The Weather Thread

Just checked outside. It appears the roads are covered with a thin layer of ice.
Quite a bit of ice on the roads in our subdivision this morning. I was planning on going to work until I watched the person down the road try to back out of their driveway and didn't stop until they were in the yard on the other side of the street. I said screw it and came back in and turned on SportsCenter.
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Quite a bit of ice on the roads in our subdivision this morning. I was planning on going to work until I watched the person down the road try to back out of their driveway and didn't stop until they were in the yard on the other side of the street. I said screw it and came back in and turned on SportsCenter.
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I'm debating on whether or not to try it at all for a while. Seems as if Knoxville got hit worse than Maryville did.
I'm debating on whether or not to try it at all for a while. Seems as if Knoxville got hit worse than Maryville did.
From everyone I have talked to, it seems North Knoxville/Knox County is the worst. I'm not gonna try getting out for at least a couple of hours.
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Roads are still slick. The ice is showing no signs of melting.
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Roads are still slick. The ice is showing no signs of melting.
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Made it downtown. First TN Building parking garage is about 20% full. The ramp from Neyland to get here was still a sheet of ice. 5 people at my firm today.

The good news is if I woudl get off VN I could get a lot of work done. :)
Weather here has been crazy lately. High yesterday was 80. Today will be 63.
We are getting a break in Central Indiana over the next 48 hours...highs have been running around 25 for the past several weeks, todays high is suppose to be around 40 with temps Friday hitting mid 50's....then back to 30's by the weekend
We finaly got our power back on Thursday evening after it being off since Tuesday. Earlier in the week we got hit with 2 inches of ice and now we are getting 2-5 inches of snow. I swear this has been the longest Winter ever!
The last few days have been nice here in Utah. Sunny and warm today. Played golf. Wind was howling, though. About 2 inches of snow right now and still coming down.

Charlie Sheen


We've been creeping up to around 50 this week and still have 2 feet on the ground.
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They're talking massive floods here in the coming weeks. Maybe something like the flood of '93 if the north Mississippi gets any warmer. I'd like to see how well Rock Island's new flood wall stands up.

They're talking massive floods here in the coming weeks. Maybe something like the flood of '93 if the north Mississippi gets any warmer. I'd like to see how well Rock Island's new flood wall stands up.

The big concern here is a heavy rain, we're screwed if that happens, the warm days and cold nights are ideal for a slow controlled melt with minimal flooding.
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High of 80 here today. I actually had to turn on my AC
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