The Stop Being Negative Thread (merged)

I’m sick and tired of fair weather fans, too. They accept mediocrity with jubilation. A loss is somehow a win if you look at it the right way. They say “just be patient” which means pepper your angus. Saban only won 6 his first year they say, but they forget he never lost by more than 1 score.

As they also say on Volquest “will be find” which translates to “We’ll be fine” and by fine they mean perpetual 5 to 7 win seasons.

I’m sick of those fans, too.
So you’re “not accepting it”? What has changed since you took this brave stance?
Get freaking real OP. Nobody on here is "fairweather" There is no way in hell a UT fan can be "Fairweather" We have sucked for so long, but we are still here. We're freaking insane. Bitching about being tired of your team sucking isn't being "fairweather".
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I, for one, am sick of all the fair weather fans. This season will hopefully trim some of our fan-base's fat. Only the true fans are going to watch every game and cheer no matter what happens. Grow up!! Perfect title to this thread.

We've stunk on ice for a decade at least. Anybody who is still here, isn't a fair weather fan. Sure, some are going a little overboard. But, you can't blame fans for being pissed after a blowout. As long as they aren't making personal attacks and complaining about football, I suggest you get over it. Those of us that are mad don't need anyone's permission to be mad. That's one of the perks of being a "grown up".
Win or lose, I'm a VFL. Have been since the early 1960's.
Me too. I was born in 1956 and saw my first game in 1966.

I’m watching LSU manhandle Miami and it occurred to me we are the only SEC team that lost this weekend. Granted we played a tough opponent but so did several others.
Give our team a chance! The season just started. We have along way to go and a great coach to get us there! Rome wasn't built in a day! We as TN fans have lived through season after season of crapy coaching don't you guys think it will take a little bit to turn it all around. Give coach Pruitt a chance and the team sometime, or as usual the big mouth, instant gratification, football wanna-bes will run off a guy who truly wants to get TN back to our football tradition! Watch and see!

No one suggests running off Pruitt or anything close, but some fans just can't handle the truth and only make excuses
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It's always hardest on the new ones. I remember those days.
I feel bad for the younger grain l generation. They have no frame of reference. I've seen good football from this program. This ain't it. That not to say this stay staff won't get there.

We're just not there right now.
A lot of talk about the viscous cycle of volnation and it’s all true. Positivity abounds and it’s all win-win and when a loss happens, it’s time to think about our next coach. I predicted a domination by West Virginia because their greatest strength went against our worst weakness, imo. There will certainly be growing pains, but I think we’re on a positive trajectory here. This season will not tell the tale with regards to this coaching staff, because I think there is growth occurring here. We have talent, but it will take some seasons of growing to get where Tennessee is supposed to be. I feel as negative as the whole bunch out there, but I see some hope in the coaching. This will look like a bad loss for Pruitt, but it’s their strength against our weakness, and it will go up from here. It will yet be an abysmal season, but we have comepetent coaches bring in competent players. I’m preaching to myself here but, “patience is a virtue”.
Indeed it is a viscous cycle. Thicker’n molasses lol.
Not once in the last 10 years have I expected us to be great but damn it I expect us to compete like a SEC team and we just aren't.

The schedule is what it is. Sadly, we opened a new era against a top 20 team instead of a ETSU. If the first two games could have been flipped, it probably would have been less of an ass stomping. Call me crazy, but I think they are much closer to being competitive than was shown Saturday. If they just wear lighter shoes.
So what your saying is that if I share my thoughts and concerns about this team or get mad about the way they preformed then I am a fair weather fan?...Been a UT fan and supporter for almost 50 years and if I feel like bitching about how bad they play then I will...Don't like it?...Then mind your own damn business.
That is your own fault
Just because a fan posts negative things about the outcome of a game does not mean they are a fair-weather fan. I will always be a Volunteer fan first but I was critical of the offensive play calling yesterday. I'm not apologizing for it.
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I’ve held my tongue since the ending of our game yesterday, but I can’t do that anymore after seeing what alot of people are saying this morning. Shame on all of you who are saying we are an FCs team and we have no talent and we suck. SHAME ON ALL OF YOU. We played the best passing attack in the nation and we started 3 freshman on defense. What did you all expect. IMO WVU has a legitimate shot at winning 10+ games this year, their passing attack and offensive line are extremly
Talented and they block well for Grier. Hell, will Grier makes NFL throws like it’s second nature to him. As far as the VOLS , I thought we lacked an identity in offense. I think T. Helton should of stuck with the I formation lead blocker runs, because it was workiin. But he didn’t and that made me scratch my head. My hope is that we use that a lot more go My forward because Tim Jordan is a game changer when he has a lead blocker in front of him. Offensive line was shaky but they got better as the game went on. I do think their much better than what they showed yesterday though. I think our wide receivers are gonna be ok this year, on 3rd downs they came up
Big for us and I think that’s a sign of good things to come. JG- I thought he played within the game plan, and he did it pretty well actually. He was extremly accurate and decisive, and he continues to show toughness after taking big hits. He took care of the football as well and that’s the biggest takeaway I got from his performance.

Defensive line- we’ve got to find players who can get to the qb, the guys were getting a push everytime almost but they had trouble getting off their blocks so that’s something they need to work on as well. Depth is another issue we need to iron out in the next two games before Florida game. My hope is that Harris, Emerson, and Gooden can make big strides the next few weeks cause we’re gonna need them to win in the sec. overall- Out defensive line just needs to find the nastiness inside of themselves and coach needs to find a way to get that to show on the field.

Linebackers- I thought our LB’s did some good things but they were a step late on several plays as well. As for Taylor and Kongbo, they have to get involved in the game or just let J. Allen and Peterson try their hand at it, because our OLb’s were pitiful yesterday. If Peterson can play then I think we see him early this year, Pruitt needs a spark in the pass rushing game, hopefully Peterson can be that guy. DK jr played pretty well but his rust did show at times but that is understandable. I feel good about DK, DB, and QS though going forward. My hope is that they can start to be leaders on the defense because we need an alpha dog to step up and lead our defense.

Secondary- honestly, this is probably a bad game to judge our DB’s on, at least out
Young guys. I wasn’t pleased with Buchanan in the least bit though, he needs to be better. As a whole, our secondary needs to work on tackling. We have to be able to tackle in space if we’re gonna be a decent team this year. Flowers, Taylor, and Thompson haven’t figured out how to get their head around on passes yet so that’s something they need to work on, I think they did a good job of staying in position on d but they need to learn how to use their hands to keep guys from creating separation against them. Overall- I think week in and week out these young cbs get better. Come Florida game we should see a massive difference in the secondary.

Overall- Stop throwing in the towel fans. This team deserves our support. To all of you who are mad and saying negative things -stfu, your not a player so you have no idea how bad these young men want to win, and your not the one putting in work day in and day out for 9 months straight so dont bash these young men. WVU is a good team and they honestly could win 10 or 11 games this year if Grier stays healthy. If marquis Osborne doesn’t have a stupid offsides penalty then this game could of possible been 33-21 or 33-17 depending on if we get a score after that missed field goal. If that game ends 33-21 then the narrative is complete different. And for all of you who say this team is no better than last year, you are a fool and you know nothing about football. This team is better in 100 different ways from last years team, it’s one game and we have 11 more to go. When adversity hits you see the true content of someone’s character, a large amount of you on here who talk bad about UT are weenies who Lack character. Grow up and realize rome wasn’t built in a day. The VOLS will be fine, and for all you fair weather fans. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out cause we don’t need you as fans.
I’m a huge fan and have been all my life...... what is wrong with saying Tennessee is not good?

We need to get past all the BJ sunshine pumping. Tennessee is coming off it’s worst season ever...... and this one is not going to be good. I’m being a realist and wishing real fans would simply understand this isn’t getting fixed overnight.
By definition, ANYONE still following the Vols after the Decade of Disaster is NOT fair weather. We haven't had decent weather around here for many years.
If you still claim to be a Tennessee fan at this point you aren’t a fair weather fan. We haven’t been relevant in 11 years.
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Just because a fan posts negative things about the outcome of a game does not mean they are a fair-weather fan. I will always be a Volunteer fan first but I was critical of the offensive play calling yesterday. I'm not apologizing for it.

When your line can’t hold very long you don’t have many options. The players we have are not the type SEC talent to compete at a high level. That’s just the truth of the matter. Thy will improve some but it’s gonna be a couple years before this team looks like an SEC team
The way things are going at UT, you had better take any kind of fan you can get, good or bad weather

Oh look, another apologists thread. Please stop with these threads. Nobody is calling for Pruitt to get fired. Everybody just wants to see improvement. Please stop with the excuses.
Just speculation here but, if anyone is a UT football fan they can’t be fair weather fans. It’s been cloudy for 10 years.
All fair points, but if you’re DONE? Live it! Why come back and update us on how we’ll never compete again? Core fans are staying...and there’s a lot of us!

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