US Govt may lose AAA bond rating

Personally i don't think the rating agencies have the balls to downgrade US debt even if it was warrented.
His recklessness scares the shiz out of anyone wit a remote clue about finance or economics.
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There was a couple articles on drudge today, stating the dollar is getting ready to get hammered.
He promised Change,..and we're getting it. I've also noticed his approval rating is getting lower each time he "changes" something..haha
His recklessness scares the shiz out of anyone wit a remote clue about finance or economics.
Posted via VolNation Mobile

yup. try arguing with a democrat about this. all you hear is "bush did the same thing" "bush put us in this mess" etc etc etc. :banghead2:

There was a couple articles on drudge today, stating the dollar is getting ready to get hammered.

if this actually happens you have no idea the effect this could have on the dollar and the economy. once again no way do the rating agencies have the balls to do this. the obama administration would go apecrap too.
I saw on Hannity last night his approval rating was still rather high.

He started in the 80's, now he's in the 50's is the last i heard on the news. That's not high for a president that has been in office for 5 months
if this actually happens you have no idea the effect this could have on the dollar and the economy. once again no way do the rating agencies have the balls to do this. the obama administration would go apecrap too.
in the end, if we can't find new and sustainable liquidity outlets, there is no way that we can make good on all the promises of this administration. At that point, which bills will we stop paying? Gotta think it's the interest tab, which would leave the agencies no choice.
Print off money to pay the interest....then the dollar sheds its value. That's the likely scenario IMO.
Peter Schiff (don't know much about him but he is president of Euro Pacific Capital and correctly predicted a bad recession back in 2006 because of home equities declining) had some strong words today.

Schiff said it’s not only a possibility, but “it’s inevitable” that Brazil and China are eventually going to dump the dollar as the international currency of choice.

“Americans are going to lose their wealth if they go down with this ship,” he said. “I’m trying to help by getting their stocks abroad, out of the dollar and protecting them from Ben Bernanke, Obama and the congress.”

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