Some opinions from you guys.



Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2008
This is my first time posting in the baseball forum, but i wanted to get some opinions from you guys on a few things regarding the baseball program at UT.

I usually try to keep up with our baseball team here @ UT, granted im more of a MLB guy than i am a college fan. Anyways i have only been to a handful of UT baseball games which were during the Delmonico era.

What are your guys thoughts on the firing of Delmonico? Was it the right thing to do? What was the main reason behind it?

Also do you think hiring Todd Raliegh (sp?) was the best & smart choice? Can he get the job done over on the Hill?
The firing of Delmonico was the right thing but alot of people feel like MH hired the wrong guy.
We were under .500 last year and are 8-9 at this point in the season. Our team is not fundamentally sound in any area, rather fundamentally flawed. It just seems to me that Raleigh's teams here haven't shown the ability to play baseball the right way. Right now it looks like a poor hiring.
Certainly Mike Hamilton wants to win more than anything, but too many folks discount a team's APR in these non-revenue sports. Raleigh's already made great improvements in that area where Delmonico failed.
Honestly, I can't really put my finger on Raleigh. He seems to be a competent man for the job. On the other hand, the on-field results have been less than stellar to say the least.
Everyone talks as though Raliegh is the one playing. He is a good coach, the pitching has improved dramatically, the defense is sound, the sticks are too sporatic they are in a slump...the stud of the team( Kentral) cant hit his way out of a paper bag right now, they have him in the 3 spot and he cant come through. He is the Captain of the team and is not really showing any leadership and its bringing the team down. he looked like he had glue in his shoes against Auburn..Hopefully he will get out of that slump because the kid is good. Our other hitters are having a hard time as well, I know they have had home runs here and there but they have got to be consisitant at the plate. That is where the problem is. I have seen all the games, the problem is with the sticks. (Cerranno must wake up bats)
Yeah KD hasn't been what many thought he would've been this year. He's really struggling lately after starting off well. And the only time we ever score runs is when we hit homeruns. Our team is awful hitting with men in scoring position.
You are 100% right on TNVols58 You cant win games like that. If these boys can get their you know what together. they will do just fine.
Delmonico was fired a year later than he should have been.

Raleigh will get the job done. He had to pretty much rebuild from the ground up. Next season will be his make or break year.

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