
I was REALLY concerned that I may not have planted the bulbs deep enough this fall. Then we had all of that snow and ice.
I see a few peaking up a little bit earlier this year. :eek:hmy:

Still enough time for a big freeze to come before the end of the month. :crossfingers:
Saw this old thread. About to order tulips. Kind of going to zone this with different types in different areas of the yard. Have always liked tulips and started planting them two years ago. Plan to plant seven or eight hundred this year.

Have ordered some Banana Ice Cream and Parrot Rasta varieties. Anyone familiar with those? Thoughts?
Saw this old thread. About to order tulips. Kind of going to zone this with different types in different areas of the yard. Have always liked tulips and started planting them two years ago. Plan to plant seven or eight hundred this year.

Have ordered some Banana Ice Cream and Parrot Rasta varieties. Anyone familiar with those? Thoughts?

That's dedication
Saw this old thread. About to order tulips. Kind of going to zone this with different types in different areas of the yard. Have always liked tulips and started planting them two years ago. Plan to plant seven or eight hundred this year.

Have ordered some Banana Ice Cream and Parrot Rasta varieties. Anyone familiar with those? Thoughts?
I'm not familiar with those two, but I haven't planted any recently, and my memory sucks,
What are you using to dig beds and/or holes?
Who are you ordering from?
7-800 should make a splash!

I think these two are are pretty much the same company. I've had success buying from them. One is cheaper.
I'm not familiar with those two, but I haven't planted any recently, and my memory sucks,
What are you using to dig beds and/or holes?
Who are you ordering from?
7-800 should make a splash!

I think these two are are pretty much the same company. I've had success buying from them. One is cheaper.
Thank you. Planting those in planters on the porch and patio. Ordered these from Dutch bulbs.

The bulk will be going in beds. Have not ordered those yet. I plan on the two big beds to be mixed tulips. Have not quite decided on which mix for each. Two small beds will be with an auger and electric drill. Can put 100 in ground in short order.

The biggest bed I am building about to order the stone for it tomorrow.
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Thank you. Planting those in planters on the porch and patio. Ordered these from Dutch bulbs.

The bulk will be going in beds. Have not ordered those yet. I plan on the two big beds to be mixed tulips. Have not quite decided on which mix for each. Two small beds will be with an auger and electric drill. Can put 100 in ground in short order.

The biggest bed I am building about to order the stone for it tomorrow.
Will you be doing anything to discourage squirrels and chipmunks? 'cause I've lost a lot of tulips over the years that way
Will you be doing anything to discourage squirrels and chipmunks? 'cause I've lost a lot of tulips over the years that way
Good question. Last year had two beds. One we had around 97% come up. The other was lower and it could have been because of squirrels, not sure.

Been told sometime in the past that bone meal was somewhat effective. May get an air gun and simply thin the bushy tailed bast**ds out. We do not have many and the hawks are pretty effective. Advice is appreciated.
Good question. Last year had two beds. One we had around 97% come up. The other was lower and it could have been because of squirrels, not sure.

Been told sometime in the past that bone meal was somewhat effective. May get an air gun and simply thin the bushy tailed bast**ds out. We do not have many and the hawks are pretty effective. Advice is appreciated.
If you've got hawks and BB's, that might do it. 🤪

If I plant tulips and other tasty bulbs, I would *tell myself* that I would plant them under chicken wire buried around and on top of (not below) the bulbs. The foliage and flower stems can grow easily up through the gaps in the chicken wire, but it can frustrate critters enough that they might go bother your neighbors instead. 😁
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If you've got hawks and BB's, that might do it. 🤪

If I plant tulips and other tasty bulbs, I would *tell myself* that I would plant them under chicken wire buried around and on top of (not below) the bulbs. The foliage and flower stems can grow easily up through the gaps in the chicken wire, but it can frustrate critters enough that they might go bother your neighbors instead. 😁
That's a thought. Just put it on top and pull it up when the shoots stop popping. Thanks again.
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I have a three tiered oblong cutting garden and we basically live in the woods so there are lots of squirrels and other assorted critters. After a couple of years of having my bulbs eaten at different stages of development my husband built cages out of PVC pipe, green plastic netting and zip ties to cover two of the beds. I tried putting down chicken wire after planting the fall bulbs and then taking it off once things sprouted in the spring but the critters were eating the flower buds. This has worked well for me because the beds are not for show and fairly hidden from view. The cages are light enough that I can prop them up (one side at a time) with a scrap piece of lumber with a V notched at the top when I need to cut flowers. Any serious weeding or planting requires two people to totally remove them though. I tried putting plastic forks all over and and other deterrents and they just didn't work.
Saw this old thread. About to order tulips. Kind of going to zone this with different types in different areas of the yard. Have always liked tulips and started planting them two years ago. Plan to plant seven or eight hundred this year.

Have ordered some Banana Ice Cream and Parrot Rasta varieties. Anyone familiar with those? Thoughts?
How do you plant 700 tulips? What kind of process is that?

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