Siena, May not be a breeze but I'm looking forward to playing Georgetown



Crush Em Kiffin
Sep 9, 2008
The Siena Saints will put up a fight tomorrow, they aren't too shabby of a basketball team with Senior Guard Kenny Hasbrouck and Junior Guard/Forward Edwin Ubiles leading the way and a very strong frontcourt along with some strong play in the paint also. Tennessee will play hard right back and run away towards the start of the 2nd half I believe and then comes the showdown, I've been thinking about since the bracket of the Old Spice Classic was announced and that is Georgetown. Interested to see what Tennessee does with the first real threat/competition of the year. Nontheless the team chemistry will be flowing tomorrow and they will be fired up and ready to go. It is on and happy thanksgiving to everyone and GO NOTRE DAME!!!! Tonight, as I hope they beat UNC and shatter their dreams so early in the year.
The Siena Saints will put up a fight tomorrow, they aren't too shabby of a basketball team with Senior Guard Kenny Hasbrouck and Junior Guard/Forward Edwin Ubiles leading the way and a very strong frontcourt along with some strong play in the paint also. Tennessee will play hard right back and run away towards the start of the 2nd half I believe and then comes the showdown, I've been thinking about since the bracket of the Old Spice Classic was announced and that is Georgetown. Interested to see what Tennessee does with the first real threat/competition of the year. Nontheless the team chemistry will be flowing tomorrow and they will be fired up and ready to go. It is on and happy thanksgiving to everyone and GO NOTRE DAME!!!! Tonight, as I hope they beat UNC and shatter their dreams so early in the year.

Siena is the first real threat/competition, not Georgetown. We could very well lose.
A lot of people haven't faced the realization that we could play Friday morning at 10:30 against Wichita State. That's still a possible scenario.
Go Vols! Beagt Georgetown. This team really does look good and exciting to watch. Bruce Pearl is such a super basketball coach. Praying we get a great football hire like Pearl has been in bball.
Good call...Ye of little faith.

Are you serious? If so - stop posting on message boards No one - I mean no one that isn't a complete blind homer - believed we'd play like that against them today. They are a good team. This same starting 5 beat Vandy by 20.. a team that sent us home with our short #1 ranking last year.

Excuse us for being realistic and realizing Tennessee isn't the best in every sports just because we're fans of the team.
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Whining =/= crying. You even fail at emoticons.

And, yes, I'm whining that we beat a good team by double digits. You make Lou Holtz look objective, homer.
It must make you feel big to set behind your computer and call people names...huh

Homer doesn't have to be negative - Larry Munson embraces the term - so I'm not sure how your statement fits. And you don't have to respond to this thread.

Once again, excuse me for having a level head on my shoulders and not being blinded - realizing that Tennessee isn't the only school that plays basketball.
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