The Witcher 3 officially delayed until February 2015

15 hours. I work remotely and I'm totally taking an unofficial day tomorrow
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Haven't checked anywhere other than gamestop, which is a no go

A friend of mine ordered the steelbook edition from Best Buy. He received a package today, which he thought was his copy of Witcher. However it turned out they shipped him the empty steel case separate from the actual game, which won't arrive until tomorrow. LOL! Talk about a kick in the nuts!

A friend of mine ordered the steelbook edition from Best Buy. He received a package today, which he thought was his copy of Witcher. However it turned out they shipped him the empty steel case separate from the actual game, which won't arrive until tomorrow. LOL! Talk about a kick in the nuts!

Hahahaha. I wish Bestbuy guaranteed release day delivery.
Picked mine up at lunch today. I have to commend CD Projekt Red on their packaging of this game. It made me realize how much I miss cool packaging with video games. For just the standard version I got...

A steelbook case (Best Buy exclusive)
A copy of the game (obviously)
A map
A game manual
A compendium
A soundtrack CD (that I can't play in my PS4 ironically)
and a thank you letter from CDPR for purchasing their product.

It makes me think, how can a relatively small company like CDPR take this much care to release their product with so much value, yet billion dollar companies like EA and Activision release their games in a basic jewel case with nothing else?
I liked how much it came with too. I ended up picking mine up at Walmart, which came with an exclusive poster. I don't care for posters, but it's cool that it comes with it.
Chose a difficulty one slot higher than normal. Tough! Died a few times in the first fight. Block is definitely your friend!

Pretty sure the nifgardian officer that gives you the Griffin quest is Bron from GoT!

It's living up to its billing so far. Feels like GTA meets Skyrim
Ok so I'm loving this game. Lol. Battles take a little getting used to. Feel a little overwhelmed with all of the inventory choices and enhancing. Also, wow the fall damage. I have taken so much health off from falls that other games would let you get away with.
Definitely rouge style fighting; the Witcher can't take many direct hits. Anyone else found that money is hard as hell to come by?
Definitely rouge style fighting; the Witcher can't take many direct hits. Anyone else found that money is hard as hell to come by?

Yes. Every time I go to shop for something I look and realize I have almost no money. I'm like man I've been just clicking take all on everything and still got no money? Also getting ingredients is a little tough, too. They are abundant, it's just finding the right ones.
My impressions so far...

The graphics, especially for an open world game are amazing! The level of detail is insane! After I finished the tutorial, I removed all of the HUD details and spent a good hour or more just walking around and taking everything in. The lighting will just amaze you! The sunsets are breath-taking but what almost impressed even more than that was how incredible everything looks at night in moonlight! I don’t think I’ve ever played a game where the moonlight properly created the right light and shade. This game does that and creates such a fantastic atmosphere at night! Nothing looks cooler than looking up in the sky on a clear night and seeing the stars twinkling or even on a cloudy night, you can see through the clouds and still see the stars twinkling.

The music is fantastic! The music really sucks you in. It’s very “Game of Thrones-ish” and it fits extremely well with the game. Every situation is accompanied by a piece of music that fits it perfectly! I’m glad I got the soundtrack CD because I’ve been blasting it in my truck since yesterday.

The gameplay…I’m still getting used to it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not unplayable but it IS a tad on the clunky side compared to other 3rd person games IMO. There are a LOT of things to remember while in combat, so I’m not at that point yet where everything is second nature. Those who played the previous Witcher games may be more familiar with it, however I still strongly suggest you go through the tutorial. There’s just a lot of commands to remember and I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to do one thing but did something completely different by mistake.

The voice acting is pretty solid. That’s always a big pet peeve of mine in games because nothing pulls me out of my suspension of disbelief with RPG’s faster than terrible voice acting. The only nit-pick I have in this department is the main character Geralt. He sounds like a mix of Solid Snake and Christian Bale’s Batman. I wish they would have chosen a different sounding voice for him. However I’m just picking nits here. Overall the voice acting is great.

The difficulty seems well balanced I believe. I’m playing it on what I guess is the “normal” setting and for my skill level with this game, this is exactly where I need to be playing it at. I’ve gotten my ass handed to me a few times but I learned and when I faced those same enemies again I handled them well.

Other things that I appreciate:

The save system is incredibly easy and smooth. Basically you hit “options,” click “save,” and your progressed is saved.

When you’re on horseback, if you double tap “X” your horse goes into a full on gallop and he automatically navigates the path you’re on. You don’t have to “steer” the horse in this mode.

There are so many little details. For example, I got into a fight with a guard and we destroyed part of a fence. The next day I came back to that same spot and there were villagers actually re building that part of the fence we destroyed.


As I’ve mentioned before, the gameplay is a tad on the clunky side and I wish it were a little simpler. However I’m sure much of that is just me not having mastered it yet. I may have a different attitude on this later on as I get better.

All of the on-screen information is TINY! Even when I choose to enlarge the HUD information, it still looks like it was designed more to be looked at 2 feet away from a PC monitor rather than 8 feet away from a TV. I actually had to scoot up closer to my TV to play this just so I could read all the on screen information easier. Final Fantasy IVX: A Realm Reborn has this same issue. They should have taken the time to redesign the menu system for consoles to better suit viewing from living room couches.

Being that this is an RPG, I kind of wish we would have been given options to customize Geralt. This is one area that I think Dragon Age Inquisition did it better. I get that The Witcher tells a specific story with specific characters. I just wish we could have had SOME level of customization with our character.

Geralt’s voice sounds a bit out of place to me in this universe. He sounds too American and a bit like Solid Snake/Christian Bale Batman.

The nude/sex scenes, while they don't particularly offend me, feel a bit too ham-fisted (no pun intended) and un necessary at times. I always feel this way while watching Game of Thrones as well. For the most part it feels like it's just there to cater 17 year old pimple-faced virgins with cheeto dust on their zippers.

Overall though, the game is stellar! I cannot reccomend this game highly enough and I cannot wait to get home today and delve back into that universe!
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My impressions so far...

The graphics, especially for an open world game are amazing! The level of detail is insane! After I finished the tutorial, I removed all of the HUD details and spent a good hour or more just walking around and taking everything in. The lighting will just amaze you! The sunsets are breath-taking but what almost impressed even more than that was how incredible everything looks at night in moonlight! I don’t think I’ve ever played a game where the moonlight properly created the right light and shade. This game does that and creates such a fantastic atmosphere at night! Nothing looks cooler than looking up in the sky on a clear night and seeing the stars twinkling or even on a cloudy night, you can see through the clouds and still see the stars twinkling.

The music is fantastic! The music really sucks you in. It’s very “Game of Thrones-ish” and it fits extremely well with the game. Every situation is accompanied by a piece of music that fits it perfectly! I’m glad I got the soundtrack CD because I’ve been blasting it in my truck since yesterday.

The gameplay…I’m still getting used to it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not unplayable but it IS a tad on the clunky side compared to other 3rd person games IMO. There are a LOT of things to remember while in combat, so I’m not at that point yet where everything is second nature. Those who played the previous Witcher games may be more familiar with it, however I still strongly suggest you go through the tutorial. There’s just a lot of commands to remember and I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to do one thing but did something completely different by mistake.

The voice acting is pretty solid. That’s always a big pet peeve of mine in games because nothing pulls me out of my suspension of disbelief with RPG’s faster than terrible voice acting. The only nit-pick I have in this department is the main character Geralt. He sounds like a mix of Solid Snake and Christian Bale’s Batman. I wish they would have chosen a different sounding voice for him. However I’m just picking nits here. Overall the voice acting is great.

The difficulty seems well balanced I believe. I’m playing it on what I guess is the “normal” setting and for my skill level with this game, this is exactly where I need to be playing it at. I’ve gotten my ass handed to me a few times but I learned and when I faced those same enemies again I handled them well.

Other things that I appreciate:

The save system is incredibly easy and smooth. Basically you hit “options,” click “save,” and your progressed is saved.

When you’re on horseback, if you double tap “X” your horse goes into a full on gallop and he automatically navigates the path you’re on. You don’t have to “steer” the horse in this mode.

There are so many little details. For example, I got into a fight with a guard and we destroyed part of a fence. The next day I came back to that same spot and there were villagers actually re building that part of the fence we destroyed.


As I’ve mentioned before, the gameplay is a tad on the clunky side and I wish it were a little simpler. However I’m sure much of that is just me not having mastered it yet. I may have a different attitude on this later on as I get better.

All of the on-screen information is TINY! Even when I choose to enlarge the HUD information, it still looks like it was designed more to be looked at 2 feet away from a PC monitor rather than 8 feet away from a TV. I actually had to scoot up closer to my TV to play this just so I could read all the on screen information easier. Final Fantasy IVX: A Realm Reborn has this same issue. They should have taken the time to redesign the menu system for consoles to better suit viewing from living room couches.

Being that this is an RPG, I kind of wish we would have been given options to customize Geralt. This is one area that I think Dragon Age Inquisition did it better. I get that The Witcher tells a specific story with specific characters. I just wish we could have had SOME level of customization with our character.

Geralt’s voice sounds a bit out of place to me in this universe. He sounds too American and a bit like Solid Snake/Christian Bale Batman.

The nude/sex scenes, while they don't particularly offend me, feel a bit too ham-fisted (no pun intended) and un necessary at times. I always feel this way while watching Game of Thrones as well. For the most part it feels like it's just there to cater 17 year old pimple-faced virgins with cheeto dust on their zippers.

Overall though, the game is stellar! I cannot reccomend this game highly enough and I cannot wait to get home today and delve back into that universe!

I agree. It is definitely made for PC first. The combat is clunky, and that was the way it was with Witcher 2 on consoles - it doesn't have the tight controls of the Souls games. Excellent game though despite those two things.

I think we should make a thread every month for video game reviews. Kind of like that Rosen guy's game deals. If you're the resident Volnation racer, put up a Forza 6 review, for example. What do you think?
I think a review thread would be great, Also, I heard the combat is clunky but for the most part everything else is really good. I am going to pick it up this weekend.
I think a review thread would be great, Also, I heard the combat is clunky but for the most part everything else is really good. I am going to pick it up this weekend.

Oh yeah definitely pick it up. It's a great game despite the clunky combat system. Plus like I said in my review, I'm sure a lot of that is just me getting used to it. Once I become more proficient at everything I'm sure it won't be an issue. I just get confused as to what to do sometimes because there's so many different commands. The tiny fonts used for screen info is more annoying to me than the combat. I ended up removing all HUD information with the exception of the the little overhead map. Your health bar only comes up when you're in a combat situation.
My impressions so far...

The graphics, especially for an open world game are amazing! The level of detail is insane! After I finished the tutorial, I removed all of the HUD details and spent a good hour or more just walking around and taking everything in. The lighting will just amaze you! The sunsets are breath-taking but what almost impressed even more than that was how incredible everything looks at night in moonlight! I don’t think I’ve ever played a game where the moonlight properly created the right light and shade. This game does that and creates such a fantastic atmosphere at night! Nothing looks cooler than looking up in the sky on a clear night and seeing the stars twinkling or even on a cloudy night, you can see through the clouds and still see the stars twinkling.

The music is fantastic! The music really sucks you in. It’s very “Game of Thrones-ish” and it fits extremely well with the game. Every situation is accompanied by a piece of music that fits it perfectly! I’m glad I got the soundtrack CD because I’ve been blasting it in my truck since yesterday.

The gameplay…I’m still getting used to it. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not unplayable but it IS a tad on the clunky side compared to other 3rd person games IMO. There are a LOT of things to remember while in combat, so I’m not at that point yet where everything is second nature. Those who played the previous Witcher games may be more familiar with it, however I still strongly suggest you go through the tutorial. There’s just a lot of commands to remember and I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to do one thing but did something completely different by mistake.

The voice acting is pretty solid. That’s always a big pet peeve of mine in games because nothing pulls me out of my suspension of disbelief with RPG’s faster than terrible voice acting. The only nit-pick I have in this department is the main character Geralt. He sounds like a mix of Solid Snake and Christian Bale’s Batman. I wish they would have chosen a different sounding voice for him. However I’m just picking nits here. Overall the voice acting is great.

The difficulty seems well balanced I believe. I’m playing it on what I guess is the “normal” setting and for my skill level with this game, this is exactly where I need to be playing it at. I’ve gotten my ass handed to me a few times but I learned and when I faced those same enemies again I handled them well.

Other things that I appreciate:

The save system is incredibly easy and smooth. Basically you hit “options,” click “save,” and your progressed is saved.

When you’re on horseback, if you double tap “X” your horse goes into a full on gallop and he automatically navigates the path you’re on. You don’t have to “steer” the horse in this mode.

There are so many little details. For example, I got into a fight with a guard and we destroyed part of a fence. The next day I came back to that same spot and there were villagers actually re building that part of the fence we destroyed.


As I’ve mentioned before, the gameplay is a tad on the clunky side and I wish it were a little simpler. However I’m sure much of that is just me not having mastered it yet. I may have a different attitude on this later on as I get better.

All of the on-screen information is TINY! Even when I choose to enlarge the HUD information, it still looks like it was designed more to be looked at 2 feet away from a PC monitor rather than 8 feet away from a TV. I actually had to scoot up closer to my TV to play this just so I could read all the on screen information easier. Final Fantasy IVX: A Realm Reborn has this same issue. They should have taken the time to redesign the menu system for consoles to better suit viewing from living room couches.

Being that this is an RPG, I kind of wish we would have been given options to customize Geralt. This is one area that I think Dragon Age Inquisition did it better. I get that The Witcher tells a specific story with specific characters. I just wish we could have had SOME level of customization with our character.

Geralt’s voice sounds a bit out of place to me in this universe. He sounds too American and a bit like Solid Snake/Christian Bale Batman.

The nude/sex scenes, while they don't particularly offend me, feel a bit too ham-fisted (no pun intended) and un necessary at times. I always feel this way while watching Game of Thrones as well. For the most part it feels like it's just there to cater 17 year old pimple-faced virgins with cheeto dust on their zippers.

Overall though, the game is stellar! I cannot reccomend this game highly enough and I cannot wait to get home today and delve back into that universe!

I couldn't have typed this out any better. My thoughts exactly.

I will add this. Coming from Skyrim, which I played forever. This game is kind of a shock. I'm not used to the system for all the upgrades and inventory just yet. Skyrim was so simple. There feels like a lot more depth in this game.
I still have to watch myself when it comes to fall damage. Lol. I'm so used to just hopping right down off ledges that aren't too tall because it either just doesn't hurt or it takes a tiny little amount of hp. On this game every time you hop a tiny ledge you lose half your life bar.

I also agree on the writing on the screen being small. I thought I was getting worse vision or something. Glad I'm not alone. I was squinting.
Another thing coming from Skyrim that I totally appreciate with The Witcher is absolutely zero loading times when going in and out of houses! It's pretty neat to enter a cabin, turn around and look out the window to see the entire world just outside, and then go back out into that world with no loading screen!
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Another thing coming from Skyrim that I totally appreciate with The Witcher is absolutely zero loading times when going in and out of houses! It's pretty neat to enter a cabin, turn around and look out the window to see the entire world just outside, and then go back out into that world with no loading screen!

Yes! Which brings up another thing. The load times are awesome. When you save the game it's literally instant. Zero waiting. When you quick travel it's like 5 seconds. If you die it's not too bad at all either. I saw a post worried about the load times after watching a stream, but they are top notch, imo.
I still haven't even done the first griffin battle yet. I went to every single question mark on the map after looking at that town board.

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