United Nations Human Rights Council warns public about cyber-torture (torture with advanced technology)



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Apr 30, 2020
Public Service Announcement

Most people missed the news from the United Nations Human Rights Council that a new category of torture has been designated by the special rapporteur on torture, Dr. Nils Melzer.

Dr. Melzer says cybernetic torture (cyber torture) involves the use of information and communications technology AND nano, medical implants, neurotechnological devices (neuroweapons), A.I., pharmaceutical and biomedical science, stun belts, and robots. Dr. Melzer expressed great concern that these technologies could be used by governments against citizens which is exactly what’s happening.

Thousands of people from around the world are reporting attacks with advanced technology, like the kind used against the U.S. embassy staff in Cuba, and gang stalking crimes. Gang stalking methodically destroys a person’s life and sanity and is reportedly the psychological weapon of choice when it comes to making victims of cyber torture appear delusional.

Mainstream media is promoting this misinformation which is a catastrophic injustice. This video proves unequivocally that gang stalking is real using real life video footage captured by victims.

Retired Technical Leader for Intelligence for the NSA, William Binney (who led 6000 people at the NSA) and two other retired NSA veterans, Kirk Wiebe and Karen Stewart, are trying to bring attention to the issue of gang stalking and cyber torture.

Please watch this informative video and share!

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