Sex assaults in Cologne on New Year's Eve

Is it me or does any issuance of a "warning" not pretty much acknowledging an issue? And once an issue is identified shouldn't it be directly addressed?

This seems tantamount to someone putting a beware of dog sign in your yard to warn you about what their dogs might do to you and yours on your property. Methinks it'd be time for a really, REALLY serious sit down with that neighbor and explain, in careful detail, how that's not a tenable situation. The issue is going to be sufficiently clarified or we're going to start shooting the dogs.

You're going to be in big trouble with those firearms in Germany. I think you better go ME style with an old fashioned stoning. Or go Brazilian with a machete.
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You're going to be in big trouble with those firearms in Germany. I think you better go ME style with an old fashioned stoning. Or go Brazilian with a machete.

Getting a Brazillian with a machete does sound like a pretty damn serious penalty. :)
Alright I'm obviously not making myself clear and my criticism of European immigration policies is being taken that I support rape among elementary school playgrounds. For the record, I think Muslims raping German women is wrong. And now I'll take my leave.

This has nothing to do with disenfranchisement or feelings of isolation and EVERYTHING to do with their culture. In their home countries this is acceptable practice. Women are equal to dogs. Men can do whatever they want to them. They can't drive, they can't be in public alone with men they don't know, they can't eat in the same part of a restaurant as men. This is how they operate at home, they've just brought a bit of the old country with them to Germany. Immigration is good when those immigrating bring new thoughts or skills or something to the table. These people bring nothing but 12th century world views. And they've obviously gotten it in their heads that the world at large owes them something. Death to the west, but give us homes and jobs and money.
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This has nothing to do with disenfranchisement or feelings of isolation and EVERYTHING to do with their culture. In their home countries this is acceptable practice. Women are equal to dogs. Men can do whatever they want to them. They can't drive, they can't be in public alone with men they don't know, they can't eat in the same part of a restaurant as men. This is how they operate at home, they've just brought a bit of the old country with them to Germany. Immigration is good when those immigrating bring new thoughts or skills or something to the table. These people bring nothing but 12th century world views. And they've obviously gotten it in their heads that the world at large owes them something. Death to the west, but give us homes and jobs and money.

So basically they're just like the low information voters
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Angela Merkel: German Chancellor Proposes Tougher Migration Laws Following Cologne Attacks
The proposal would allow authorities to deny asylum and deport refugees and asylum seekers who are convicted of crimes. At least 22 migrants allegedly assaulted women in Germany on Dec. 31.

Migrants who commit crimes should lose their right to asylum, German chancellor Angela Merkel said on Saturday, toughening her tone as crowds gathered in Cologne angered by mass assaults on women on New Year's Eve.

Cologne attacks: Merkel proposes tougher migrant laws - BBC News
Ralf Jaeger, German interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, has said that “what happens on the right-wing platforms and in chat rooms is at least as awful as the acts of those assaulting the women.”

Jaeger was distressed that the multiple sex attacks on German women by men of “Arab or North African” appearance in Cologne on New Year’s Eve might bolster the arguments of anti-immigration campaigners. “This is poisoning the climate of our society,” he said.

I have a lot of faith in Germany's future when it's ruled by people like this guy who will stand up for people's rights. Not.
So this happened to avoid what? What's the thought process behind letting Them in? I will not let anyone in my house I don't want to be there, if you come in unwelcomed you will pay the ultimate sacrifice, and my neighbors will hear the ring and understand what happened and why, the government will understand and have to adapt to my (Our) way of defending our homes. Or else.

Why are the citizens of these European countries allowing this to happen? Have they not forgotten about WW2?

Ww3 is on the rise and the roles are switched, ideas are different, tactics have changed, an Army will not save you. Stand together against this radical movement or lay down and surrender to an inferior trash of a society.

These videos with the Muslim women recording and laughing at Women being raped is a precursor to what is to come. Things will get worse if the Europeans don't do something fast.

Who is involved in this agreement of societies merging refugees from a religion built and practiced on the destruction of women?

Did someone really think this was a good idea?

Lock and load brothers ! This fight is in our hands , we have unalienable rights, given to us by us, yes I understand this new day and age contains opinions ideaology that threatens our very existence but we must ensure our own freedom.

Don't let them in, simple.

Who are we to allow this to happen on our soil? That we work so hard for?

Tell the new "kid" to gtfo. He has a home, he destroyed his home and must rebuild it himself.

At the same time we need to combat our violence-crime issues.
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Surely there is a solution between ban them all and let them all in.

Yeah, but genocide is frowned upon. It will be used to take control over the entire world by a world order. The United States has already taken measures so it will be a smooth process.
Agenda 21, FEMA, national weather service purchasing millions of rounds of ammo and firearms, more ammo being bought and hoarded daily by our governments, along with food stores, water filtration, antibiotics, morphine, Walmart doesn't "need" anymore stores but they continually build (Whitten rd @ I40, between 2 walmarts only 10 minutes apart)

Not to mention train cars with shackles.
Yeah, but genocide is frowned upon. It will be used to take control over the entire world by a world order. The United States has already taken measures so it will be a smooth process.
Agenda 21, FEMA, national weather service purchasing millions of rounds of ammo and firearms, more ammo being bought and hoarded daily by our governments, along with food stores, water filtration, antibiotics, morphine, Walmart doesn't "need" anymore stores but they continually build (Whitten rd @ I40, between 2 walmarts only 10 minutes apart)

Not to mention train cars with shackles.

Good grief.
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When you read articles like this giving credence to beliefs that police in some European nations cannot be trusted to protect citizens from migrant criminals...

Police in Sweden accused of hushing up asylum seeker assaults at festival - Telegraph

You start seeing things like this...

Germany protesters demonstrate in Leipzig over influx of migrants | Daily Mail Online

Two Pakistani nationals were admitted to hospital after six men were attacked by a mob of 20 people near the city's main train station - the scene of the New Years Eve attacks - on Sunday.

If a nation's people see their elected officials failing to enforce the law, then some of them will take the law into their own hands and enforce it in their absence. It isn't fair to those immigrants who are innocent; they suffer as much from the indifference of the political class as the natives who are primary targets of the thuggish element who have been allowed inside. Both innocent elements of the equation, native-born and foreign newcomers, deserve better than a government refusing to enforce the law out of some fealty to ideologically-driven political correctness.

The middle-ground is to actually vet those who want to come into the nation and be highly selective in the process. A nation can benefit from immigration. But no nation on earth has ever benefitted from invasion by a mass element who hold their culture and society in contempt . Germany, Austria, Sweden, France, and others have merely submitted to invasion and are inheriting the maelstrom because of it. Those who have been intelligent regarding the process are those who have placed the emphasis on protecting the interests of those people who already reside within their borders.
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I will fight them for their secret government morphine

And nerve gas antidote, along with other biological weapon protection, radiation /iodine pills, why not stockpile this stuff? The government is you can to(maybe not narcotics).

Will they distribute among the population or only the 1%?
Who will be on their "list" for concentration?
And nerve gas antidote, along with other biological weapon protection, radiation /iodine pills, why not stockpile this stuff? The government is you can to(maybe not narcotics).

Will they distribute among the population or only the 1%?
Who will be on their "list" for concentration?
Yes, if **** hits the fan, we should probably maintain a concentrated level at all times.
When you read articles like this giving credence to beliefs that police in some European nations cannot be trusted to protect citizens from migrant criminals...

Police in Sweden accused of hushing up asylum seeker assaults at festival - Telegraph

You start seeing things like this...

Germany protesters demonstrate in Leipzig over influx of migrants | Daily Mail Online

If a nation's people see their elected officials failing to enforce the law, then some of them will take the law into their own hands and enforce it in their absence. It isn't fair to those immigrants who are innocent; they suffer as much from the indifference of the political class as the natives who are primary targets of the thuggish element who have been allowed inside. Both innocent elements of the equation, native-born and foreign newcomers, deserve better than a government refusing to enforce the law out of some fealty to ideologically-driven political correctness.

The middle-ground is to actually vet those who want to come into the nation and be highly selective in the process. A nation can benefit from immigration. But no nation on earth has ever benefitted from invasion by a mass element who hold their culture and society in contempt . Germany, Austria, Sweden, France, and others have merely submitted to invasion and are inheriting the maelstrom because of it. Those who have been intelligent regarding the process are those who have placed the emphasis on protecting the interests of those people who already reside within their borders.

The innocent migrants need to take action as well, to ensure they have a place to live. But how do we tell the difference? There's no screening process thorough enough to weed out the bad eggs.
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