the Neocons. Completely discount the fact he says there was a deal. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.
Believe what you will. He said there was a deal based on criteria that would need to be overcome while also (during the timing of the interview praying for a miracle in more "aid") remaining skeptical. Lol this shocks the Neocons. Completely discount the fact he says there was a deal. Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining.
LMAO you’re peeing on your own leg here and claiming to be pouring champagne 😂
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