Terrible Awful Horrible Coaching

even Kirk Herbstreet was beside himself almost laughing when he realized Butch Jones had thrown the challenge flag on the onside kick essentially ending the game without even giving ur defense a shot to get a stop.... Even before this debacle the Vols have the ball on the one and you must assume that they have a played called just incase they get stopped at the goal line ( most likely a fade or some quick throw).. The vols get lined up and butch inexplicably calls at time out ??? and for what ?? they come right back and throw the fade... for what possible reason did a time out need to be burned in that situation??? Again pointed out by Herby and company... I could understand if its 4th down and you want to make sure everyone is on the same page.. these basic clock management issues r inexcusable and i wont even get into the PURE Vanilla play calling by the OC.. it makes it so easy to stop an offense when u only have to worry about the ball going 6-10 yards down the field... you have to take shots you have to make them respect the threat that you will take a shot.... Its hard enough to win games in the SEC playing frosh and sophomores
but when you add in terrible coaching its damn near impossible
I can't wait to make fun of you when we start winning.
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Now, let's delete all these expert posts and let someone who's coached the game of football rag about CBJ's current body of work. It'll be a short list. It's like a third grader figuring out the proper nuances of isolating a Higgs boson. Ask Pinkel what he thinks about Jones' coaching job and I bet he'll state that he's doing a fantastic job. Those two TDs at the beginning of the fourth quarter sealed the game. Mizzou let off the gas, so let's admit the Vols are still a work in progress that's definitely making progress. Don't feel so special...its human nature for a lot of sports fans to grasp at instant gratification. Let's beat up on Vandy and beat whoever we get in a bowl game.

well, I'm convinced by your logic that CBJ would not know the first thing about physics (your reference); but would be nice to believe (I can't say know because I don't know physics so I will use the personal "believe"), our coaching staff is capable of big-time adjustments, because it looks like the opposing team did make adjustments during the half-time which resulted in two long plays for the win.
Where is this awesome Herby guy coaching again? It's easy to have all the answers (or think you do) when you are sitting in the press box. Had we not challenged we would have had maybe 15 seconds to go 90+ yards. None of those timeouts cost us the game. Our only hope was the on side kick.

how can you say that ??? if we had 3 timeouts we could have got the ball back with 1:30+ whos to say we couldnt have scored ?? and thats not the point as a coach your suppose to put ur team in position to at least have a chance to win .... butch didnt do that tonight
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awful Fan..

Since when does fandom come into question because i hold our coaching staff to a high standard... butch and co make alot of money to coach this team and when they are messing up the most basic aspects of the game i feel the right to call them on it...
The OL is still a problem. Dobbs helps. They may have gotten a little better. But they limited UT's options.

That said... I HATE when Jones refers to a game as a "field position" game. That pretty much means he's playing not to lose rather than playing to win. The two notable games I can remember him saying that are this one and Vandy last year. Both unnecessary losses.

I know D's play looser with a lead late in a game with a lead... but some of that downfield stuff might have worked early. But the staff deemed field position more important apparently than taking a shot at some big plays.
We could've had the ball back with a minute or so left if we had that timeout. Wouldn't have been a great chance, but still a chance nevertheless. Butch eliminated that by wasting his challenge on a play that took 3 seconds for instant replay to confirm.

If we have 2 TOs Mizz would have had to punt with 8 seconds left.
overall all i like Butch as a coach but i cannot blindly support every decision the guy makes . he messed up tonight that was clear to most but if you all want to ignore it and make excuses thats fine
Why don't you coach football then? It's always a dumb decision if it doesn't work. If it does work then it's brilliant. What isn't brilliant is prematurely hoping for another coaching change when the program can't afford that right now. Butch is the right guy, and his assistant coaches are fine. Just shutup and watch. You're not helping the program any by putting your lack of intelligence on display and asking these things.
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even Kirk Herbstreet was beside himself almost laughing when he realized Butch Jones had thrown the challenge flag on the onside kick essentially ending the game without even giving ur defense a shot to get a stop.... Even before this debacle the Vols have the ball on the one and you must assume that they have a played called just incase they get stopped at the goal line ( most likely a fade or some quick throw).. The vols get lined up and butch inexplicably calls at time out ??? and for what ?? they come right back and throw the fade... for what possible reason did a time out need to be burned in that situation??? Again pointed out by Herby and company... I could understand if its 4th down and you want to make sure everyone is on the same page.. these basic clock management issues r inexcusable and i wont even get into the PURE Vanilla play calling by the OC.. it makes it so easy to stop an offense when u only have to worry about the ball going 6-10 yards down the field... you have to take shots you have to make them respect the threat that you will take a shot.... Its hard enough to win games in the SEC playing frosh and sophomores
but when you add in terrible coaching its damn near impossible

Good analysis there Coach
even Kirk Herbstreet was beside himself almost laughing when he realized Butch Jones had thrown the challenge flag on the onside kick essentially ending the game without even giving ur defense a shot to get a stop.... Even before this debacle the Vols have the ball on the one and you must assume that they have a played called just incase they get stopped at the goal line ( most likely a fade or some quick throw).. The vols get lined up and butch inexplicably calls at time out ??? and for what ?? they come right back and throw the fade... for what possible reason did a time out need to be burned in that situation??? Again pointed out by Herby and company... I could understand if its 4th down and you want to make sure everyone is on the same page.. these basic clock management issues r inexcusable and i wont even get into the PURE Vanilla play calling by the OC.. it makes it so easy to stop an offense when u only have to worry about the ball going 6-10 yards down the field... you have to take shots you have to make them respect the threat that you will take a shot.... Its hard enough to win games in the SEC playing frosh and sophomores
but when you add in terrible coaching its damn near impossible

Kirk wasn't a very good quarterback. Hey! How's his coaching career going?

In other words.....his opinions are as valid as ours are....he's been fortunate, blessed and lucky that he's been given the breaks and opportunities in life to be successful with espn. He's a fortunate one...that's the only difference between he and we.
When the defense is on the field for 3/4 the game they may just might just maybe crack a couple of times and give up a few plays.

Defense played lights out I thought....

The offensive play calling is very questionable....

That's more of a I need to make some changes if I'm butch kinda thing.....
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Mizzou is the best team we have played this year besides Bama. We started 7 TRUE Freshmen, played without our starting center, without our best defensive player and the leader of our secondary for the first half. Our O line was completely overmatched by the best defensive line we have played. Thanks to good coaching we actually made a game of it against a top 20 team. If we get even average O line play next season, we will compete for the SEC East championship.

Yeah - but to quote many on here and to counter your facts- WEARETENNESSEE!,, doesn't that negate your facts?
So the WRs lost the game for us?

Not by themselves, but they definitely contributed. I don't know if it was just that Missouri had better DB's then everyone else or our WR's had a bad game.

But for instance, the pass Malone had hit him in the chest and instead of focusing on the catch, he was focused on running after..so the ball bounced up and it resulted in a interception which seriously changed the momentum we were building at the time.
even Kirk Herbstreet was beside himself almost laughing when he realized Butch Jones had thrown the challenge flag on the onside kick essentially ending the game without even giving ur defense a shot to get a stop.... Even before this debacle the Vols have the ball on the one and you must assume that they have a played called just incase they get stopped at the goal line ( most likely a fade or some quick throw).. The vols get lined up and butch inexplicably calls at time out ??? and for what ?? they come right back and throw the fade... for what possible reason did a time out need to be burned in that situation??? Again pointed out by Herby and company... I could understand if its 4th down and you want to make sure everyone is on the same page.. these basic clock management issues r inexcusable and i wont even get into the PURE Vanilla play calling by the OC.. it makes it so easy to stop an offense when u only have to worry about the ball going 6-10 yards down the field... you have to take shots you have to make them respect the threat that you will take a shot.... Its hard enough to win games in the SEC playing frosh and sophomores
but when you add in terrible coaching its damn near impossible

First, DILLIGAF about what Herbstreet says? Coleman was past the line when he reached back to collect the onside kick. I would have taken that gamble too.

The wasted time out at the one was due to confusion on the field. Had you been paying attention to what was happening on the field at the time rather than letting the commentators were saying, you might be able to see for yourself. Welcome to my ignore list. You give me a headache.
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Kind funny how the coaches go from suck to great to suck to great to suck to great to suck from quarter to quarter and game to game.

Pretty entertaining.
Well i guess some of these folks think we have a bunch of damn OL the coaches are hiding from us. Its the best we freakin have and they are playing there asses off for Tennessee. This forums full of smartass fair weather know it all jackass future hall of fame coaches. Why do even read this ****.
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Well i guess some of these folks think we have a bunch of damn OL the coaches are hiding from us. Its the best we freakin have and they are playing there asses off for Tennessee. This forums full of smartass fair weather know it all jackass future hall of fame coaches. Why do even read this ****.

It's like a train wreck. You want to look away but you can't.
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Jeez. The Vols could go 12-0 and win the whole damn thing next year, and some of you nega-vols would be complaining about that dropped pass back in the game against Alabama in 2007, and looking for a coach to fire. My ignore list is going to fill fast
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even Kirk Herbstreet was beside himself almost laughing when he realized Butch Jones had thrown the challenge flag on the onside kick essentially ending the game without even giving ur defense a shot to get a stop.... Even before this debacle the Vols have the ball on the one and you must assume that they have a played called just incase they get stopped at the goal line ( most likely a fade or some quick throw).. The vols get lined up and butch inexplicably calls at time out ??? and for what ?? they come right back and throw the fade... for what possible reason did a time out need to be burned in that situation??? Again pointed out by Herby and company... I could understand if its 4th down and you want to make sure everyone is on the same page.. these basic clock management issues r inexcusable and i wont even get into the PURE Vanilla play calling by the OC.. it makes it so easy to stop an offense when u only have to worry about the ball going 6-10 yards down the field... you have to take shots you have to make them respect the threat that you will take a shot.... Its hard enough to win games in the SEC playing frosh and sophomores
but when you add in terrible coaching its damn near impossible

So let's go ahead and fire this coaching staff and start all over again..................NOT

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