This Saturday



Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2006
I was born the son of Jerry McKinley Ladd of Kingston Tennessee in 1975. I have watched or listened to UT games with my dad since I could walk. My real first memories are of the 1982 UT vs Bama game. I remember jumping for joy listening to John Ward announce that the Volunteers had beaten the Crimson tide. Pure unbridled joy. My dad disliked Alabama with a pure passion. A passon that would be passed to me with the streak from 86-94. Little did we know we'd have to move to Birmingham in 1985 after Tennessee Forging steel in Harriman closed its doors. My dad being a 3rd generation steel worker by trade, and me the 4th.

Dad and I shared many Tennessee Saturday's over the next few decades, through all the ups and down of family life and work life, the one constant was Tennessee football.

From Cockrell to Manning to Worley we never missed a Saturday, even if we could only talk on the phone before the game, then at halftime, and after the game.

My dad used to tell me that it didn't take a lot to be a Florida gator or a Georgia bulldog, or the Crimson tide. But, men gave their lives being Tennessee Volunteers. That our name meant something, unlike others who used mascot names or such.

My dad died this past Monday after a sever bout with leukemia. I miss my dad terribly and it will get worse this Saturday. The sinking feeling only gets deeper as Saturday gets closer. I do know that he will be watching this Saturday from the best seat available. Here's hoping we can finally break the gator streak.

I've seen others here post about their fathers and the shared love of UT football. I would always call my dad after reading those heart wrenching posts, now I'm posting my own, about my dad. Guys and gals, call your dad and tell them you love them. Time is our greatest enemy.

Go Vols from me and my dad. :clapping:
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I am so sorry for your loss and want to thank you for sharing this story with us.

In this sad time I wish you peace and joy.
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Sorry for your loss. Its been 29 years for my dad, who left at 55 and unexpectedly. Total shock. I still miss the UT games we went too. gonna start a new tradition with my Grandson Peyton.

Tell your dad to look up mine. They can watch and cheer the vols on together.

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Sounds like your dad was a wise man and a lucky man.
The greatest gift a father can have is knowing he is loved by his children. Seems your father was well aware. Sorry for your loss.
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Great memories! I am sure he will be missed, he will be around Saturday....... and all other days because he is in your heart. I am sorry for your loss.
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I feel ya dude! It will be 7 years in February since my dad passed.

He taught me and my brothers how to be Vol fans, fathers, and responsible men!

I miss him terribly! He took me and my two brothers on unforgettable road trips to the Swamp in 2001 and 2003. We were 2-0 at the Swamp with my dad before he got sick, I won't be back to Gainesville.

Prayers to you and your family!

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Also thinking a lot of my ol' Man this week. He too passed this past February from a massive stroke (he was only 50). He was a season ticket holder and we never missed a game, especially Florida! I was raised to hate them with the most intense passion. He took me to Gainseville for our first road game in 2011, gag!

But this was always the game we were obsessed about every year. I hate that he's not going to be here when we Checker Neyland and stomp a mudhole in some Gator @$$! I want to be there so bad, but I'm not ready to go back to Neyland w/o him yet.

Thanks for posting OP. I feel ya!
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Who left these onions in here?!

Seriously, man. Beautiful. Sorry for your loss and know he is resting on high now with no pain. I lost my father in 1992 and I miss him everyday. It never gets better but the memories will always make you smile.
I am very sorry for your loss. I lost my Dad this past March, and we shared a love of Tennessee football very much like you and your Dad. Prayers to you and and your family. May all the Volunteer Dads who have passed on watch a Tennessee victory on Saturday.
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Wow, what a heartfelt and touching post. That got me. Sounds like your Dad was a wise man and a good man. So sorry for your loss sir. Proud he was a Volunteer.
Thanks everyone, it means a lot.

Dad didn't know a whole lot about computers or the Internet and he would always ask me, "What are the Vol fans on the forum saying about our chances this week?"

Thanks again everyone. Cheers to all of our fathers.
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May the God of our fathers bless you and your family with peaceful hearts full of understanding for each others individual loss. May he give you comfort and the blessing of loving children, just like you loved your dad. May he continue to bless your mother with you, her children. May God Bless You.
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I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers man. Thanks for sharing your story.

GO big orange. Beat the gators.
My dad and I had the same love for the Vols as you and your dad. We never missed a home game for 17 years, he passed 27 years ago the week before the game against Auburn. In spirit we still haven’t missed a game together home or away. Sorry for your loss, prayers sent.
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Loved this from your dad.

My dad used to tell me that it didn't take a lot to be a Florida gator or a Georgia bulldog, or the Crimson tide. But, men gave their lives being Tennessee Volunteers. That our name meant something, unlike others who used mascot names or such.

Wise man.
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From the bottom of my heart....Cool story bro!!!

Me and my father are blessed to have season tickets together and we do not take that for granted. As the years pass and my father gets older, I have thought about what those seats will mean to me some day....

Hope we get a win in his honor!! Go Vols!!
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Sorry for your loss, but im sure he wont be alone watching the game since a special announcer will be looking over our game.
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My Father never missed a football game of mine from junior high, through high school and then through college. Every single game, home and away. Every big play I made, I would look up into the stands and we'd acknowledge each other. I'm sure the little connections we made meant as much to him as they did to me.

I find myself today 61 years old. My Father is 84. I'm fortunate to talk to him each day, sometimes for 15 minutes and sometimes just 3 or 4. One thing I can always count on are the Sunday morning conversations when we talk about the college football games from the day before.

After reading the OP's post, I realized two, I'm a very lucky man. Two, I'm going to miss him terribly one day. I pray that day is still far, far away.
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Death is an enemy and Jesus has defeated it by his resurrection. One day soon he's coming to raise the dead. 1 Corinthians 15.

Sorry to hear of your loss.
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