Stabbings in London


It's sad but the first two things to cross my mind after seeing it was London has brought it on theirselves with open border to refugees from the middle east and two will the liberal media start asking these questions...

Did it happen in a knife free zone?

Was the knife purchased legally?

Was it an assault knife?

Will they have to implement a knife buy back program?

Should knives be banned from the general public?

See these same questions are even more absurd when you replace the word gun with knife.
I know, can you imagine having to get close enough to the point of tackling someone with a suicide vest on to try to save lives?

If this had been America, it’d be San Bernardino or Orlando because anybody with a pulse can find his way to a gun.
If this had been America, it’d be San Bernardino or Orlando because anybody with a pulse can find his way to a gun.
Wrong. Unless you want to come up with some suction that doesnt involve disarming citizens which is liberals ultimate goal for obvious reasons.
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Wrong. Unless you want to come up with some suction that doesnt involve disarming citizens which is liberals ultimate goal for obvious reasons.

Why am I wrong? It seems pretty obvious that it’s not that easy to do mass terrorist killings with knifes. Your right to arms for protection is also someone’s right to arms for mass murder.

And do you really want three good guys with a gun in a panic scenario like this whipping out guns and shooting from three different angles? What if one of these good guys is wearing a Muslim skull cap and traditional Muslim clothing? I’m sure that’ll end well for him.
Why am I wrong? It seems pretty obvious that it’s not that easy to do mass terrorist killings with knifes. Your right to arms for protection is also someone’s right to arms for mass murder.

And do you really want three good guys with a gun in a panic scenario like this whipping out guns and shooting from three different angles? What if one of these good guys is wearing a Muslim skull cap and traditional Muslim clothing? I’m sure that’ll end well for him.
You're pathetic. That's the dumbest hypothetical anyone here could've come up with, even Dinka.
You're pathetic. That's the dumbest hypothetical anyone here could've come up with, even Dinka.

Of course, you're right. How stupid of me. I should have remembered that the good guys with a gun always wear shirts that say "good guy with a gun" and, because it's necessary to have fire arms training in America, coordinate with each other and the panicked people running in every direction before they shoot.
Of course, you're right. How stupid of me. I should have remembered that the good guys with a gun always wear shirts that say "good guy with a gun" and, because it's necessary to have fire arms training in America, coordinate with each other and the panicked people running in every direction before they shoot.
Whelp you need to find some way to reconcile it or move. Because unlike the two disarmed countries in question today, our country has a constitutionally protected basis to possess firearms. And since it takes a constitutional amendment to change that and your ******** methods to circumvent it have failed thus far since they get challenged and overturned I’d guess it isn’t changing. In fact there are so many states putting firearm possession protections in place I’d say your rhetoric affect has peaked and is already in decline.

But by all means keep screeching girl. It’s so... effective 😏
Whelp you need to find some way to reconcile it or move. Because unlike the two disarmed countries in question today, our country has a constitutionally protected basis to possess firearms. And since it takes a constitutional amendment to change that and your ******** methods to circumvent it have failed thus far since they get challenged and overturned I’d guess it isn’t changing. In fact there are so many states putting firearm possession protections in place I’d say your rhetoric affect has peaked and is already in decline.

But by all means keep screeching girl. It’s so... effective 😏

How’s life in left-field today?
Of course, you're right. How stupid of me. I should have remembered that the good guys with a gun always wear shirts that say "good guy with a gun" and, because it's necessary to have fire arms training in America, coordinate with each other and the panicked people running in every direction before they shoot.
how often have good guys with guns killed innocent people versus bad guys (usually Democrat voters) killing innocent people? What's the count and are you saying you would rather he in a position that there is a mass shooter with a good guy with gun?


You are burgular/thief/disgusting peice of come upon two houses side by side. One has sign in yard that says "gun free zone" other house says "protected by Smith and Wesson". Which is getting robbed?

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