The Official Tennessee @ #1 Alabama Game Thread, 3:30 PM ET, CBS

14 quarters, 0 offensive touchdowns.

Scott should have been relieved of duties after the Georgia game. Butch's offensive hires were literally the worst in modern college football history.
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The '86 sugar bowl is the first game I vividly remember watching @ age 8. This is the first time that I wish the season would just end. I have zero hope that we will see another win this year. At least as long as Jones is still coaching
What's our other option? Dormady is a Junior and JG has been in the program 2 years and McBride just got here? We sure as sheet haven't developed him

Put in 10 offensive linemen and snap the ball straight to Kelly. It can't be any worse than this. Vols have NO passing game, no blocking, and no chance. Maybe 10 offensive linemen could just run into someone and give Kelly room to run.
Guarantano is so not ready...

Really strong arm and that's it. No awareness, not much of a runner, can't recognize defenses, doesn't feel pressure, doesn't seem to know where to go with the ball. He ain't remotely the answer, but he's evidently all we got. Maybe the next coach is halfway competent and knows how to coach a quarterback.
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Jg needs to turn it over at a higher rate apparently to win over the qd fans! Whats he he need 7-8 more?
Any chance Butch Jones would donate me his orange windbreaker after the game? It is sharp, and I don't think he'll be needing it.
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Problem is, UT is getting so beat up in this game that they’ll be feeling it for weeks. That means UK, Vandy, Missouri are all tight games.

Ask FSU, Bama beat them in week 1, but really has been beating them all year.

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