The Most Frightening Aspect of the GOP Debate



revolUTion in the air!
Mar 19, 2011
Trump unapologetically supporting the use of eminent domain for private businesses.
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Thank you
although in some cases it might be imminent. :) eminent domain is a real sticky wicket. It is very socialist in its basis because it takes away property owners' rights, but in some ways I can see a need for it. In Narita (Tokyo's major airport) there is a family that owns a piece of land that is on the approach end of one of the runways that refused to sell. The Japanese have no eminent domain laws so they couldn't force this guy to sell. It is an EXTREMELY valuable piece of property. So the government built a wall around his property, and put up lights that keep it in perpetual daylight. It has been like this for years and he still refuses to sell. He lives in a virtual prison. Kind of funny in a way, but I admire his desire to stay there. I would have sold long ago as I am sure he was offered enough to buy his own island somewhere.

Maybe if it were arbitrated by a neutral party from outside the community. (In this country) I honestly do not know what is "fair". I do know that if it is for the public good, the owner should not be allowed to hold the people hostage, but the government should also not be allowed to rape the owner either. Perhaps if they paid 20% above fair market value. I honestly do not know the solution.
Pro-eminent domain, pro-universal healthcare, pro-Planned Parenthood funding, anti-free trade, literally saying Bush did 9/11... wow, the Democrats have really found their perfect candidate.
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Pro-eminent domain, pro-universal healthcare, pro-Planned Parenthood funding, anti-free trade, literally saying Bush did 9/11... wow, the Democrats have really found their perfect candidate.

Trump's candidacy has been a long con on the angry conservative population...and they fell for it.
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If it did not exist, where would you put schools? Where would you put roads?

You would buy the land for schools and roads. They built the entire transcontinental railroad without using it.

But the real issue is trumps promoting of using it for private business
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The most frightening aspect of any political debate is the thought that one of these morons will actually be elected.


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If you can't spell it correctly in multiple threads, you can't complain about it

Also eminent domain is such a small issue, it's laughable
Eminent Domain for private business... uh hell to the no.

100% chance you've filled up your tank with gasoline delivered by a private pipeline (colonial pipeline specifically) that used eminent domain.

The fact that eminent domain is being discussed on a national stage and taking time away from such issues like the debt, SS, and HC is laughable. It's such a non issue
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100% chance you've filled up your tank with gasoline delivered by a private pipeline (colonial pipeline specifically) that used eminent domain.

The fact that eminent domain is being discussed on a national stage and taking time away from such issues like the debt, SS, and HC is laughable. It's such a non issue

How do you expect to me to trust someone on those topics if he can't even get a cut and dry issue like eminent domain correct?
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