The shut down thread

That's the part of this I've never understood. A lot of the same people who think that "you need to speak English in the United States" is racist, prejudiced, or unfair would have no problem with a French person saying "you need to speak French in France." Is that French person also racist?

It would be dumb of me to walk around France, Germany, Italy, or any other non-English speaking country, especially if I moved to and was living there, and expected or demanded everyone to speak English. Why is it racist, insensitive, or too much to ask that if you're going to live in the United States, you probably need to speak English for your own good?

I'm not talking about mandating English or anything like that. As Huff suggested a 60-year-old hotel maid probably doesn't need to know much English. But if I moved to Germany, I wouldn't expect my neighbors to learn English, start drinking sweet tea, and become college football fans. I would be a minority in the prevailing culture, and I would try to assimilate into it. I'd still like all those aforementioned things, but I'd also participate in the prevailing cultural norms where I lived.

Yeah, but if you are in a hotel, it helps the maid can at least understand you want a towel. We shouldn't have to learn Spanish to communicate with hotel staff in the US.
I see it as an area where a barrier will deter many due to present ease of crossing while more CBP agents sitting comfortably in their Tahoes nab the froggy adventurous ones that come across.
I would imagine they already are without the wall. Maybe there are some statistics about how many they nab there in a given day or year. That would be cool wouldn't it. Knowing stuff like that would be helpful before you start beating the war drums for a wall in that area.
Six GOP Senators Offer to Trade Amnesties for Border Wall plus Cheap Labor

Six GOP Senators briefed Jared Kushner and President Donald Trump’s top congressional aide about a plan to swap two amnesties in exchange for border-wall funding.

The briefing shows the GOP leaders’ “contempt for Trump’s immigration-reform campaign promise,” said Rosemary Jenks, policy director at NumbersUSA. “There is no talk in this about asylum reform, TVPRA, detention spaces or sanctuary cities, or any of the enforcement needs — it is about amnesty and cheap labor, and that is exactly what Candidate Tump campaigned against.”

The proposed amnesties-for-wall swap appeared Wednesday as Trump pressured Democrats to reciprocate his compromises on the day after his successful prime-time address to the nation. On Thursday, Trump will visit the border to call for wall funding.

The Senators’ draft offer to the Democrats, however, also includes incentives sought by GOP-aligned business groups, such as an expansion of the H-2B blue collar visa-worker program.

Few Democrats support the H-2B visa program but its inclusion could encourage GOP legislators to ignore protests from the GOP’s pro-American base. Several GOP Senators in the group also support a DACA amnesty because it would add more imported workers and consumers to their local markets.

Six GOP Senators Offer to Swap Amnesty for Border Wall, Cheap Labor

Never again. We did amnesty in exchange for fixing the border. The amnesty was accomplished. Fixing the border was never even a blip on the radar. It's simply Charlie Brown and the football kick issue; the insanity of doing the same thing and expecting something different.

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