This has gotten sad :(

Why is the "T" centered on the 47.5 yard line?

(Yes, this is my first post even though I've been a member for 11 years. This bad cookie cake design was finally enough to push me over the edge, lol.) #GBO

They know that butch always “passes” on that last 2.5 yards so no need to do the extra work to add it on.
Well , I've been hopeful for us to turn around and be the team we all love . I've tried to stay positive, give everything , everyone a chance. I've done good not to bash Butch , I've really tried hard not to buy a ticket for the fire Butch train ride . He has done good things but I've come to realize that he will never get us to where we need to be. I hate HC change , it always means starting over , we been doing that for a longtime now . I'm at a lose. My colors are Orange, I can't pull for none other that the big Orange!!!!!! Its a damn shame for our talented players who sweat ,bleed and give all . What a waste .
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Well , I've been hopeful for us to turn around and be the team we all love . I've tried to stay positive, give everything , everyone a chance. I've done good not to bash Butch , I've really tried hard not to buy a ticket for the fire Butch train ride . He has done good things but I've come to realize that he will never get us to where we need to be. I hate HC change , it always means starting over , we been doing that for a longtime now . I'm at a lose. My colors are Orange, I can't pull for none other that the big Orange!!!!!! Its a damn shame for our talented players who sweat ,bleed and give all . What a waste .

That starting over thing is the worst part; and with an unfamiliar coaching crew, it's really uncharted territory. It's a shame there wasn't adult leadership around to rebuild or at least salvage what we could from the Fulmer years because that wouldn't have turned out worse than what has transpired. Boosters with more money than common sense and Hamilton/Hart certainly didn't equal adult leadership, but maybe their perspective from alcohol friendly suites gives them a rosier perspective of the debacle the rest of us see.
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Friend of mine at work said there was a cookie cake store in KY with one of the cakes having "FIRE Butch Jones" written in icing..

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Clay Travis is a washed up lawyer who couldn't hack it in the legal field. He writes a cute little "puff piece" book about Fulmer to get out of being a failure as an attorney. Now he lives off his daddy's money, pretending to be an expert, hoping he gets clicks on his asinine articles. Most of which he steals the premises from this free site. He's a damned loser.
REALLY hoping that little sh!t reads this post and has something to say about it. Piss ant little scumbag living off his daddy and wife.

No different that the other vast majority of college teams that will have something bad or negative said about them. Just in the last 3 weeks Washington, Wash St, Fla St, Auburn, LSU, Fla, Ark, Mich, UCLA, Vandy, USC, Nebraska, Ole Miss just to name a few have all had negative stuff written or said about them. And just as many Coach's have too. Chris Peterson took a verbal beating 2 weeks ago and things are going well there. I promise you it's not just TN nor is anyone picking on just us. And the majority of the stuff about TN is negative towards Butch and that's not a bad thing since he's gonna be gone after this weekend anyway. First half of last season there was nothing but positive stuff being said about TN. It means absolutely nothing outside of the fans that take offense to it and get defensive. When you play like $hit and have an idiot coach that is either completely clueless to what he is saying and further shows why he shouldn't be here or just throws stuff out there because he's truly dumb enough to believe the stuff he spews. Either way if won't make or break the next HC hire. If Coach's listened to all the noise they would be very limited on coaching destinations cause it happens everywhere. Even at Ala, GA, Ohio St and Clemson. It's a hey look at me and read what I wrote type deal and that's it. Everyone knows the coaching situation here and that a new Coach will be on the sidelines next year. Nothing earth shattering until we make a hire.The right hire and all the noise goes away.Then they find the next subject or team to focus on. The life of being a fan of a big name university.
Butch will be here until he looses 7 games, then his buyout is reduced. If the AD is smart he will wait those 7 losses and have the extra money to pay for a better coach.

Don't think I've seen details of his contract, but is tying bowl eligibility to a buyout standard these days? Hard to imagine an agent going for that, but then again, a confident coach would obviously not have a problem with such language. Still, I'm not sure this is actually a condition for reducing his buyout. I think it's more a case of Currie not robbing the team of a chance to make a bowl...especially the seniors.

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