VN's very own political meme thread...

Get real, ace. The Voting Rights Act was passed by both Dems and Republicans. It was passed for many significant reasons--the campaign of non-violence, not to mention it was of course morally the right thing to do, the vicious attack on the marchers by the Alabama state police---that had nothing to do with Johnson merely wanting to get the minority vote. Given that he was a catalyst for getting the act passed, of course African Americans were going to view him favorably afterward.
You didn't live it kid. I did. I don't remember too many things nowadays, but I remember that and the outrage by my elders - all Democrats.
You should spend your summer vacation from high school by learning how to correctly use the following, Jethro.
1. Your vs You're
2. Their, They're, and There
3. Won't vs Want

So next year, when in the 10th grade, you will look like a genius next to the other rednecks in your class.

Let's not forget the widespread MAGA habit of spelling "too" as "to"---a difference we all learn in, maybe, the 4th grade. And they like to spell "ridiculous" as "rediculous"---oh, my. Elementary-school spelling mistakes.

If you ever spent time on the main athletic boards of the University of Michigan, Notre Dame and North Carolina, to name three, you'd notice a big difference between those boards and this one, frankly.

But, hey, let's all dance with the gangster....


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