so obama is now banning bullets?

We're a Dictatorship when the President can do what ever he wants to. The Country sadly is finished and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Hopefully the American people will one day wake up and revolt.

Rick Grimes for President!
Other than Vescusi, who I admit is outstanding ...


.... we will never fight over a woman.

She's quite the head turner, no doubt.

Their choice of handguns for her to display was questionable at best. Then again, the purpose of this is not marketing towards the gun owners and preferred handgun of choice.
And I always love it when idiots create bills which they have no clue about.

Ghost guns, shoulder things that go up, high capacity magazines that will be useless when they run out of bullets and now this.

House bill would ban AR-15 bullet | TheHill

LG, they are giving you some serious competition in the ignorance realm.
Nice article from Vice:

I'm guessing that most of the folks who are normally the rock-ribbed, law-and-order types who have remained pro-police throughout the awfulness in Ferguson are now completely unmoved by this potential threat to police lives. Meanwhile, their opponents in the gun-control movement probably count among their number a huge contingent of people who don't give a good ******n about cops — unless they're hurling abuse at them — but have now suddenly found police safety an issue of paramount concern.

In New Haven, Blumenthal, Murphy, Esserman call for ban on armor-piercing bullets

“These handguns are widely available, easily affordable and readily concealed,” said Blumenthal. “That’s why they are so dangerous to the law enforcement professionals that are here today.”

Who is he trying to kid? Ain't nobody on this planet that's ever considered an AR-15 pistol "easy to conceal." I'd love to see someone try to stuff that one in their belt line.

He said that when officers are wearing a bulletproof vest, they should be able to be confident that they will be protected from any kind of bullet they might face.

Really? Then he wants the on duty police forces to roll around in Level IV plates all the time?

I shouldn't be surprised at the complete lack of knowledge in our political "leadership." But this pure shocking to see how uninformed Blumenthal is...well, no, never mind.

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