The War on Drugs has Failed

why is it the govt's responsibility to keep people from destroying themselves? I'm starting to get to the point where I'd just let them do it and save the bucks

Cause the gvt will still end up spending money when those fools need medical attention, firefighters when they blow their house down, police when they get shot, etc

IN a ideal world, then yes
Cause the gvt will still end up spending money when those fools need medical attention, firefighters when they blow their house down, police when they get shot, etc

IN a ideal world, then yes

my point is about the billions of dollars spent to "fight" these drugs that could go elsewhere (or just not be collected). The WoD is a cash cow for the gov't and that's why they will fight for it until the end of the US.
war on drugs=fight against human nature... plain and simple, that and if the war was "won" it would put a lot of people out of jobs....
my point is about the billions of dollars spent to "fight" these drugs that could go elsewhere (or just not be collected). The WoD is a cash cow for the gov't and that's why they will fight for it until the end of the US.

I agree there is no compelling argument on our current course of fighting the war on weed.

It seems to me though that letting heroine, cocaine, meth, etc become legal would still have a cost to this country on par with what we spend on the war against them. Then you add in the toll it takes on people, their families, ets that can't be counted in monetary terms the damage would be much more severe.
war on drugs=fight against human nature... plain and simple, that and if the war was "won" it would put a lot of people out of jobs....

I agree, still think it is better than letting these drugs take their toll unimpeded.

Another angle is that if we legalize heroine we simply add to the market and give our enemies more means to fight us with (poppy Afghanistan).
Most of you are clueless. How can you judge an ongoing war on anything. The word "war" was a poor choice. I would consider it an effort and the cause is good. Nothing good comes out of any drug use. Have any of you been paying attention to what goes on in these countries with liberal lines of thinkin? Drug use, yes even MJ, is the root crime for about 90% of all crime. And you say legalize it? For everyone of you who say MJ is harmless, I'll show you some pics of 5 teenagers dead on the side of the road. And for you who say Alcohol is worse, I'll ask.. How do you know?

And for the person who said it, MJ does not carry the same penalties as Heroin.
Most of you are clueless. How can you judge an ongoing war on anything. The word "war" was a poor choice. I would consider it an effort and the cause is good. Nothing good comes out of any drug use. Have any of you been paying attention to what goes on in these countries with liberal lines of thinkin? Drug use, yes even MJ, is the root crime for about 90% of all crime. And you say legalize it? For everyone of you who say MJ is harmless, I'll show you some pics of 5 teenagers dead on the side of the road. And for you who say Alcohol is worse, I'll ask.. How do you know?

And for the person who said it, MJ does not carry the same penalties as Heroin.

Let's make Aspirin Illegal too.

Aspirin vs. Marijuana | The Best Article Every day

Marijuana has been used for over 5,000 years.
No one has ever overdosed on marijuana.
Aspirin has been used for 108 years.
Approximately 500 people die every year by taking aspirin

Marijuana side effects and dangers:

The dangers of marijuana include possible respiratory problems caused by the deposition of burnt plant material on the lungs. This danger can be eliminated with alternate forms of consumption such as eating or vaporizing the medicine.
For two to four hours, marijuana causes short-term memory loss, a slight reduction in reaction time, and a reduction in cognitive ability. (It makes you stupid for a little while.)These conditions DO NOT persist after the herb wears off.

Creative Impulse

Aspirin side effects and dangers:

When taken with alcohol, aspirin can cause stomach bleeding.
Reye Syndrome in children: fat begins to develop around the liver and other organs of the child, eventually putting severe pressure on the brain. Death is common within a few days.
People with hemophilia can die.
People with hyperthyroidism suffer elevated T4 levels.
Stomach problems include dyspepsia, heartburn, upset stomach, stomach ulcers with gross bleeding, and internal bleeding leading to anemia.
Dizziness, ringing in the ears, hearing loss, vertigo, vision disturbances, and headaches.
Heavy sweating
Irreversible liver damage
Inflamation and gradual destruction of the kidneys
Nausea and vomiting
Abdominal pain
Dyspepsia: a gnawing or burning stomach pain accompanied by bloating, heartburn, nausea, vomiting and burping.
Tachypnea: Abnormally fast breathing
Respiratory Alkalosis: a condition where the amount of carbon dioxide found in the blood drops to a level below normal range brought on by abnormally fast breathing.
Cerebral Edema: Water accumulates on the brain. Symptoms include headaches, decreased level of consciousness, loss of eyesight, hallucinations, psychotic behavior, memory loss and coma. If left untreated, it can lead to death.
Hallucinations, confusion, and seizure.
Prolonged bleeding after operations or post-trauma for up to 10 days after last aspirin.
Aspirin can interact with some other drugs, such as diabetes medication. Aspirin changes the way the body handles these drugs and can lead to a drug overdose and death.
Most of you are clueless. How can you judge an ongoing war on anything. The word "war" was a poor choice. I would consider it an effort and the cause is good. Nothing good comes out of any drug use. Have any of you been paying attention to what goes on in these countries with liberal lines of thinkin? Drug use, yes even MJ, is the root crime for about 90% of all crime. And you say legalize it? For everyone of you who say MJ is harmless, I'll show you some pics of 5 teenagers dead on the side of the road. And for you who say Alcohol is worse, I'll ask.. How do you know?

And for the person who said it, MJ does not carry the same penalties as Heroin.

You're clueless. Drugs are not the root of crimes and bad decision making.
I agree, still think it is better than letting these drugs take their toll unimpeded.

Another angle is that if we legalize heroine we simply add to the market and give our enemies more means to fight us with (poppy Afghanistan).

i agree it shouldnt run rampent, that would just get way bad, it would be as or more rampent then alcoholism.
Extensive rigorous testing.

It all depends on how much of each gets used. Alcohol in small amounts can be beneficial. Use too much of it and it causes serious health concerns.

Marijuana used in small amounts shouldn't cause any health concerns. Use too much and it does lead to lung disease, not too mention infections of the lungs especially during the winter season.
It all depends on how much of each gets used. Alcohol in small amounts can be beneficial. Use too much of it and it causes serious health concerns.

Marijuana used in small amounts shouldn't cause any health concerns. Use too much and it does lead to lung disease, not too mention infections of the lungs especially during the winter season.
I was being flippant, but you make very valid points.
They might as well be legal, the only person harmed is the person using, and that was their choice, however flawed. If people want to use drugs, they will regardless if they are legal or not, the govt has proven that.
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Anyone who thinks MJ kills or is worse than alcohol is a complete moron. I would say those people have never used it, or have little knowledge about it. It is not addicting and it does not kill. I work 2 jobs and go to school. Not saying everyone should do it, but if cigarettes and alcohol is legal, weed should be also. How many people have died to complications from cigarette use? How many for MJ? What about alcohol? I have never never never heard of MJ splitting up a home or people losing the morgage on their house. I have never heard of someone smoking themselves to death cause they overdosed on MJ...cause you cannot. 80 million americans say they smoke weed. A good website to view this is
Exactly. Hell, let the goverment tax it also. I dont care. Works well in Amsterdam. The goverment limits how much a "coffee shop" can sell. They can sell up to 500g per day. They could also limit it to adults just like they do with cigarettes. With MJ, it is easier for a 15yr old to get it than least around here.
They might as well be legal, the only person harmed is the person using, and that was their choice, however flawed. If people want to use drugs, they will regardless if they are legal or not, the govt has proven that.

Are you serious? The only person harmed is the drug user? What about their children, spouses, parents, the people they steal from to get drug money, the people killed over turf wars by drug dealers and users?

How has the government proved anything of the sort? I wasn't aware that drugs were made legal and it had been shown that enforcement was less effective than actually letting them be made available everywhere, anytime.
Are you serious? The only person harmed is the drug user? What about their children, spouses, parents, the people they steal from to get drug money, the people killed over turf wars by drug dealers and users?

How has the government proved anything of the sort? I wasn't aware that drugs were made legal and it had been shown that enforcement was less effective than actually letting them be made available everywhere, anytime

All of this is void when it comes to MJ. Cocaine, meth, etc...YES

As for turf wars....if MJ was legal, why would they fight if could be bought anywhere? That would be like gangs fighting over cigarettes or beer
All of this is void when it comes to MJ. Cocaine, meth, etc...YES

As for turf wars....if MJ was legal, why would they fight if could be bought anywhere? That would be like gangs fighting over cigarettes or beer

I don't really have a problem with MJ. I was speaking of harder drugs. The poster I responded to used the word "they" when talking about drugs so I assumed they meant drugs in general.
marijuana aside, do you think we should keep the fight up against drugs?

Yes we should. Will it ever be won? I dont think so. It is too easy to do and the money is too great. People are greedy and people on hard drugs will go to any extent to get what they want. Just watch intervention if you want some examples :ermm: Its truely sad to see some of them people on there..... speaking of intervention, how many episodes has there been with people strung out on MJ with their families crying? :crazy: None

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