That's racist!

Dude, you and I are on the same side of this, but if Ferguson, BLM, Freddie Gray etc has taught us anything is that people may be willing to mobilize behind less than perfect (in some cases downright frivolous) causes. Gap most certainly considered this and decided it wasn't worth the risk.

If they looked at 2 cases where people died and come to that conclusion Im not sure what their next move will be.
free market, baby.

But how free is it when you can basically use PC for what can pretty much be labeled extortion? We're headed in a dangerous direction when the idea of not just being offended but easily offended becomes something actionable.
But how free is it when you can basically use PC for what can pretty much be labeled extortion? We're headed in a dangerous direction when the idea of not just being offended but easily offended becomes something actionable.

Free-market includes people voicing their opinions. That twitter user voiced her opinion. Just because you might disagree with her opinion does not mean her opinion is anti-free market. If that twitter user called for government intervention against the Gap ad, then that would be anti-free market.
You may not agree with them, but it is certainly an exercise of free speech. With the exception of the one chick and the cultural appropriation garbage regarding dreads (because she laid hands on him) all represent free speech issues. You can hate it, but the ability to say stupid crap is protected. The ability to quickly spread such stupidity is exponentially greater than it was even 10 years ago. It is what it is and Gap made a business decision that it wasn't worth risking possible backlash.
Was it dreads or cornrows? Because before the romans made everyone in Europe cut their hair and start bathing, white people got dreads pretty much by default anyway
Bad PR move.

There is no way anyone can look at that photo and even remotely think it's racist. Especially given the circumstances behind the young lady in question as well as what they do. (watch the videos with Ellen to understand)

Sorry, if I was The Gap, I'd be fighting this tooth and nail with facts, not assumptions behind the alleged "racism" involved. They caved, nothing more, nothing less.

How is it a bad PR move? They didn't admit to being racists, they just said "sorry if anybody was offended". There is no admission of fault, whatsoever. Just a "sorry" to placate butthurt people.

The only way this hurts The Gap is if the people who are sensitive to race-baiting are just as butt-hurt as the race-baiters.
If they looked at 2 cases where people died and come to that conclusion Im not sure what their next move will be.

To me that is a much more defensible position because over the years blacks have played on a very unlevel playing field when it came to police interactions. For years, they have seen cops do despicable things and face no consequences. I can understand how that boiled over. I don't support rioting and looting, but I can understand the feelings.

This, on the other hand, is just stupid.
To me that is a much more defensible position because over the years blacks have played on a very unlevel playing field when it came to police interactions. For years, they have seen cops do despicable things and face no consequences. I can understand how that boiled over. I don't support rioting and looting, but I can understand the feelings.

This, on the other hand, is just stupid.

I was speaking more towards Gap looking at 2 situations where people died and tying that into what you have (properly) deemed as stupid, (not that we know thats why the decision was made) and acting on it from that perspective. That is equally as stupid IMO.

The rest of what you posted has a level of understanding that I see. In the Brown case, they hitched up to a poor example.
Free-market includes people voicing their opinions. That twitter user voiced her opinion. Just because you might disagree with her opinion does not mean her opinion is anti-free market. If that twitter user called for government intervention against the Gap ad, then that would be anti-free market.

I agree with you as far as you take it...voicing an opinion is just that and I've got no issue with it whether I agree or not. I'm probably expanding the scope a bit from this specific incident but I'm talking about this pervasive idea that there are consequences to offending people even when that offense is practically them seeing what they want to see in a rorchach test. When the issue is race related it can become a very big deal with people that haven't done much of anything demonized with almost no recourse but to cower since resisting being called a racist is, with many these days, nothing more than showing just HOW racist you really are and I think that's not a good thing.
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How is it a bad PR move? They didn't admit to being racists, they just said "sorry if anybody was offended". There is no admission of fault, whatsoever. Just a "sorry" to placate butthurt people.

The only way this hurts The Gap is if the people who are sensitive to race-baiting are just as butt-hurt as the race-baiters.

This is where I stand. When companies take sides on socially charged topics, it tends to blow up. Look at Chick Fil A. They fought "tooth and nail," swung their dicks around, and stuck to their guns. That was a ****show.

They didn't own fault. They didn't deny. They simply iterated that they were sorry if anyone was offended. Yes, it's a stupid accusation, but it was an accusation that gained tread on the internet.

I will agree with GV on one thing here, and its that they wouldn't want him running the PR department.
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I will agree with GV on one thing here, and its that they wouldn't want him running the PR department.

Because I wouldn't stand for such nonsense?

This isn't a case where CFA's owners declared themselves to be in opposition to gay marriage and the public tried to take it out on the chain. This is a case where someone screamed "racist!" and The Gap said "sorry we offended...[and we're going to take it down to placate you]."

This racist BS has gone too far.
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Because I wouldn't stand for such nonsense?

This isn't a case where CFA's owners declared themselves to be in opposition to gay marriage and the public tried to take it out on the chain. This is a case where someone screamed "racist!" and The Gap said "sorry we offended...[and we're going to take it down to placate you]."

This racist BS has gone too far.

Grand, if you're running a corporation, much less a business, it's not on you to take a stand.

I don't think you realize the repercussions Gap would face if they took your approach. You're taking a thin skinned approach to an issue borne of thin skin.
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Funny how people claim to support a free-market...except when the free-market runs counter to their anti-LGBT agenda.
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Huh? I don't think you know what free-market means.

Part of it means business and consumers freely choosing their business affairs. That's what happened here. Some consumers complained about the GAP ad. In response the GAP voluntarily took the ad down. The Gap was free to leave the ad, or take it down. That was there choice.
Part of it means business and consumers freely choosing their business affairs. That's what happened here. Some consumers complained about the GAP ad. In response the GAP voluntarily took the ad down. The Gap was free to leave the ad, or take it down. That was there choice.

in, at, or to that place or position.
"we went on to Paris and stayed there eleven days"

More carefully chosen words. Haha. You are a funny little dude for a racist.
Placating the race-baiters makes them enablers. This nonsense has run amock
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The sad thing is racism is alive and well. You would be mistaken not to believe that. I wish we could turn the corner on this and everyone be honest open and fair.Even the rich white people and black people behind their golden doors are removed or detached from the real world. "Go fight the wars my poor white and poor black Americans, protect my money, my investments."
This is where I stand. When companies take sides on socially charged topics, it tends to blow up. Look at Chick Fil A. They fought "tooth and nail," swung their dicks around, and stuck to their guns. That was a ****show.

They didn't own fault. They didn't deny. They simply iterated that they were sorry if anyone was offended. Yes, it's a stupid accusation, but it was an accusation that gained tread on the internet.

I will agree with GV on one thing here, and its that they wouldn't want him running the PR department.
? Chick Fil A's owner said he believed in the regular definition of marriage..that was it. Its the social justice warriors who lost their damn minds and mad asses of themselves...Or is that what you are saying? Meh it's been a long day at work.

Speaking of Chik Fil A I had a muslim girl give me my bacon and egg sandwich this morning. Frigging racist hate mongering Chick Fil A!!
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