This was not a pathetic performance, I have to say.



Score fast, score hard, no mercy.
Sep 20, 2009
I want to call this game pathetic but that would be an inaccurate use of English as the word pathetic is defined as "arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness." I don't feel much pity. I do see a lot of vulnerability but I don't see anything that elicits sympathy from me. So that'd be the wrong word. I'm not feeling a lot of sadness so it's not pathetic to me. And I do want to be accurate. I don't want to just throw words up there and hope some of them connect -- what am I, a Tennessee quarterback? Naaaah, I want to hit the mark. I want to hit the description of this game in stride, give it a chance to make a play.

Could it be upsetting? I don't know. Upsetting is defined as "causing unhappiness, disappointment, or worry." Am I unhappy? Well, it's not like we were all that big a deal, so maybe not. After that first pick, I don't even think I worried about what would happen next. I knew what was going to happen. So I don't really think I can say I was upset.

What about humiliating? Could it be humiliating? That one's defined as "causing someone to feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and self-respect." First off, I'm just a fan, so I don't know that I get to have self-respect about a game I'm not actually involved in ... but DIGNITY? Heh. WHAT dignity? Did we sign dignity? Was dignity hanging out on the bench with Harrison Bailey? I wonder. I don't think I spotted him in the game, I know that much.

Still it's not really humiliating. Or upsetting. Not pathetic, either. Maybe ... maybe it's historic? That's certainly true. The last time Kentucky beat Tennessee by more than 20 points was in 1959. That's sixty years ago. I can't even put that into mind. "Bowden Wyatt." That's one of those names they put up alongside old grayscale photos that get printed on murals around the stadium. But while today's loss was historic, that word doesn't seem to capture the proper energy about today's loss.

Man, I just can't think of the right word. Dreadful, disgraceful, deflating, inglorious, shameful, debasing, crushing, appalling -- WAIT. Wait wait wait. THAT'S IT. THAT is the RIGHT word right there. APPALLING.

Appalling is defined as "greatly dismaying or horrifying." And the definition of dismaying is "consternation and distress, typically that caused by something unexpected." That's it. That's the right word. Appalling. I didn't go into today's game expecting a huge win, or any specific type of win for that matter, but I did not expect to see Kentucky obliterate Tennessee by a margin of 27 points on its own field. I did not expect to see four turnovers. That was unexpected. Which was also dismaying. Which was also appalling.

What an appalling performance.
Beyond pathetic a disaster. JG keeps worming his way back into the starting job year after year. We will sit him some along the way but he somehow finds his way back in the lineup. His last two game have been horrible and SC really wasn't that great even though we won.
The fact you find anything unexpected by a Tennessee team is both pathetic and appalling.

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