SIAP John Crompton tells Bama fans...

ah the true fan card. Nice

can you admit Kiffin helped Crompton become a serviceable QB for the first time in his UT career?

he said nothing about UT and was simply talking about his former coach. Seems your issue should be with Kiffin and not Crompton

Peyton goes to work with Cutcliffe in the offseason and gives him credit for his success. He openly supports Cutcliffe as a great QB coach. Should he stop doing that?

Good point about Cutcliffe.
As a UCLA-UT alum, it was tremendous fun to watch Kiffin at SC. Ed O can coach circles around Kiffin... and did. I hated to see Kiffin get the boot, but can't wait to see LAyla doing Tuscaloosa. Priceless.
I would have loved to of seen what kiffin could have done with 4 years of Tyler Bray...

Crompton should hate him simply for this cheap shot.
Kiffin is obviously a very good coach. You don't pass all of Raiders, UT, USC, and Saban interviews and get hired without being a good coach. I hate how he left UT but don't blame him as much as many others do - he went to his dream job in his home state so I can understand that - and while he was here he pulled all the stops to win - so can't blame him for lack of effort either. Of course he did it his way which many did not appreciate - but only after he left some of our hypocritical fans really started questioning his methods - it was not a problem when he was annoying everyone else in the SEC - at least that's how I remember it.
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He was a goat for sure. I just don't get the hate

I don't get the hate for anyone during the Dooley era. Honestly like I said the other night in a different post when Kiffin left I knew it was going to get bad just didn't know how bad Dooley's 3 years described perfectly what kind of shape the UT football program was in when Kiffin left CONFUSED and HELPLESS.:cray:
In all honesty, Kiffin did help Crompton.

Crompton went from a definate NFL free agent on the practice squad to a 5th round selection with Kiffin/Chaney as his coach in one season.

Imagine if he had Kiffin/Chaney for a second season...
can you admit Kiffin helped Crompton become a serviceable QB for the first time in his UT career?

Crompton was a 5 star who had all the talent in the world to be a great CFB QB and NFL QB. If Kiffin had really done as much as everyone thinks or even as much as Crompton attributes to him there's no way Crompton would be playing with the Edmonton Eskimos nor would he have been a 5th rounder immediately cut by the Chargers, the Pats, the Buccs, and finally the Redskins -- cut by every single one before he wound up in Canada.

I understand Cromp was low and that a certain element of the fanbase didn't like him or sent him hate mail. I also understand that at the same time he had some comparative success under Kiffin and he's probably grateful Kiffin gave him a shot. However, with Crompton's physical gifts, Kiffin should've been able to make something out of them that's far beyond 'serviceable.' Kiffin didn't.

Crompton was also senior who had gained experience and for all we know that had far more to do with becoming serviceable than anything else. And let's be real for a moment, he had an incredible UGA game but 27 tds and 13 ints is pretty bad for senior with the talent Crompton had. And let's not forget UGA was unranked (3-2 when we played them).

I understand Crompton saying 'thanks for giving me a chance' but I just don't see that Kiffin helped him nearly as much as the hype would have us all believe nor nearly as much as Crompton thinks Kiffin did. There's just not much proof of that.
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Cromp never was the sharpest knife in the drawer. All his problems were mental not talent based. But if he thinks Kiffy had something to do with him coming out of his slump that's his right. Going so far as to say Kiffy has players' backs is absurd based on what we know of him but he has a right to his opinion, misguided though it may be.

First, this applies to any fan. When you're full of bile and spite, you tend to hold grudges and are blind to any good in the object of the spite.

Second, Crompton was a player under the Kiffin regime. None of the rest of us whether viilifying JC or LK were on the team or being coached. If Crompton says LK was the cause of his improvement, he's in perfect position to know. After all, it was he and not any of us who were there and being coached.

When he says LK has "your" back, he may very well be referring to his UT career. The horrible and disgusting stuff hurled his way completely killed his confidence. This was actually commented on during the Florida game. Even a departing coach told LK to make BJ Coleman the QB. A vote of no confidence if there ever was one. LK stood by JC despite the howls of hateful words and dislike spewed at him by many. He took a QB who was a psychological wreck and patched him together. Made him a better QB than he had ever been previously.

I'm not exactly what you'd call happy to see JC addressing Bama fans on LK. I think LK actually asked JC to do this but no matter, I'm not happy about it. BUT, I got sense enough, and respect enough to understand JC has a right to his opinion just as much as I or anyone else does. It certainly is no reason for me or anyone to get so riled up they practically want to go to war about it. What it does do is make me hope all the more that the Butch Boys skin Bama and use the pelt as a door matte in front of some of those outdoor toilets you see on gameday. Or better yet, cut it into strips for use after you've done your business in one of those johns.
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I see why he has his opinion, but to say things like that is basically telling any future QB prospects to play for Bama IMO. That's why I have a problem with this.

So you have a problem with Manning for basically telling recruits to go play for Duke?
Crompton was a 5 star who had all the talent in the world to be a great CFB QB and NFL QB. If Kiffin had really done as much as everyone thinks or even as much as Crompton attributes to him there's no way Crompton would be playing with the Edmonton Eskimos nor would he have been a 5th rounder immediately cut by the Chargers, the Pats, the Buccs, and finally the Redskins -- cut by every single one before he wound up in Canada.

I understand Cromp was low and that a certain element of the fanbase didn't like him or sent him hate mail. I also understand that at the same time he had some comparative success under Kiffin and he's probably grateful Kiffin gave him a shot. However, with Crompton's physical gifts, Kiffin should've been able to make something out of them that's far beyond 'serviceable.' Kiffin didn't.

Crompton was also senior who had gained experience and for all we know that had far more to do with becoming serviceable than anything else. And let's be real for a moment, he had an incredible UGA game but 27 tds and 13 ints is pretty bad for senior with the talent Crompton had. And let's not forget UGA was unranked (3-2 when we played them).

I understand Crompton saying 'thanks for giving me a chance' but I just don't see that Kiffin helped him nearly as much as the hype would have us all believe nor nearly as much as Crompton thinks Kiffin did. There's just not much proof of that.

that's a whole lot of guessing based off one recruiting analysis (and not even the good site)

Kiffin made Crompton into a serviceable college QB and got him looks from the pros. Trying to say he was a future NFL QB based on his HS days is ludicrous
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ah the true fan card. Nice

can you admit Kiffin helped Crompton become a serviceable QB for the first time in his UT career?

he said nothing about UT and was simply talking about his former coach. Seems your issue should be with Kiffin and not Crompton

Peyton goes to work with Cutcliffe in the offseason and gives him credit for his success. He openly supports Cutcliffe as a great QB coach. Should he stop doing that?

Didn't realize PJ beat me to it. Sorry.
So you have a problem with Manning for basically telling recruits to go play for Duke?

Show me one quote where he has done that. As I've stated, my problem is not with a player giving credit to a coach, but with a player implying that recruits should go play for a rival.
I wish Kiffin were still the coach at Tennessee. He coached us through the best season we've had in 6 years and was a FG away from beating Bama... that might have been the biggest upset in Tennessee football history. I think he's a good coach.

Glad we have Butch though.

Layla I told you to stay off Volnation....
First, this applies to any fan. When you're full of bile and spite, you tend to hold grudges and are blind to any good in the object of the spite.

Second, Crompton was a player under the Kiffin regime. None of the rest of us whether viilifying JC or LK were on the team or being coached. If Crompton says LK was the cause of his improvement, he's in perfect position to know. After all, it was he and not any of us who were there and being coached.

When he says LK has "your" back, he may very well be referring to his UT career. The horrible and disgusting stuff hurled his way completely killed his confidence. This was actually commented on during the Florida game. Even a departing coach told LK to make BJ Coleman the QB. A vote of no confidence if there ever was one. LK stood by JC despite the howls of hateful words and dislike spewed at him by many. He took a QB who was a psychological wreck and patched him together. Made him a better QB than he had ever been previously.

I'm not exactly what you'd call happy to see JC addressing Bama fans on LK. I think LK actually asked JC to do this but no matter, I'm not happy about it. BUT, I got sense enough, and respect enough to understand JC has a right to his opinion just as much as I or anyone else does. It certainly is no reason for me or anyone to get so riled up they practically want to go to war about it. What it does do is make me hope all the more that the Butch Boys skin Bama and use the pelt as a door matte in front of some of those outdoor toilets you see on gameday. Or better yet, cut it into strips for use after you've done your business in one of those johns.

1. I'm not full of bile and spite, especially not towards Cromp nor did I ever hurl any negative remarks his way when he played here (Bama hiring Kiff amuses me to no end but that's about it). However, Crompton was most certainly a mental/head case -- he had all the tools just couldn't get his mind in the game to reach his potential. Cromp never did come across as very sharp but that's not an opinion based on dislike of either Crompton or Kiffin.

2. Crompton knows that coach gave him PT. He left when Kiffin left so saying 'he has your back' is a reach at best as he's applying it beyond his own experience and making a rather broad generalization about who Kiffin is and how he behaves towards all his players.

2a. The no-confidence vote may sound harsh but objectively Crompton probably warranted it given his inability to get it together. He also may not have warranted it but I doubt any coach wrote him off just to be mean.

2b. I don't buy that Kiffin made Crompton better. Crompton was a senior who gained experience and when you look at how he played under Kiffin it was better but only marginally and still sporadic. Having no confidence in your own abilities typically lends you to writing off what you did in favor of saying someone else (in this case, Kiffin) was responsible. IMO, if Kiffin were as good as advertised then he'd have found a way to help him overcome and/or overachieve on a consistent basis. With Crompton you could see the talent there just waiting to be unlocked and yet Kiffin never did unlock it, although again Crompton had an outstanding game against UGA -- a flash of what he could've been with someone who could reach him. He showed those flashes his entire career.

3. I said he has a right to his opinion regarding Kiffin 'standing by players' however misguided it may be and also said I appreciated his opinion that Kiffin changed him. He believes that and that's fine.

Again what Kiffin DID do is give Crompton a chance and for that I can appreciate Crompton's praise but the rest is something that is more thankful on Crompton's end for that chance than convincing regarding what Kiffin did, does, or who he is.
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Crompton was a 5 star who had all the talent in the world to be a great CFB QB and NFL QB. If Kiffin had really done as much as everyone thinks or even as much as Crompton attributes to him there's no way Crompton would be playing with the Edmonton Eskimos nor would he have been a 5th rounder immediately cut by the Chargers, the Pats, the Buccs, and finally the Redskins -- cut by every single one before he wound up in Canada.

I understand Cromp was low and that a certain element of the fanbase didn't like him or sent him hate mail. I also understand that at the same time he had some comparative success under Kiffin and he's probably grateful Kiffin gave him a shot. However, with Crompton's physical gifts, Kiffin should've been able to make something out of them that's far beyond 'serviceable.' Kiffin didn't.

Crompton was also senior who had gained experience and for all we know that had far more to do with becoming serviceable than anything else. And let's be real for a moment, he had an incredible UGA game but 27 tds and 13 ints is pretty bad for senior with the talent Crompton had. And let's not forget UGA was unranked (3-2 when we played them).

I understand Crompton saying 'thanks for giving me a chance' but I just don't see that Kiffin helped him nearly as much as the hype would have us all believe nor nearly as much as Crompton thinks Kiffin did. There's just not much proof of that.

My understanding is that NFL people regarded Fulmer's players as not having been coached up. In any case LK got JC for a single season. There's only so much you can do in one season, especially with a downtrodden player who needs mental building as well as being taught the fundamentals of QB-ing. Like I said, JC was there and we were not. So his grasp on LK's level of influence carries more weight than the biased speculation spewed here.
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Joey Mathews and CJ Leak caught a lot of grief, maybe because their families produced more BS than they did plays on the field

Gerald Jones ticked a lot of folks off after his senior season by helping Trooper Taylor steer Gabe Wright to Auburn
I agree with Cromp - the crap he and his family took from grown 'men' in and from the stands was unreal wouldnt wish that upon my worse enemy.

As far as CLK I think its funny all these sports writers mention Crompton and Lienart, but fail to mention him chasing off Petty,Boyd and even Coleman. Miss-evaluating Newton, not sure we had a great chance on him anyway. The decline of Barkel, Wittek and Kessler.

He f'ed and mismanaged more QB's than he fixed. Not to mention the kudos for Leinarts development range from Carroll to Chow to Sark to Kiffin.
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My understanding is that NFL people regarded Fulmer's players as not having been coached up. In any case LK got JC for a single season. There's only so much you can do in one season, especially with a downtrodden player who needs mental building as well as being taught the fundamentals of QB-ing. Like I said, JC was there and we were not. So his grasp on LK's level of influence carries more weight than the biased speculation spewed here.

Two things: 1. if someone gives you a chance when you know you probably deserve to ride the pine or even if they just give you chance period then more likely than not you're going to be grateful/say nice things about the person 2. when your self-esteem is shot or you're having any mental blocks (emotional/self-esteem wise/etc.) or even if you're, as you put it, 'downtrodden' you're more apt to give credit to others when you succeeed. Those with low self-esteem are notorious for never thinking they can do it. They can't fathom that they might actually be good at something or improve at something and have a tendency to give credit to others when more often than not they did it themselves with no more help than someone saying 'you can (or will) do this.' They forget their accomplishments as soon as they happen and write off their talent. That's why low self-esteem can be so darned destructive.

I'm not sure on the NFL thing but Fulmer's players did pretty darn well for themselves in the Pros, imo as did a few of Kiffin's (if one year can be counted as making them such). Still I see that side of the debate as a red herring at worst and just a waste of time at best. Just something that will just run everyone in circles if we choose to engage it, especially given the counterpoints that could be brought up regarding Kiffin's USC players. That's just an endless cycle of madness where folks can argue either side ad nauseum.
I agree with Cromp - the crap he and his family took from grown 'men' in and from the stands was unreal wouldnt wish that upon my worse enemy.

As far as CLK I think its funny all these sports writers mention Crompton and Lienart, but fail to mention him chasing off Petty,Boyd and even Coleman. Miss-evaluating Newton, not sure we had a great chance on him anyway. The decline of Barkel, Wittek and Kessler.

He f'ed and mismanaged more QB's than he fixed. Not to mention the kudos for Leinarts development range from Carroll to Chow to Sark to Kiffin.

yea but Im sure they were all well paid for their misfortune
Was he ever able to grow that stache out?...bigger work in progress than his career.
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This. Not surprising Crompton has a favorable view of Kiffin.

That said, Crompton is obviously not a VFL. :)

There is a very little difference between VFL and NFL ,just a single stroke of the pen. Kiffin made Crompton from VFL to NFL, so I agree -- he should praise the man.

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