Unanswered Questions and Amibuous Endings in Tvshows-Movies

I believe the idea behind Recall is that all those questions are not answered. Given the concept of recall, all of it could be a dream. He could be in a permanent state of ...something, there was a quote at the beginning. Don't recall it.
I believe the idea behind Recall is that all those questions are not answered. Given the concept of recall, all of it could be a dream. He could be in a permanent state of ...something, there was a quote at the beginning. Don't recall it.

So really it was made to be it's not meant to be clear cut at all.

The wizard of oz movie
Was Dorthy shown waking up because she was dreaming the whole thing of being in oz and getting transported there, or was that how she got transported back to Kansas?
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If I asked what the heck do Hellhounds look like it's answered in Supernatural episode trial and error.
Law and order
Episode: Nullification
Since the original trial ended in a miss trial, what was the result of the second trial?
Where did Harmony the ex friend of Cordelia Chase move to? Did she remain a evil Vampire or did she help people out like Angel?

The Dark Knight Rises
The bridge was highly guarded by Bane's mercanaries so how did the person paint a Batman symbol on the bridge without being noticed or seen?
In the original Superman movie, did he travel back in time or turn back time?
In the original Superman movie, did he travel back in time or turn back time?

I assume he went back in time when Lois was still alive to save her. That leaves one to assume the humans from the other disastor died since its a rewind of what happened before Lois died.

Batman and Robin
How the hell does no recognize Dick grayson is Robin?
His hairstyle is exposed, eyes also exposed, voice remains the same,face mostly exposed so he's very identifable.
It's safe to assume people know who he is in Gotham City so this is one huge plothole.
So why does no one call him out or say your Dick Grayson?

The main universe of Dc comics
Does Superman have fingerprints, if so why does he not wear gloves keep from leaving fingerprintnts behind?
Also why the hell has no one taken fingerprints of Superman?
Does Superman have fingerprints, if so why does he not wear gloves keep from leaving fingerprintnts behind?
Also why the hell has no one taken fingerprints of Superman?

How do you MAKE HIM take fingerprints?
They can't tell Clark Kent from Superman when he takes his glasses off and combs his hair the opposite direction. Finger printing is probably like rocket science to that city. Plus his fingerprints wouldn't be on file anyway.
They can't tell Clark Kent from Superman when he takes his glasses off and combs his hair the opposite direction. Finger printing is probably like rocket science to that city. Plus his fingerprints wouldn't be on file anyway.

In superman the reeve movies his voice as Clark was greatly different I think the hair part was used different side combed toas Clark, plus suits do hide most of a man's body shape compared to tights.
So it was plausible people wouldnt suspect the mild mannered reporter with a vastly different voice, glasses and very different body language to be Superman.
I also think since people know he's a alien maybe most think Superman has no secret identity, along with he doesnt wear a mask, helmet, scarf and hat as those are used to conceal one's identity.

The Karate Kid the original one
If hitting the face is illegal for the tournament then why the hell was Daniel rewarded a point with a kick to the face?
As I recall the main villain is not rewarded a point when punches a foe to the face. Same person gets kicked in the face in the climax that is legal.
Also Daniel's friend brings up what is and isnt allowed including hits to the head.

The Dark Knight Rises
Bruce Wayne had no passport or resources after
Bane dropped him in the pit.
So how the hell does he get back to Gotham City so fast with no damn passport or resources?

Batman Begins
Also the water getting altered happened for weeks so how the hell are vast people not dead?
Mr.Fox brought up about the destructive weapon its illegal for it to be used like this as it poisons the water.
In superman the reeve movies his voice as Clark was greatly different I think the hair part was used different side combed toas Clark, plus suits do hide most of a man's body shape compared to tights.
So it was plausible people wouldnt suspect the mild mannered reporter with a vastly different voice, glasses and very different body language to be Superman.
I also think since people know he's a alien maybe most think Superman has no secret identity, along with he doesnt wear a mask, helmet, scarf and hat as those are used to conceal one's identity.

The Karate Kid the original one
If hitting the face is illegal for the tournament then why the hell was Daniel rewarded a point with a kick to the face?
As I recall the main villain is not rewarded a point when punches a foe to the face. Same person gets kicked in the face in the climax that is legal.
Also Daniel's friend brings up what is and isnt allowed including hits to the head.

The Dark Knight Rises
Bruce Wayne had no passport or resources after
Bane dropped him in the pit.
So how the hell does he get back to Gotham City so fast with no damn passport or resources?

Batman Begins
Also the water getting altered happened for weeks so how the hell are vast people not dead?
Mr.Fox brought up about the destructive weapon its illegal for it to be used like this as it poisons the water.

The compound had to be breathed in to be harmful. Swallowing it was harmless. Hence the bad guys were trying to bring in a microwave emmiter that vaporized the town's contaminated water supply.
The compound had to be breathed in to be harmful. Swallowing it was harmless. Hence the bad guys were trying to bring in a microwave emmiter that vaporized the town's contaminated water supply.

Oh ok thanks.

All of the below I'm listing are movies with cliffhangers.

Original The Italian Job
This I believe is the king of movie cliffhangers as it is a literal cliffhanger.
Charlie and his crew on a bus are literally with the bus hanging on a cliff.
The high amount of money they stole is near the back of the bus where that part is hanging over a cliff. Now after Charlie thinks of a great plan the canera zooms out of the bus away from it showing the bus hanging on a edge pf a cliff, and the screen goes black.
What was the great plan that Charlie thought of?
Did he and his crew succeed or did they die with the bus falling off a high edge?
Also if they succeded did they escape to a safe haven or were they caught by Police and other
government authorties?

Super Mario Brothers
What is it that the Mario brothers wouldnt believe?
Considering the weapons the Princess whatever it is its a threat likely to NYC and the Earth. With no sequel we'll never know.

Flash Gordon
Who is the unknown person that puts the ring of Ming the merciless on his hand?
With a question after the end no doubt this was a teaser for a sequel that never got made due to not being successful at the box office.

Deep Rising
Do the three survivors kill the other monsters on the
Also if they do kill the other monsters do they get rescued or die on the island?
Why in most movies do the heroes save the day, then every time (almost) as they're celebrating, the calvary shows up? I get the movie is about the stars, but in real life you don't go through town blowing up/shooting up everything, then the cops show up when you've killed the bad guy.
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Why in most movies do the heroes save the day, then every time (almost) as they're celebrating, the calvary shows up? I get the movie is about the stars, but in real life you don't go through town blowing up/shooting up everything, then the cops show up when you've killed the bad guy.

Police always show up afterwards. Their job isn't to rescue potential victims, it's to secure the crime scene and chalk outlines.
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Lol Even when I was a kid that irked me.

As I'm sure adults way more.
Even in the area of fiction doesn't change there needs to be plausible reasons for why some henchman or right hand man stops serving the Villain, why a character with zero knowledge in some area becomes a expert in one day, how a character got framed and why he got framed, etc.

The Mighty Ducks Cartoon
What was the fate of the main Villain that is Lord Dragaunus?
It is a unknown fate since Mighty Ducks didn't get a second season.

Original Dawn of the Dead
How far did the original survivors get in the helicopter?
Did they get to a Safe Haven or not?

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