The Official #18 Tennessee vs. #1 Georgia Game Thread, 3:30 PM ET, CBS

SEC screws us on the regular and doesn’t even try to hide it
sound familiar?

I think Hooker made hype look good
I don’t think that’s completely the case. Hooker wasn’t setting the world on fire before he got here. Heupel is just a nice guy to his players and rewarding Milton for sticking it out. I honestly think we’re gonna be really good next year, probably 10-2 again or better. We have no leadership on this team, that’s the problem.
Saying he sucks today is one thing. Calling him straight trash is quite another. Some anonymous posters really need to realize these players are actually human
I don’t feel sorry for any sec football quarterback getting called out. We’d all die to be able to play that spot. He can handle it.
Every time the defense gets off the field, the offense ends up punting 1-2 minutes later.

There’s a big problem with the always hurry up no huddle when your offense is performing like this…

I’d almost think - once the passing game under Milton started to become (during the season) what it is now - they should have changed up and moved away from that, even just to a regular huddle to give the defense more time to catch its breath in games if they were going to have to lean so much more on a run based offensive scheme to balance out the QB play/passing abilities or style. Today the offense has only been out on the field 10-11 out of 45 minutes at this point.

You might have a short memory but the defense couldn't get off the field on the first drive, the 2nd had nothing to do with the offense that early in the game.
Has Josh been quiet on officiating for weeks since the Bama game? Yes. Yes he has. Him crying on the sidelines on a cut away camera shot showed more complaining / reaction to officiating than the last month’s worth of games.

I truly don’t understand how a coach at Tennessee who has very firm job security is that scared of a little fine to call out officiating that is blatantly lopsided and improbable data wise
Again, you see seconds on tv and draw a conclusion. Seems pretty suspect to me

As for the other, no coach calls them out like that. Not how it's done
I started to buy tickets to this game really thinking we might have a chance to win. I guess I was being as brain dead as Martinez, Banks, CJH and Milton. Saved 300 bucks by switching to Geico and not buying TN tickets

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