That's racist!

Any appropriate suggestions?
Thug...a violent person, especially a criminal.
These are young black educated men playing basketball so no they aren't thugs. And if you're not informed the word thug is often used in place of the N word towards African Americans to make it seem ok. Have some decency find another word and stop taking it as a joke.

I agree they are kids; however, they are 18-22 yr olds who are considered adults in the court of law, including my kids. But again, I call that age group kids, too.
What word would you prefer to describe the behavior? “Classless, cheaters, poor sports?”

The word is used for both sexes and all races or ethnicity, including whites. A person referenced Grayson Allen (white NBA player) with the same word today after he fractured a player’s arm on a flagrant foul while such player was in the air. He had the same behavior at Duke and it’s thuggish behavior.

LSU had some cheat shots today, “below the belt” is the term they use in boxing. There was a lot of chirping on the court today and beyond trash talk. Plus some of the fouls were extreme and dirty.

I see what you are saying and I don’t like the word neither, however, LSU has that reputation, including their coach.
Just because they may have a reputation of playing dirty or unsportsmanlike doesn't mean it's OK to call these young men thugs. If we want better from them we should start by being better ourselves
Thug...a violent person, especially a criminal.
These are young black educated men playing basketball so no they aren't thugs. And if you're not informed the word thug is often used in place of the N word towards African Americans to make it seem ok. Have some decency find another word and stop taking it as a joke.

Goon seems to be appropriate for just the big fellers. Hooligan and ruffian sound too sissy (is “sissy” offensive?). I like THUG. It’s a good word. Uros is our most thuggish player. The wokesters are trying to steal the word thug. They can’t have it.
Thug...a violent person, especially a criminal.
These are young black educated men playing basketball so no they aren't thugs. And if you're not informed the word thug is often used in place of the N word towards African Americans to make it seem ok. Have some decency find another word and stop taking it as a joke.
You obviously looked up the definition which also denotes the term came from India, not Africa. It also Has no reference to African Americans. I understand you take it offensively but the posters who used the term thug were referring to the players behavior only, not ethnicity. There is no ill intent. Posts like yours inferring it to be directed due to race is what takes the conversation from the LSU players playing like Punks , or with undue violence, and steering it into an unnecessary racial conversation that otherwise wouldn't have existed.
Goon seems to be appropriate for just the big fellers. Hooligan and ruffian sound too sissy (is “sissy” offensive?). I like THUG. It’s a good word. Uros is our most thuggish player. The wokesters are trying to steal the word thug. They can’t have it.
It's really sad that you responded like that. Be better man
You obviously looked up the definition which also denotes the term came from India, not Africa. It also Has no reference to African Americans. I understand you take it offensively but the posters who used the term thug were referring to the players behavior only, not ethnicity. There is no ill intent. Posts like yours inferring it to be directed due to race is what takes the conversation from the LSU players playing like Punks , or with undue violence, and steering it into an unnecessary racial conversation that otherwise wouldn't have existed.
You can feel how you want or believe what you like. I have own opinion do better man
You can feel how you want or believe what you like. I have own opinion do better man
I do just fine. Appreciate it though. Perhaps the one needing to do better is behind your keyboard. You've done this before...hijack a thread to push an agenda that isn't there.

I live my life not being offended at every possible thing. I look at intent, meaning and motive of people instead of dissecting people's words in order to drive an agenda that doesn't exist. Your life would be happier if you tried to do the same.
You obviously looked up the definition which also denotes the term came from India, not Africa. It also Has no reference to African Americans. I understand you take it offensively but the posters who used the term thug were referring to the players behavior only, not ethnicity. There is no ill intent. Posts like yours inferring it to be directed due to race is what takes the conversation from the LSU players playing like Punks , or with undue violence, and steering it into an unnecessary racial conversation that otherwise wouldn't have existed.

“Punks” will be next. Some people just want to see racism where it doesn’t exist. Syrup bottles and pancake mix can be offensive to these same virtue signaling wokesters.

If a player takes a cheap shot attempting to take out somebody’s knee I can’t think of a better word to describe them than as a thug. Georgia had one on their offensive line several years ago that tore up a TN player’s knee.
I do just fine. Appreciate it though. Perhaps the one needing to do better is behind your keyboard. You've done this before...hijack a thread to push an agenda that isn't there.

I live my life not being offended at every possible thing. I look at intent, meaning and motive of people instead of dissecting people's words in order to drive an agenda that doesn't exist. Your life would be happier if you tried to do the same.
I haven't hijacked anything but calling these young men thugs is wrong period rather you agree or not. If you stop replying I want have anyone to respond to. Easy fix find something else to do and I will disappear
Thug...a violent person, especially a criminal.
These are young black educated men playing basketball so no they aren't thugs. And if you're not informed the word thug is often used in place of the N word towards African Americans to make it seem ok. Have some decency find another word and stop taking it as a joke.
GTFO!!! I dont know what planet YOU grew up on, but the word THUG has never had a skin color attached to it. This is the type of "manufactured racism" this country is getting tired of hearing. Its got to be a sad existence to live in your world. I feel for you.
“Punks” will be next. Some people just want to see racism where it doesn’t exist. Syrup bottles and pancake mix can be offensive to these same virtue signaling wokesters.

If a player takes a cheap shot attempting to take out somebody’s knee I can’t think of a better word to describe them than as a thug. Georgia had one on their offensive line several years ago that tore up a TN player’s knee.
Agree. Grayson Allen is a thug. He has a history of violent behavior on the court. He's white. Thug is an adjective to describe anyone, race or gender, any age.

Not sure why certain folks want to choose to associate words with things that don't exist.
I haven't hijacked anything but calling these young men thugs is wrong period rather you agree or not. If you stop replying I want have anyone to respond to. Easy fix find something else to do and I will disappear
Wrong by who's standard?
Take this to the politics forum if you want to have an open minded discussion. But the problem have to be open minded.

It is not wrong period. Is Grayson Allen a thug? Please answer
Wrong by who's standard?
Take this to the politics forum if you want to have an open minded discussion. But the problem have to be open minded.

It is not wrong period. Is Grayson Allen a thug? Please answer
No he isn't. If you change the definition to fit your needs then it's possible
No he isn't
Your own previously quoted definition says otherwise.
So it's either he's a thug due to his consistent violent on court behavior (look at your definition again,) or you are a hypocrite .

It's one or the other. Man, I'm really not trying to argue with you. But choosing to manufacture a racial word and being offended is no way to live. Let it go. Enjoy the victory over that punk squad and their punk coach.
Your own previously quoted definition says otherwise.
So it's either he's a thug due to his consistent violent on court behavior (look at your definition again,) or you are a hypocrite .

It's one or the other. Man, I'm really not trying to argue with you. But choosing to manufacture a racial word and being offended is no way to live. Let it go. Enjoy the victory over that punk squad and their punk coach.
Let it go man. If you aren't black or spoken to a black man or woman about the word in which it is often used to describe them then you wouldn't understand. The problem is many people don't care to understand. It's all good im not here to change the world. Good win vols
Perhaps EK865 should learn his audience before making implications. That last post telling me I need to speak to a black man or woman to understand is asinine. EK...Please don't ever speak to me about racial issues. I deal with it likely far more likely than you realize or want to assume. Difference in you and I......I choose not to progress it by manufacturing the issues.

It was a sad diversion attempt from he either admitting the very white Grayson Allen is a thug on the court or that EK865 himself is a hypocrite. It's one or the other
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Sports segue: Tonya Harding may have been a figure skater at one time, but let's just say her thuggish attack against Nancy Kerrigan was
below the belt by anyone's standard. I'm glad nothing escalated to that level in TBA and we got the impressive victory to
add to the resume this season.

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