The Runner's thread

I never liked running on the beach... There's usually a slope to it that puts extra strain on the ankles...if it's flat it's not so bad and actually is supposed to be good for building endurance...

BTW... I'm back in the game... 1.5 miles slow and easy last tuesday.... I felt so good I went for just over 3 miles thursday and will try an easy 2 or 2.5 mile loop tonight, provided the thunderstorms stay away.

I have to say I wasn't much of a fan for that kind of distance on the beach. My ankles are a little sore now. Not sure how they will feel in the morning.

Congrats on being back in the game. Just remember to take it slow and not hurt yourself. Good luck bluetick.
I was out of town last week for work, managed to get 25.51 in for the week including a nice 5 miler around downtown Jacksonville and their riverwalk.

Got in 5 yesterday at Sequoyah, got 4 in this morning before work.

Weekly Total: 9.0 Miles
Everybody has off days, don't let it get you down. At least you are out there running,

That's about what I'm running now and lemme tell you.... It beats the dog outta everybody who stayed at home watching TV and loading up on cheeto's and soda... Don't be so hard on yourself!

Yeah I know :) I've taken about four months off and just started back the last two weeks. So not too bad. I'm really just preparing for a couple of 5ks so nothing crazy just want to get faster and trying to get back to my former abilities. Thanks for the positive words! I'll try to keep a log in this thread about my progress.
Yeah I know :) I've taken about four months off and just started back the last two weeks. So not too bad. I'm really just preparing for a couple of 5ks so nothing crazy just want to get faster and trying to get back to my former abilities. Thanks for the positive words! I'll try to keep a log in this thread about my progress.

I'm just getting back into it myself... I decided to stop worrying about being fast and just enjoy running for it's own sake... It seems to have helped my mindset in respect to the frustration of not being able to do what I used to be able to. One good thing about it is that now my wife and I can run together as she is around a 10 minute/mile pacer... Even at my very best I was only around 8:10/mile or thereabouts.... For short distances (5k or less) i could run 7:30 or slightly faster but never came close to breaking 20 minutes for an actual 5k race....
I'm just getting back into it myself... I decided to stop worrying about being fast and just enjoy running for it's own sake... It seems to have helped my mindset in respect to the frustration of not being able to do what I used to be able to. One good thing about it is that now my wife and I can run together as she is around a 10 minute/mile pacer... Even at my very best I was only around 8:10/mile or thereabouts.... For short distances (5k or less) i could run 7:30 or slightly faster but never came close to breaking 20 minutes for an actual 5k race....

I'm trying to get back in that mindset. I try to look at it like running further is better than running fast at the moment. Plus it burns more calories to run further. I've always thought of myself as more of a distance runner than a track star. It takes me a while but I can go pretty far once I get into a steady pace.

I'm looking at about 30 minutes for a 5K right now. But I wouldn't mind getting that down to 25 minutes or so.
First time doing hill repeats today. I would say I'm in decent shape, but I felt the pain of being a beginner again after repeat number 3, and I still had two more to go at that point. Total w/ warmup & cooldown was 4.46 miles.

Weekly Total: 13.46 Miles
How do I get rid of/prevent shin splints?


For me, it was ALL about getting the right shoe... Have someone who really knows what they're doing (foot type, pronation, etc...) get you into the right shoe and the vast majority of your problems will be solved.... Shin splints-wise, anyway....
What kind of Nikes? I loved my Zoom Vomero 4's but they didn't last worth a hoot. Like running on pillows.....

Dual fusion. I looked at the Luna racer but until I get further into my running I will be using a cheaper shoe. It's my dream shoe for when I get really serious :)
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I had a pair but I have super high arches and feet that are slightly wider than D (not quite E width but if I can get a shoe in a wide I usually take it..) so they didn't wotk out for me... Loved the light weight but they weren't right for me.
Yeah I prefer a light shoe. These aren't bad and have good support. A little bulkier than I would like but they'll do for now.

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