The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

Hahahaha...good stuff. Dems media trying to peddle hopium with a hack like Conway.

I initially thought this trial was a done deal and no way that a manhattan jury would let Trump walk but after seeing just how bad this case was (STILL never defined the predicate crime) and Cohen's utter explosion on the stand, I have to think at least 1 or 2 jury members decides to take a pass - and thats all it takes.

Truth is though, it is pretty clear why Bragg didnt want to bring this case in the first place but was pressured to by the leak from his team and national Dems. It was always reliant on Cohen's testimony to try to make a case and you could hardly have a less believable witness. Bragg knew this.

And the hilarious thing is, this is possibly the only case that will make it through before the election.

Again, I am stunned, STUNNED! that this is the best the entire Dem machine, in control of the DOJ and multiple prosecutors, that this is the best they can bring against Trump. If you had asked me when he was first elected if he was this clean, I would have laughed in your face. I cant believe that they cant find something of actual merit.
But he clearly does. Otherwise, the only explanation is that Trump is of such weak character that he can't resit Putin's charms. Can't see past them. Is mesmerized by his power.

Take your pick: compromised, or utterly incompetent.
Trump is a thin-skinned clown, that likes people who say things he perceives as flattering.

There’s your answer. Nothing deeper at play here.
It is painfully obvious to 'MAGA' that that is a fallacy. Not sure why you said it that way
All I was saying is that I’m not maga. He boxes in anyone that has “unapproved” opinions as maga because he lacks the comprehension of nuance and has a binary world view. It’s a coping mechanism.
Trump is a thin-skinned clown, that likes people who say things he perceives as flattering.

There’s your answer. Nothing deeper at play here.

You are off base. Trump envies dictators---wants to be one. He's sick in the head--mentally ill. We don't have dictators in America--see the American constitution and our history since the founding. Conservatives used to be big on the constitution before he gangster came along. Trump is always praising dictators--it's fu-cking sick. He stands up REGULARLY before MAGA crowds and heaps praise on Putin, Kim Jong Un (the dictator who runs the most isolated, backward and one of the poorest countries in the world) along with Hungary's Viktor Orban. He likes Orban because, as he tells the crowd, he's a "strongman." Private Bone Spurs dearly wants to be a strongman. He should be behind bars. Most MAGA people couldn't pick out Indian on a world map or tell you how how many branches of governent the U.S. has--but Trump wants them to know about a Hungarian strongman who's an outcast in Europe. and whose own people have been holding largest protests against him. Trump doesn't like America's allies but rather prefers our enemies--and MAGA morons pretend to be OK with this treason because,, well, basically because Trump hates immigrants and black people like they do. That's what it comes down too, if we're honest. MAGA are no longer patriots in any sense of the world. Dumb, disgraceful hypocrites is avfar more accurate way to describe them.
You are off base. Trump envies dictators---wants to be one. He's sick in the head--mentally ill. We don't have dictators in America--see the American constitution and our history since the founding. Conservatives used to be big on the constitution before he gangster came along. Trump is always praising dictators--it's fu-cking sick. He stands up REGULARLY before MAGA crowds and heaps praise on Putin, Kim Jong Un (the dictator who runs the most isolated, backward and one of the poorest countries in the world) along with Hungary's Viktor Orban. He likes Orban because, as he tells the crowd, he's a "strongman." Private Bone Spurs dearly wants to be a strongman. He should be behind bars. Most MAGA people couldn't pick out Indian on a world map or tell you how how many branches of governent the U.S. has--but Trump wants them to know about a Hungarian strongman who's an outcast in Europe. and whose own people have been holding largest protests against him. Trump doesn't like America's allies but rather prefers our enemies--and MAGA morons pretend to be OK with this treason because,, well, basically because Trump hates immigrants and black people like they do. That's what it comes down too, if we're honest. MAGA are no longer patriots in any sense of the world. Dumb, disgraceful hypocrites is avfar more accurate way to describe them.
Not reading a rant from a Nazi “put em in camps” wannabe…
From a CNN story on the classified documents case:

"Though it’s been nearly a year since special counsel Jack Smith indicted Trump for mishandling classified documents, the case remains stalled amid Cannon’s reluctance to rule on issues....."

Some of the rulings Cannon must make were decided when the case was before a D.C. judge and D.C. grand jury--providing, as the story noted, a blueprint for Cannon to follow. But she does nothing. She is so completely over her head and incompetent and biased that the case as become a judicial disgrace, say many experts--and the special counsel office is certainly regretting its decision to move the case to Florida.

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