The Impeachment Thread

Seemed like the talking point of there was no first hand knowledge just evaporated like Eric Swalwells fart in the wind.
I'll give you that one, but the problem remains the same. The whole thing depends on political POV and impeachment is an awful way to settle it.
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I think Vindman is without a doubt the leaker to the Whistleblower..he is also Whistleblower #2 and more than likely the Anonymous writer

I'll give you that one, but the problem remains the same. The whole thing depends on political POV and impeachment is an awful way to settle it.

It shouldn't, rational people should be able to size up both stories and come to the conclusion that one side you have plausibility, probability and witness after witness (including admissions by Mulvaney and Donald) and on the other Donald and Rudy.

When it comes to actually caring about the truth, I know which side I'd put money on.
It shouldn't, rational people should be able to size up both stories and come to the conclusion that one side you have plausibility, probability and witness after witness (including admissions by Mulvaney and Donald) and on the other Donald and Rudy.

When it comes to actually caring about the truth, I know which side I'd put money on.
Lol... That's rich. The last time we did this, they had the President dead to rights on perjury and the left didn't really care.

It's all relative to who holds the office when... which is why impeachment should be reserved for something a lot bigger than this.
Whistleblower's family would have nothing to fear from those on the right. Now, those on the far-left is a different story as they are well known for attacking people in mobs and burning things down when things don't go their way.....the left wacko sicko loonies are the crybabies that have shown 99% of all bad behavior.
Terrible post even for you Blood
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I'm not up on the minutia of the deposition testimony, but as a casual viewer it seemed to me that he didn't know how the two witnesses were going to answer some of the questions. Which is not a good spot for counsel to be on TV.

The questioning on the VP trip planning to the inauguration being a good example.

In addition to what @Rifleman said:

Superficially, we heard all week that Vindman was a dunce with questionable judgment. So he points out that Ukraine was going to elevate him to a cabinet position? What could go wrong?

Oh, I know, you could be so deadpan with your questions that it doesn’t even come close to landing, until the witness talks about how laughable it was.

Which establishes his humility, which is even more damning to the central theme of the Republican narrative: that this is a coup by elitists who think they know better than the rest of us and the President.

And Vindman reported it up the chain of command. So it’s not like there was even anything to be gained from the question.

I mean, I guess Mark Meadows can make a tweet leaving out significant context to make it sound sinister, which seems to be their entire strategy at this point, but anybody who isn’t hiding in their safe space, relying on people like Mark Meadows to do his Baghdad Bob impersonation can’t be impressed.

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Terrible post even for you Blood

He's starting to lose it. The last bits of rational thought are struggling for air and it's creating a tempest in head - let's try to cut him some slack while he works through the cognitive dissonance.
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Remember folks, you can’t spell disgraced naval intelligence officer and urinalysis without Jack Posobiec

I personally like when he drops sean davis and jack posobeic tweets, it gives us insight into the mind of the the highest priests in the temple of trump.
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