The (many) indictments of Donald Trump

I don’t have the time to research that today. He has probably edited it by now. But I’m certain he said it.

I know it damages is schtick
Honestly haven't seen him edit it...but his schtick is so left wing it's easy to assume....and believe me I dont like defending him. Lol
I don’t have the time to research that today. He has probably edited it by now. But I’m certain he said it.

I know it damages is schtick

LOL, take a lap.

I get it man, it's hard to pigeonhole and label someone as a liberal Biden nuthugger if you can't actually make the connection.

You keep working that angle, it's definitely not making you look more ridiculous.

Bitch please judging you eye roll Gif Animated Graphic - Bitch please009
Honestly haven't seen him edit it...but his schtick is so left wing it's easy to assume....and believe me I dont like defending him. Lol

Curious, outside of my obvious disdain for trump - where have I stated left wing ideology? Can you give an example?

Or are you falling victim to the same low brow tribalism that since I'm not one of you, I must be one of them?

Is it possible for you to believe that if one doesn't like Trump, it's not possible for them to not like Biden either? Have you ever considered that?
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LOL, take a lap.

I get it man, it's hard to pigeonhole and label someone as a liberal Biden nuthugger if you can't actually make the connection.

You keep working that angle, it's definitely not making you look more ridiculous.

Bitch please judging you eye roll Gif Animated Graphic - Bitch please009
I get it man. I would be ashamed of voting for the worst president in our nation’s history. I would be so triggered that I would post a gif of a pedofile.
Curious, outside of my obvious disdain for trump - where have I stated left wing ideology? Can you give an example?

Or are you falling victim to the same low brow tribalism that since I'm not one of you, I must be one of them?

Is it possible for you to believe that if one doesn't like Trump, it's not possible for them to not like Biden either? Have you ever considered that?
I believe you don't like Biden...I dont either but I'm not going to call for a selective prosecution because of that dislike. That is low brow... now as for other policy positions, you seems to stick mainly to taking trump....but your willingness to letp .Gov Set precedent on private business transactions goes directly against being a libertarian and put you on the left. And ask because you hate 1 man. You dont see an issue with that?
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I believe you don't like Biden...I dont either but I'm not going to call for a selective prosecution because of that dislike. That is low brow... now as for other policy positions, you seems to stick mainly to taking trump....but your willingness to letp .Gov Set precedent on private business transactions goes directly against being a libertarian and put you on the left. And ask because you hate 1 man. You dont see an issue with that?

Lotta folks in the MAGA crowd were chanting "lock her up" and are now feigning outrage over political persecution. Don't try the ole "they weren't serious", because they absolutely were.

So please spare me your indignation.

You're right though to a degree - on the one hand I believe he's being targeted which is bad; on the other hand, I think he had it coming and since he's such a giant POS and danger to the republic - I don't care. Quite a quandary, but I won't lose sleep.
Define "worst."
Definition 2c seems appropriate

Miriam Webster-

: most corrupt, bad, evil, or ill
: most unfavorable, difficult, unpleasant, or painful
the worst news
: most unsuitable, faulty, unattractive, or ill-conceived
has the worst table manners

: least skillful or efficient
the worst person for the job
Lotta folks in the MAGA crowd were chanting "lock her up" and are now feigning outrage over political persecution. Don't try the ole "they weren't serious", because they absolutely were.

So please spare me your indignation.

You're right though to a degree - on the one hand I believe he's being targeted which is bad; on the other hand, I think he had it coming and since he's such a giant POS and danger to the republic - I don't care. Quite a quandary, but I won't lose sleep.
Between DJT and Hillary which was allowed TS docs? Hillary shouldn't have been prosecuted while campaigning.. the minute she lost... prosecute away...had that happened, no one here would be arguing DJT prosecution on the doc charge.. in fact many agree the question is what he is allowed POTUS to retain.. we know there is no question the docs Hillary and Biden had, they ette not legally allowed to question...btw which is worse saying you'll commit murder or actually committing murder?? You hanging on a lock her up chant only strengthen how much his mean tweets hurt you
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Definition 2c seems appropriate

Miriam Webster-

: most corrupt, bad, evil, or ill
: most unfavorable, difficult, unpleasant, or painful
the worst news
: most unsuitable, faulty, unattractive, or ill-conceived
has the worst table manners

: least skillful or efficient
the worst person for the job

I was hoping you'd provide an objective answer as to how he is the worst, not actually provide a definition of the term. I realize now that my mistake was in believing you'd be capable of responding to an inferential statement and would not take it literally. My fault.
Between DJT and Hillary which was allowed TS docs? Hillary shouldn't have been prosecuted while campaigning.. the minute she lost... prosecute away...had that happened, no one here would be arguing DJT prosecution on the doc charge.. in fact many agree the question is what he is allowed POTUS to retain.. we know there is no question the docs Hillary and Biden had, they ette not legally allowed to question...btw which is worse saying you'll commit murder or actually committing murder?? You hanging on a lock her up chant only strengthen how much his mean tweets hurt you

Donny very literally used the threat of legal action against his political rival as a campaign platform.

Weird how the MAGA crowd let him off the hook for failing to follow through. I guess they were too distracted by all of his "owning" of the libs by being a douchebag for the next four years.
I was hoping you'd provide an objective answer as to how he is the worst, not actually provide a definition of the term. I realize now that my mistake was in believing you'd be capable of responding to an inferential statement and would not take it literally. My fault.
Why do you post pedo gifs?
Um. I’m not Joe and I never shower with my daughter like him.

Weird that you have a pedo gif in your arsenal. A bit Sus.

Are you sure - because I'm sure you said it at some point. I remember you admitting it.

I'm certain you said you did. Specifically, you @Jxn Vol. You overtly stated that very thing, I just don't have time to look it up right now - plus you've probably edited it by now.
Donny very literally used the threat of legal action against his political rival as a campaign platform.

Weird how the MAGA crowd let him off the hook for failing to follow through. I guess they were too distracted by all of his "owning" of the libs by being a douchebag for the next four years.
Actually lots were pissed he didn't follow thru after the election... that's a valid critique... your conflating words vs action... words are not action...... this thought process is extremely left thinking and why you get labeled as such... those lock her up chants really hurt you...
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Are you sure - because I'm sure you said it at some point. I remember you admitting it.

I'm certain you said you did. Specifically, you @Jxn Vol. You overtly stated that very thing, I just don't have time to look it up right now - plus you've probably edited it by now.
Having a pedo gif in your arsenal is strange.

I don’t blame you for the deflection.
Actually lots were pissed he didn't follow thru after the election... that's a valid critique... your conflating words vs action... words are not action...... this thought process is extremely left thinking and why you get labeled as such... those lock her up chants really hurt you...

Bro, how can you say it's a valid critique and then go one to say it's "leftist thinking?"

What you keep conflating is that my arguments pointing out the MAGA hypocrisy is a shore for the wrongs that Joe and Hillary committed, it's not. Stop falling into that low IQ trap.

I bring it up the 'lock her up' chants to highlight the sheer irony of the same people mad about her not being 'locked up' are now frothing at the mouth over trumps 'persecution.'

My teflon is I don't gaf about any of them and would LOVE to see Donny and Hillary perp walked. Sadly, you're only retort to that is to be outraged that I want to see Donny in trouble. The MAGA tribalism isn't particularly adept at distinguishing nuance or understanding that people's worldviews are strictly black or white.
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You're one bad take after another. After this last one I think we can all agree that you should sit this one out.

If you've not seen it, I'd invite you to watch a movie called "The Big Short." When you're done, report back and let me know if you still have faith in the banking system. These banks are willing to do ANYTHING to make money, their incompetence is only exceeded by their greed.

If you don't think DB would circle the wagons and play off getting played by Donny as routine then you may have just fallen off the turnip truck.
Nobody remembers TARP.

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