The Section 103 Postgame Report



Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Nothing special tonight. Tennessee jumped all over an inferior opponent, then sleepwalked through the rest of the game. If Martin is a contender in the OVC, that league has serious problems. I am amazed at how bad their post players are. Hudson and Weddle are good, but I'm not sure they can carry that much dead weight. UT's performance was nothing to write home about. That is to be expected when the game is decided 5 minutes into play. Williams continues to improve. The team as a whole really got sloppy after the first 10 minutes. It'll be good for this team to face someone who hits them back.
Nothing special tonight. Tennessee jumped all over an inferior opponent, then sleepwalked through the rest of the game. If Martin is a contender in the OVC, that league has serious problems. I am amazed at how bad their post players are. Hudson and Weddle are good, but I'm not sure they can carry that much dead weight. UT's performance was nothing to write home about. That is to be expected when the game is decided 5 minutes into play. Williams continues to improve. The team as a whole really got sloppy after the first 10 minutes. It'll be good for this team to face someone who hits them back.

Can't wait for the Old Spice Classic.
How much of a challenge is MTSU? Dicky V was really talking them up during this UK UNC game.

It is at their place, the game concerns me. Interested in your thoughts on them.
Normally, we would be thrilled with a quick overpowering of a team in our second matchup of the season. . . .but Saturday's surprising performance set the bar high. We got a little sloppy at the point position and with our passing late in the game, but no real surprise. Agreed that Williams really looks to have improved since last year: much quicker, more agressive, better passing, and better hands. How about the THREE? (I kid, I kid).
How much of a challenge is MTSU? Dicky V was really talking them up during this UK UNC game.

It is at their place, the game concerns me. Interested in your thoughts on them.
They're decent, but Tennessee has no business losing to them. I'd expect it to be close for a half. Anything more than that would indicate a bad night on UT's part.
thx for the analysis Hat.

What I liked:
-UT's aggressiveness out of the gate. they were ready to play.
-pushing the ball up the court in a hurry. It was a dizzying pace the first 10 min or so, and UTM was dazed. We will need to beat a lot of teams this way.
-our height and length. We're not going to be smaller than most teams at most positions. and very few teams will be more athletic.
-ball movement in the first half (during stretches). we whipped it around pretty crisply in spots. we're going to need to do that to create shots. I don't see a lot of guys on this team creating shots off the dribble.

What concerned me:
-PG play. sounds like a broken record on here, but it's true. we don't have anyone who seems really comfortable bringing the ball up the court with any type of pressure and then setting up the offense.
-spacing out. and trying to be flashy. we slept-walked through most of that game. For another large part of it we looked like Harlem Globetrotter tryout rejects. That may be due to the quick, large lead.

I'm with you, Hat - I want to see what they'll do against a team that plays physical.

UK doesn't look very good either. UNC really didn't play well. They miss Psyco T

UNC is insanely loaded. They still handled UK without TH or Ginyard.

I doubt there's a more talented team in the country.
Quick hitter hat:

After two games what kind of averages for the year do you see for Williams and Tatum?
Quick hitter hat:

After two games what kind of averages for the year do you see for Williams and Tatum?
I think Williams will be right around 10 and 6. I can see Tatum getting healthy and averaging around 15.
I'll take 10 and 6. What I really want to see is Williams guard Patterson or some other legitimate big man. Chism was okay last year but if Brian can keep them off the glass and away from the low block maybe that fixes some of our problems from last year.
What were your thoughts on Maze? I thought his defense was good throughout. I can't really remember him letting up even with a large lead.

I thought the team looked lost without him in (the dull period in the second half from about 15:00 to 5:00).
spacing out. and trying to be flashy. we slept-walked through most of that game. For another large part of it we looked like Harlem Globetrotter tryout rejects. That may be due to the quick, large lead.

I agree. UT could have won that game by 40 or more points if they hadn'tve tried all those ridiculous alley-oops and various other playground plays in a weak attempt to get somebody on Sportscenter.

I tend to think that the defense will gradually get better as the season wears on. What concerns me most right now is when we face a good team who drops into a 2-3 zone and dares us to shoot over top of them. As long as we get into the paint, we can score all day long, but the perimeter game is sketchy at best. Wayne Chism needs to be banned from shooting 3's at any time, for any reason, period. Moving the line a foot back takes him outside his maximum range.
It was obvious to me that when these guys are focused on playing ball, their really good. They can't lose it during a game but, when your 18-21yrs old, it's kinda hard to do when you know the other team has NO chance.
Thanks for your perspective/insight Hat.I personally think the time has come to put a few bball threads in the main forum. Hat's analogy of the games and q/a sessions are far better/informative than some of the threads, particularly the rumor mill threads, that have inundated our main forum.
Thanks for your perspective/insight Hat.I personally think the time has come to put a few bball threads in the main forum. Hat's analogy of the games and q/a sessions are far better/informative than some of the threads, particularly the rumor mill threads, that have inundated our main forum.

Agreed, the main forum is mind numbing right now.

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