The A-Rod Saga

A-roid is like a big, bleeding hemorrhoid. I don't want to see it and want it to go away quickly because it is just so irritating. Glad he is a NYY.
Andrew Marchand ‏@AndrewMarchand 1h
If A-Rod hits 13 more homers and ties Willie Mays, he receives a $6 million bonus.

Andrew Marchand ‏@AndrewMarchand 1h
If A-Rod hits 13 more homers and ties Willie Mays, he receives a $6 million bonus.


Sounds like he's going to make a lot of money tomorrow
I am sure you didn't mind it when he was dropping 54 bombs and driving in 156 though. From 2004-2010 he was as advertised. No matter what, he was never Jeter. I think that bugged the hell out of him and still does.

I never wanted the Yanks to get him in the first place. They shod have let the Red Sox get him.

There's no doubt that bothers him. He was never gonna be bigger than Jeter in NY.
Yankees' Rodriguez disciplined | News

Rodriguez's discipline under the Joint Drug Prevention and Treatment Program is based on his use and possession of numerous forms of prohibited performance-enhancing substances, including Testosterone and human Growth Hormone, over the course of multiple years. Rodriguez's discipline under the Basic Agreement is for attempting to cover-up his violations of the Program by engaging in a course of conduct intended to obstruct and frustrate the Office of the Commissioner's investigation. The suspension, which will become effective on Thursday, August 8th, will cover 211 Championship Season games and any 2013 Postseason games in which Rodriguez otherwise would have been eligible to play.
I'm calling for an octagon to be set up in Yankee stadium for Selig vs. A-Rod. Would be more entertaining than the Yankees on field performance this year anyways
Is the game televised tonight? I'm sure it is since they are on just about everyday. Things will be hostile for him.

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