Stop going to games

1. Fans will keep attending the games because they don’t get it
2. UT will continue to see good revenue from tickets and apparel
3. Butch will get a contract extension

1. Not like they normally would. It will be felt. Everyone has given up on Butch and the attendance will drop.
2. Eh good sales for the year are done. Season ticket holders are where the money is made.
3. Nope.

You guys saying that fans going to games should not go obviously do not go to the games. You sit at home to watch the game and then complain about people that go. Why not really send a message.

1. Don't watch it on TV, that will also send a message. Believe me they will see local audience declines.
2. Film yourself donating all your Vols merchandise and then upload it online for the world to see. That way they know you serious and if they hire a big name you will have to buy new merchandise to show support.
3. Write a letter or email the UTAD about your displeasure.

Bet none of you telling others how to spend their time and money like those ideas though. Requires you to commit to it instead of telling others not to do what you don't do anyway.
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If Tennesseee fans wants change STOP going to games, stop buying merchandise, stop with the "we will be better next year" b.s. the media loves to make fun of. It's the only way to get the attention of the university and maybe just maybe they will hire a big name vs a div II coach. End of the day all that matters is money, if you keep spending nothing changes.

Flame away

Make a deal. You do as you please and I will do as I please.
I did just that. I didn't go to the game and I did not watch it on tv. I hate to do this because I love the kids but I feel it is best for the program in the long run. And I did not buy my season tickets this year, saw this coming a mile away.
Really if you want Butch fired stop going is the only way. And really that's how you support players
1. Fans will keep attending the games because they don’t get it
2. UT will continue to see good revenue from tickets and apparel
3. Butch will get a contract extension

Guess that you are NOT a fan since you say ‘they’ when you speak of us. Not too hard to not go to a game when you live on the west coast. :hi:
I have two tickets to so miss and vandy. Might as well go they are like penny stocks..worthless.
I did just that. I didn't go to the game and I did not watch it on tv. I hate to do this because I love the kids but I feel it is best for the program in the long run. And I did not buy my season tickets this year, saw this coming a mile away.

Good now burn you gear and send an email to the UTAD with a link to the video of it. That will help the cause too.

CBJ is done here guys. These shenanigans are just your frustrations coming through. It will all be over soon enough.
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Already have. Having issues giving tickets away.

You probably have tried hard enough. Put them on Facebook as free. Someone will take them. There are tons of people in Knoxville with low finds that would go. You could make some family/couple pretty happy.
Not going to flame you but I will not stop supporting the team. The administration knows the product is trash.

While your served your turd Samich.... we don't want to hear how bad it is. You set their and enjoy that turd samich like a man 😜 Oh and the administration thanks you for your support 👍
I love how everyone here, most of whom probably don't even know what the John Currie even looks like, have suddenly gone all armchair psychologist on us and have already figured out how he is going to handle Butch Jones.

By the way, this boycotting **** never actually works...y'all realize that, right? That's what Baltimore Colts fans did to their abomination of an owner and look how that turned out. The message with Butch Jones is incredibly loud and incredibly clear even with the fans still packing the stadium. It really doesn't matter when they fire him (newsflash, recruits aren't going to commit to an interim coach just because they're apparently satisfied with the coach who recruited them being fired), only that they do let him go by the end of the season.
Good now burn you gear and send an email to the UTAD with a link to the video of it. That will help the cause too.

CBJ is done here guys. These shenanigans are just your frustrations coming through. It will all be over soon enough.
One can still save their money by not attending for the rest. The administration have been robbing TN fans for a long didn't start this yr
While your served your turd Samich.... we don't want to hear how bad it is. You set their and enjoy that turd samich like a man 😜 Oh and the administration thanks you for your support 👍

Ha I bet they don't. I don't live close enough to go to games regularly anymore. The last merchandise I bought has Adidas logos on it. That said your being a hypocrite. Bet you watched the game on TV today and you probably wore orange. Commit to it or or don't complain about others that watch the games.
One can still save their money by not attending for the rest. The administration have been robbing TN fans for a long didn't start this yr

Again telling people not to go to the games and then still watching on TV is what a hypocrite does. Viewership = Money.
Not going to flame you but I will not stop supporting the team. The administration knows the product is trash.

Yeah! let's all go to the Joe Schmuckatelli corner market bowl against Idaho Central State, that'll show em who the real fans are!

Show your support of legendary Vols and future/current players by not supporting this coach!
Again telling people not to go to the games and then still watching on TV is what a hypocrite does. Viewership = Money.

True........i only saw a total of 3 plays. To see if it was over yet. But I agree with you. Don't watch that turd show over and over and over and keep complaining and complaining and complaining. The kids will be fine and live even if we don't watch them. I'm sure they understand
I love how everyone here, most of whom probably don't even know what the John Currie even looks like, have suddenly gone all armchair psychologist on us and have already figured out how he is going to handle Butch Jones.

By the way, this boycotting **** never actually works...y'all realize that, right? That's what Baltimore Colts fans did to their abomination of an owner and look how that turned out. The message with Butch Jones is incredibly loud and incredibly clear even with the fans still packing the stadium. It really doesn't matter when they fire him (newsflash, recruits aren't going to commit to an interim coach just because they're apparently satisfied with the coach who recruited them being fired), only that they do let him go by the end of the season.
Yea it would work on the hill. Has before
If TN loses to KY next week, I'm pretty sure the stands will be nearly half empty the following week when we play southern miss for homecoming, unless something happens before that time.

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