The Regressive Liberal at Play

The difference being that a lot more people on the left will defend and admire what Madonna said/does than the folks on the right will defend the radicals on the right.

I do not remember anyone from the right criticizing the tea party and their love of the confederate flag. Maybe I just missed it. Didn't Sean Hannity promote the rallies?
It was not an unoccupied building. It was the headquarters of the refuge. Employees were sent home and not allowed to return until the siege was over.

So armed militants should be allowed to take over a federal building which houses employees and we should do nothing until they decide to leave?

Your turn to try again.

Well hells bells LutherVol you and your BLM's homies should have stormed in there and done something!

But alas you left it up to mom jeans Obama who has a proven track record of being a complete p###y.

Tell you what..Next time some rednecks take over a federal building volunteer to fight the good fight and reclaim that federal know..For Murica! Then gather up all the confedreate flags because, well, they will all be waving them of course, and burn them in a glorious viking funeral and send those racist flags to racist Valhalla. Then hoist your flag of left wing freedom high and with pride for all to see..

Yep - and much more damaging than all of the protests we seem to be so insanely debating.

So to you it's a win that a protest is slightly less violent than an act of terror?

No one here is arguing against the right of people to assemble and protest peacefully on either side. People have a right to express their opinion no matter how dumb you think it is. But it has become increasingly common that "progressive" protests devolve into violence. There appears to be a goon element at almost every event that is simply there to cause damage and spar with police. I don't think they're ardent activists, they are just the enforcer arm of the movement. They seem to think no one will listen unless something gets set on fire. They do themselves no favors breaking other people's stuff trying to prove a point.
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It was not an unoccupied building. It was the headquarters of the refuge. Employees were sent home and not allowed to return until the siege was over.

So armed militants should be allowed to take over a federal building which houses employees and we should do nothing until they decide to leave?

Your turn to try again.

No employees were present when they occupies the building, hadn't been for a couple of days. Hell, they even notified the Sheriff and power company of what they were going to do. Not a damn soul was in danger.
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There may have been protests had another republican won. It is somewhat directed at Trump but more so directed at the republican party. All of the tea party rallies were directed at Obama (the democratic party). The confederate flags were being flown for a reason. The unruly protests at the University of Miss were certainly directed at Obama.

Many protesters wanted to show their support of pro choice. Rudolph wanted to show his support of pro life - by blowing up some innocent people. Many protesters were voicing their concerns that the government would fail to protect the rights of all individuals. McVeigh wanted to show his displeasure with the democrat's "love" of big federal government by blowing up a federal building. Many protesters were there voicing their concerns over the disenfranchisement of African Americans. Dylan Roof shot black people in a church during Bible study to show his displeasure with race relations.

The vast majority of the protesters were there to voice their concerns in a legal and peaceful way. That's great and that's the American way.

I guess we'll just agree to disagree, especially with this not being directed at Trump. Last weekend was one big group therapy session under the guise of a women's march because all the liberals couldn't believe they lost. You know why they lost? Because of stuff like last weekend, because of the loser ultra PC attitude that people are tired of.
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It required multiple law enforcement agencies to provide around the clock manpower. It cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. People were not allowed to go anywhere near the location. People had to adjust their lives due to these idiots.

When was the last time a group of armed leftist took over a building and threatened to kill anyone who tried to remove them? The nuts on here would have been screaming to just blow up the building.

Get your facts straight.

There are few on this site that are as pro environmental (where scientifically reasonable and practicable) as me. It would take too long to explain and I'm sick of trying.

However, with regard to the park service kicking ranchers off pastoral range land in the Oregon Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (that the ranchers had been approved for grazing for a couple of generations) after park service management made specious claims of ecological necessity, the protest was wholly understandable. Also, in that area of The West, there is no rancher who goes anywhere without a long gun in his truck. Maybe two.

You need to read about the whole thing, beginning to end. And the only one hurt was one of the protestors. They who had their generational farming practices and way of life ripped out from under them.

He was shot and killed.
Many people find the confederate flag more disagreeable and offensive than anything Madonna might say.

Waving that flag in front of the White House while other idiots stand there wildly cheering is the right's version of Madonna.

Many people find burning the American Flag more disagreeable and offensive than a 100+ yr old battle flag might be.

Burning that flag anywhere while other idiots stand there wildly cheering is the left's version of FU to all patriotic Americans.
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Do you even give a **** about Starbucks?
I do. I like their coffee and their stock has... had made me some money until the latest earnings report. Liberals busting up the joints is idiocy but not unexpected. SBUX should be giving it away. amiright?
Get your facts straight.

There are few on this site that are as pro environmental (where scientifically reasonable and practicable) as me. It would take too long to explain and I'm sick of trying.

However, with regard to the park service kicking ranchers off pastoral range land in the Oregon Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (that the ranchers had been approved for grazing for a couple of generations) after park service management made specious claims of ecological necessity, the protest was wholly understandable. Also, in that area of The West, there is no rancher who goes anywhere without a long gun in his truck. Maybe two.

You need to read about the whole thing, beginning to end. And the only one hurt was one of the protestors. They who had their generational farming practices and way of life ripped out from under them.

He was shot and killed.

I admittedly do not know the whole story including background. It really doesn't matter to the point being made. Right wing extremist took armed control of a federal building and refused to leave for 41 days. Some people may feel they were justified, others do not. By nature protests will always have people who agree with the validity of the concerns and others who disagree.

Protests are legal, armed takeovers of federal buildings are not.

I think (but I'm no longer sure) that the whole basis of this discussion is that the current protests have been extreme or violent or unprecedentedly bad.

My point is merely that the protests by and large have been peaceful and lawful and that the right has little room to claim any kind of moral high ground. They have many incidents of their own where one, a few, or many have run afoul of the law, killed, insulted, bombed, ranted, radicalized, and offended.
Many people find burning the American Flag more disagreeable and offensive than a 100+ yr old battle flag might be.

Burning that flag anywhere while other idiots stand there wildly cheering is the left's version of FU to all patriotic Americans.

I find them both deplorable, disagreeable, and offensive. They are opposite sides of the same worthless coin.
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I admittedly do not know the whole story including background. It really doesn't matter to the point being made. Right wing extremist took armed control of a federal building and refused to leave for 41 days. Some people may feel they were justified, others do not. By nature protests will always have people who agree with the validity of the concerns and others who disagree.

Protests are legal, armed takeovers of federal buildings are not.

I think (but I'm no longer sure) that the whole basis of this discussion is that the current protests have been extreme or violent or unprecedentedly bad.

My point is merely that the protests by and large have been peaceful and lawful and that the right has little room to claim any kind of moral high ground. They have many incidents of their own where one, a few, or many have run afoul of the law, killed, insulted, bombed, ranted, radicalized, and offended.

You know half have already been acquitted, so there's that.
Get your facts straight.

There are few on this site that are as pro environmental (where scientifically reasonable and practicable) as me. It would take too long to explain and I'm sick of trying.

However, with regard to the park service kicking ranchers off pastoral range land in the Oregon Malheur National Wildlife Refuge (that the ranchers had been approved for grazing for a couple of generations) after park service management made specious claims of ecological necessity, the protest was wholly understandable. Also, in that area of The West, there is no rancher who goes anywhere without a long gun in his truck. Maybe two.

You need to read about the whole thing, beginning to end. And the only one hurt was one of the protestors. They who had their generational farming practices and way of life ripped out from under them.

He was shot and killed.

China wanted the land. The clintons made a deal with them to get it. It failed miserably.
So now it's not that the right didn't protest, it's did they riot and destroy businesses? Nice goal post move simpleton.

This was the goalpost all along. The lefties in our crowd tried to move them to include all protests. Once again, just because you guys day something repeatedly doesn't make true nor serve as an accurate portrayal of the future.
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Luther struggles with legitimacy and understanding.

It is the classic liberal method of answer though. Never answer a question that you know will require you to own up to an inconvenient truth when you can redirect, misdirect, and simply babble about what you had for breakfast as if it's nationally relevant.
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It required multiple law enforcement agencies to provide around the clock manpower. It cost the taxpayers millions of dollars. People were not allowed to go anywhere near the location. People had to adjust their lives due to these idiots.

When was the last time a group of armed leftist took over a building and threatened to kill anyone who tried to remove them? The nuts on here would have been screaming to just blow up the building.
This thread is a blast from the past when you look at the current situation in Seattle lol

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