Stormy Daniels sues Trump

Don't underestimate how stupid Cohen can be. He did go to one of the crappiest law schools out there and has a reputation for train wreck interviews (just do a search for "says who"). Trump has valued him for his loyalty and ability to bully people who don't know they're really dealing with a paper tiger.

Watched "says who".....and it turns out he was right....polls were wrong
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He humped a porn star 12 years ago.... big damn deal. he wasn't president at the time..... politicians boink side women all the time..... some boink side men on the down low..... so woop tee damn doo

He used a fake name and secret deal with his lawyer to use campaign money to pay her off to keep her quiet days before the election.

Then he had his official spokesperson lie about it in just the last few months. A lot.

That's the woop tee damn doo.
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He used a fake name and secret deal with his lawyer to use campaign money to pay her off to keep her quiet days before the election.

Then he had his official spokesperson lie about it in just the last few months. A lot.

That's the woop tee damn doo.

"Says who?"
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Holy **** Stormy Daniels just showed up at a strip club to perform that’s less than 5 minutes from my house. What to do, what to do?
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"...As for Daniels, she said she kept in touch with Trump and saw him several more times, though she said they never again had sex. In one instance, she recalled visiting him at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where Trump watched the Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week” and spoke of his fear of sharks.

Their relationship faded to a few phone calls and meetups at parties, Daniels told InTouch, and then faded away entirely sometime in 2009 or 2010.

She never got her shot on “The Apprentice

Trump effectively paid Daniels $130,000.00 for ONE RIDE on the pony! Talk about high end hookers. Jeeesh.
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Much ado about nothing. President Trump did nothing illegal.

Have the Fake News Networks linked the 'ho to the Russians yet?

The porn star bopping is not the issue, just as Bill Clinton's Lewinski hummers weren't. What is illegal is the Criminal Conspiracy that Trump and Cohen committed - a felony - along with failure to report a political donation and donation exceeding the legal limit.
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He humped a porn star 12 years ago.... big damn deal. he wasn't president at the time..... politicians boink side women all the time..... some boink side men on the down low..... so woop tee damn doo
I can't help but see her and think... ewwwwwwwwww
The porn star bopping is not the issue, just as Bill Clinton's Lewinski hummers weren't. What is illegal is the Criminal Conspiracy that Trump and Cohen committed - a felony - along with failure to report a political donation and donation exceeding the legal limit.

But with Clinton in 1998 it seemed like the sex (albeit consensual) was the issue for conservatives. They talked constantly about restoring family values to the White House in 2000. I love that Trump has thrown away their moral high ground. Evangelical phonies like Franklin Graham have no choice but to acknowledge that character was never truly important to them. They just want someone who is anti-abortion, anti-immigration, anti-epa and pro-guns.
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But with Clinton in 1998 it seemed like the sex (albeit consensual) was the issue for conservatives. They talked constantly about restoring family values to the White House in 2000. I love that Trump has thrown away their moral high ground. Evangelical phonies like Franklin Graham have no choice but to acknowledge that character was never truly important to them. They just want someone who is anti-abortion, anti-immigration, anti-epa and pro-guns.

And all of a sudden the far left has morals and ethics. For years we have been told by the left its none of your business who consenting adults sleep with
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But with Clinton in 1998 it seemed like the sex (albeit consensual) was the issue for conservatives. They talked constantly about restoring family values to the White House in 2000. I love that Trump has thrown away their moral high ground. Evangelical phonies like Franklin Graham have no choice but to acknowledge that character was never truly important to them. They just want someone who is anti-abortion, anti-immigration, anti-epa and pro-guns.

Nailed it! The evangelicals were duped, the conservative dominated supreme court hasn't overturned roe v.wade(unfortunately). The g o p has exploited the issue for years.
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Much ado about nothing. President Trump did nothing illegal.

Have the Fake News Networks linked the 'ho to the Russians yet?

Keep on telling yourself that! While your at it tell yourself he's using his office to add to his billions(?). Laughing his ass off at his base. Dayum!
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But with Clinton in 1998 it seemed like the sex (albeit consensual) was the issue for conservatives. They talked constantly about restoring family values to the White House in 2000. I love that Trump has thrown away their moral high ground. Evangelical phonies like Franklin Graham have no choice but to acknowledge that character was never truly important to them. They just want someone who is anti-abortion, anti-immigration, anti-epa and pro-guns.

And oddly enough "character" has surfaced this time around by some the left as well.

It all depends on which team you re puling for.
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And oddly enough "character" has surfaced this time around by some the left as well.

It all depends on which team you re puling for.

No kidding - this "hypocrisy" stuff is such a waste of time since it is not unique to one tribe.

All the pro-women, feminist champions openly supported Bill Clinton even though he was a serial cheater and accused on multiple occasions of sexual assault.

Tribes support tribe members and ignore their sins. Nothing new under the sun.
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Trump upset with Sanders over Stormy Daniels response - CNNPolitics

On Wednesday, Sanders told reporters that the arbitration was won "in the President's favor." The statement is an admission that the nondisclosure agreement exists, and that it directly involves the President. It is the first time the White House has admitted the President was involved in any way with Daniels.
"POTUS is very unhappy," the source said. "Sarah gave the Stormy Daniels storyline steroids yesterday."

It seems Trump is ticked at Sanders for not being a better liar. She came to close to actually telling the truth; trump can't have that in a press secretary. #worstjobintheworld
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No kidding - this "hypocrisy" stuff is such a waste of time since it is not unique to one tribe.

All the pro-women, feminist champions openly supported Bill Clinton even though he was a serial cheater and accused on multiple occasions of sexual assault.

Tribes support tribe members and ignore their sins. Nothing new under the sun.

Yep. The former was a "witch hunt", the latter a march against the defiling the office.

Switch situations and switch stances and or importance.
Trump upset with Sanders over Stormy Daniels response - CNNPolitics

On Wednesday, Sanders told reporters that the arbitration was won "in the President's favor." The statement is an admission that the nondisclosure agreement exists, and that it directly involves the President. It is the first time the White House has admitted the President was involved in any way with Daniels.
"POTUS is very unhappy," the source said. "Sarah gave the Stormy Daniels storyline steroids yesterday."

It seems Trump is ticked at Sanders for not being a better liar. She came to close to actually telling the truth; trump can't have that in a press secretary. #worstjobintheworld

As I posited yesterday, I half-think that she said that about Dennison just to blow it up because she is tired of lying for him.
Trump upset with Sanders over Stormy Daniels response - CNNPolitics

On Wednesday, Sanders told reporters that the arbitration was won "in the President's favor." The statement is an admission that the nondisclosure agreement exists, and that it directly involves the President. It is the first time the White House has admitted the President was involved in any way with Daniels.
"POTUS is very unhappy," the source said. "Sarah gave the Stormy Daniels storyline steroids yesterday."

It seems Trump is ticked at Sanders for not being a better liar. She came to close to actually telling the truth; trump can't have that in a press secretary. #worstjobintheworld

Anyone think Sanders' pretty face will save her?

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